At The Core

At The Core is hosted by Walker Wildmon and Rick Green and can be heard each weekday from 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT on American Family Radio. Walker Wildmon serves as Vice President of Operations for American Family Association (AFA) and as a spokesperson for AFA and has been quoted by CNN, Fox News and other major news outlets. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors of AFA Action. Walker graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Political Science. He calls Tupelo, Mississippi home and is beginning to raise a family there. Walker and his wife Lexie are happily married with four children. Rick Green is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author, and radio host. He & his family travel the nation speaking on America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. Rick co-hosts the national daily radio program, WallBuilders Live!, with David Barton. Join Walker and Rick as they tackle the issues of the day from a biblical and constitutional perspective.

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Episodes (784)
Page 18 of 40
Biblical and civic literacy is a must in the times we live
March 21, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  Biblical and civic literacy is a must in order to know when we’re being fooled 

18:00 - 35:00: Alan Dershowitz, the one-time impeachment lawyer for Donald Trump, said on Sunday that the former president will be able to get reelected in 2024 and run the country "from prison" if he is convicted. (Story by Thomas Kika, Newsweek, Sunday, March 19, 2023)  Callers weigh in

38:00 - 54:10:  Callers share their thoughts




Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76232
To what end is the “tentative” Trump indictment/arrest?
March 20, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  The Trump “tentative” arrest topic is broached 

18:00 - 35:00:  The Trump “indictment” discussion continues…callers weigh in    

38:00 - 54:10:  Callers continue to provide their thoughts    


Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76213
Fred highlights personal finance and how to help your church should “challenges” befall
March 17, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  Dr. Pastor Robert Jeffress,  Sr. Pastor of First Baptist Dallas Church joins us to highlight his current biblical personal financial mngmt series based on his new book, “The Solomon Secrets, 10 Keys to Your Success”  

18:00 - 35:00:  Theresa Sidebotham, Founder of Telios Law, PLLC, brings to light how to prevent ministry & church scandals, based on her book, "Handling Allegations in a Ministry." 

38:00 - 54:10:   Fred covers the highlights in the latest news cycle affecting our listeners







Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893

https://afa.net/events  AFA Foundation Townhall, April 20, 2023 6 - 8 PM CT in Tupelo, MS


ID: 76168
Rick broaches the topics of Nehemiah and contemporary land ownership, disparities between the two “sides” in America, as well as “ESG” and how the populace can push back
March 16, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:   Rabbi Daniel Lapin joins Rick to discuss Nehemiah’s outlook on land ownership and the contemporary perspective 

18:00 - 35:00:   Dr. George Barna of the Cultural Research Center enlightens us on the disparity chasm taking place in America

38:00 - 54:10:  TX State Senator Brian Hughes, District 1, speaks about “ESG” and how American can push back 





Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76157
Fred Jackson guest hosts “@THE CORE” addressing the failing state of our schools, our health system, and the banking and financial institutions
March 15, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  The state of Texas takes over the Houston public school system!  This affects ~200K students.  Which other state public school systems need overhauling?   

18:00 - 35:00:  Twila Brase, RN, Public Health Nurse, Pres., Co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, discusses the “shots” and their related consequences and digital health records

38:00 - 54:10:  Banking repercussions continue after the SVB collapse…callers weigh in 


Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76148
Those who make bad decisions…
March 14, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  Rick takes a deep dive on the economy and banking especially   

18:00 - 35:00:  Economic discussion continues with respect to constitutional authority; NYC Mayor Eric Adams weighs in on “his faith”.  Callers weigh in       

38:00 - 54:10:  Callers provide their thoughts on the economy



Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76133
The financial banking crisis takes center stage
March 13, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:   The craziness of the financial markets, and, specifically, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), is brought to light

18:00 - 35:00:  Noel Brewer Yeatts, Pres., World Help joins “THE CORE” to discuss how they’re working to end human trafficking with a current focus on Thailand and India       

38:00 - 54:10: The FDIC at its “core” is explained…hold on to your seat. 



Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76122
The “clot shot”, and its wide-ranging issues, is covered at length
March 10, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:   The  congressional hearing on the origins of the COFF virus is explored

18:00 - 35:00:  Dr. John Witcher, Emer Rm MD and MS Guber. Candidate for 2023 focuses on a  special session to investigate all things COVID in MS   

38:00 - 54:10:  Chris Woodward, News Coordinator with AFN.net,  joins us once again to bring us the, “Stories of the Week”





Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76096
Perspective provided on the Jan 6 footage recently released
March 09, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  There’s a wake up going on for all the areas of pain Christians and conservatives are experiencing…hang in there folks…it’s a good thing!

18:00 - 35:00:  Recruiting, for local police forces AND the military, is in dire straits.  Rick delves into the newly released Jan 6 riot footage       

38:00 - 54:10:  AR passes more groundbreaking legislation.  Thanks Sarah Huckabee Sanders!  Callers share their thoughts on today’s topics  


Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76094
The family unit is being assaulted under today’s construct of secular human sexuality
March 08, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  Laura Leigh Stanlake, Dir. Women’s Ministries at First Stone Ministries speaks of her personal testimony formerly in the LGBT community and her work with First Stone Ministries 

18:00 - 35:00: Stephen Black, Exec Dir., First Stone Ministries, OKC, OK, discusses the LGBT individual/lifestyle v ideology with Wesley and Walker

38:00 - 54:10:  Callers weigh in on the topic of the day



Spring Sharathon 2023:  Our Listener Story Line is:  877-876-8893


ID: 76082
Special guests join the show to discuss discriminatory handouts; some rather interesting polling data; and debilitating military readiness amongst young adults
March 07, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  Former Ohio Congressman Bob McEwen joins Rick to discuss how San Francisco is paying transgender individuals $1,200 PER MONTH!  Is this not discrimination?   

18:00 - 35:00:   Dr. Jeff Myers, Pres., Summit Ministries, discusses their upcoming student ministry conferences, some of his interesting polling data, as well as his new book, “Truth Changes Everything”

38:00 - 54:10:  Mighty Oaks President and Founder, Chad Robichaux joins “THE CORE” to discuss military readiness; ~77% of  17 - 24 year olds can’t qualify physically! 








ID: 76059
Liberal states are killing jobs and the working people of America