At The Core is hosted by Walker Wildmon and Rick Green and can be heard each weekday from 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT on American Family Radio. Walker Wildmon serves as Vice President of Operations for American Family Association (AFA) and as a spokesperson for AFA and has been quoted by CNN, Fox News and other major news outlets. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors of AFA Action. Walker graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Political Science. He calls Tupelo, Mississippi home and is beginning to raise a family there. Walker and his wife Lexie are happily married with five children. Rick Green is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author, and radio host. He & his family travel the nation speaking on America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. Rick co-hosts the national daily radio program, WallBuilders Live!, with David Barton. Join Walker and Rick as they tackle the issues of the day from a biblical and constitutional perspective.
At The Core is hosted by Walker Wildmon and Rick Green and can be heard each weekday from 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT on American Family Radio. Walker Wildmon serves as Vice President of Operations for American Family Association (AFA) and as a spokesperson for AFA and has been quoted by CNN, Fox News and other major news outlets. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors of AFA Action. Walker graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Political Science. He calls Tupelo, Mississippi home and is beginning to raise a family there. Walker and his wife Lexie are happily married with five children. Rick Green is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author, and radio host. He & his family travel the nation speaking on America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. Rick co-hosts the national daily radio program, WallBuilders Live!, with David Barton. Join Walker and Rick as they tackle the issues of the day from a biblical and constitutional perspective.
0:00 - 15:00: The passing of the “Disrespect” for Marriage Act is explored
18:00 - 35:00: What needs to be done spiritually and practically for America to see a spiritual awakening? Callers share their thoughts
38:00 - 54:10: Judge Phil Ginn, Pres., SES president, urges Christians to have faith in Christ rather than unsatisfactory midterm elections; “Our country is standing at the precipice of a divide that has the capacity to destroy the very fiber of our existence as a nation”.
0:00 - 15:00: Kevin McCarthy, expected incoming Speaker of the House, is nail-biting as the Freedom Caucus holds out votes
18:00 - 35:00: “Destruction of Marriage” Act is covered at length. Callers weigh in
38:00 - 54:10: The Left controls virtually all media. What are Christians left with to counteract? Callers share their thoughts
0:00 - 15:00: The huge FTX financial scandal is delved into
18:00 - 35:00: Chelsea Wildmon, Assoc. Dir., AFA Foundation, join “THE CORE” to discuss the foundation’s EOY campaign for Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) Contact the Foundation @ 800-326-4543, ext 345
38:00 - 54:10: Sen Schumer says we’re under reproducing in the U. S. Gee, I wonder why?
0:00 - 15:00: AZ, among other key states, were left high and dry by the McConnell war chest
18:00 - 35:00: Callers weigh in on what went wrong with Republican candidates during the recent election
38:00 - 54:10: Becky Gerritson, Exec. Dir., Eagle Forum AL, brings us up to date on the recent verdict (Nov 14) of the DOJ subpoenas against their organization
0:00 - 15:00: Juan Ciscomanni, member-elect to the United States House of Representatives from Arizona's 6th congressional district, discusses his journey with Rick
18:00 - 35:00: Pastor Gus Booth, board-elect member to the Warroad School Board, Minnesota, joins Rick to speak on the path forward in Minnesota
38:00 - 54:10: Thanksgiving proclamations from our founders and statesman are shared
0:00 - 15:00: The F r a u d c i goes out as a hero…my, my, my!
18:00 - 35:00: Looks like incoming House speaker, Kevin McCarthy is going to look to remove some compromised House committee members. Callers weigh in
38:00 - 54:10: White House dismisses visiting the southern border as a political stunt. Callers weigh in
0:00 - 15:00: Trump, Twitter, and the Truth
18:00 - 35:00: In a handful of days back on Twitter, DJT already has 87.5M followers…and he hasn’t even tweeted yet! Callers weigh in
38:00 - 54:10: Callers continue to weigh in on the topics of the day
0:00 - 15:00: The Dems climate agenda is anti-God! Have you contemplated this perspective?
18:00 - 35:00: The Center for Security Policy’s Sr Fellow, Robert Spencer, joins Walker to weigh in on his publication, “Who Lost Afghanistan”?
38:00 - 54:10: Chris Woodward, AFN’s News Coord., brings us the stories of the week
0:00 - 15:00: There’s a new sheriff in town - Republicans announce investigation(s) of JoeB
18:00 - 35:00: Senate overrides JoeB’s E. O. COVID restrictions in a bipartisan vote of 62 to 36. Callers weigh in
38:00 - 54:10: Chris Woodward, AFN News Coord., joins Rick to bring us the, “Stories of the Week”
0:00 - 15:00: AZ, among other key states, were left high and dry by the McConnell war chest
18:00 - 35:00: Callers weigh in on what went wrong with Republican candidates during the recent election
38:00 - 54:10: Becky Gerritson, Exec. Dir., Eagle Forum AL, brings us up to date on the recent verdict (Nov 14) of the DOJ subpoenas against their organization
0:00 - 15:00: Pastor Robert Jeffress discusses his new book, “Eighteen Minutes with Jesus”
18:00 - 35:00: Sen Sam Brownback, former governor and senator from Kansas weighs in on ESG and how it’s affecting Americans’ lives
38:00 - 54:10: Stephen McDowell discusses economics and his new book, “Stewarding the Earth: A Biblical View of Economics
0:00 - 15:00: The Republican red “wave” is reexamined…so who’s to blame?
18:00 - 35:00: Alex Nsengimana, Operation Christmas Child Rep., joins us to elaborate on their mission of Samaritan's Purse
38:00 - 54:10: Todd Nettleton, Voice of the Martyrs Radio, joins Fred to discuss the plight of the Afghan Christians left behind
0:00 - 15:00: A further examination of the 2022 mid terms is made
18:00 - 35:00: Richard Walker, Exec Dir., Benjamin Rush Institute, discusses this NP supporting medical freedom for the next generation of doctors
38:00 - 54:10: Chris Woodward, AF News, News Coord., joins Walker to discuss his, “Stories of the Week”
0:00 - 15:00: Rick licks his wounds a bit on the missed “tsunami” call…but we’re not done yet
18:00 - 35:00: “Freedom is not something you innately want; slavery is much easier” Dennis Prager
38:00 - 54:10: Callers weigh in on today’s topics
0:00 - 15:00: Walker breaks down what has been revealed thus far from the mid term results
18:00 - 35:00: Our founding fathers expected us to have Election Day…not Election Week, nor month. Callers opinions are solicited from the mid term results of the various states
38:00 - 54:10: Kristan Hawkins, Pres. of Students for Life Assoc. (SFLA), discusses post-election results from SFLA’s perspective
0:00 - 15:00: Dems desperate going into the elections
18:00 - 35:00: When CNN AND Washington Post call JoeB a liar…callers share their thoughts
38:00 - 54:10: God’s people are ready for the battle…callers weigh in
0:00 - 15:00: Fuel costs hurting your pocketbook? Let’s take a stroll and see how JoeB got us here
18:00 - 35:00: Art Ally, CEO, Timothy Plan, wants Christians to know about how they might be funding their opponents, foreign and domestic, as many companies pursuing ESG policies invest heavily in China
38:00 - 54:10: Tim Barton, Pres.,, discusses Christian responsibilities relative to the upcoming midterms
0:00 - 15:00: The inadequacy of this current Administration is abominable
18:00 - 35:00: April Few, Communications Director, United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE,) is the protagonist in the film “Truth & Lies in American Education”
38:00 - 54:10: Chris Woodward, AFN News Coordinator, joins Walker to bring the, “Stories of the Week”
Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link here:
Deadline: November 4th
0:00 - 15:00: We’re days away from the turning point
18:00 - 35:00: Pastor Jack Hibbs joins Rick to discuss Gov Gavin Newsom’s ( D ) (CA), Proposition 1, an amendment to the state constitution, “Reproductive Freedom”, which would allow abortion from conception to birth day!
38:00 - 54:10: Discussion on California’s proposed constitution change with Pastor Jack HIbbs continues
Segment 2 Note -
Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter, visit the link here:
Deadline: November 4th
0:00 - 15:00: Remember to vote on Nov 8. Be aware that you can bring in your research material to the booth to make an informed decision
18:00 - 35:00: Wesley rejoins Walker to discuss the Orange Letter Campaign quickly coming to a close as well as Operation Christmas Child’s focus
38:00 - 54:10: Sam Adolphsen, Policy Dir, Foundation for Gov’t Accountability; expounds on his October 2022 article entitled, “Biden’s Medicaid Plans will Send the Program Completely Off the Rails”
Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link here:
Deadline: November 4th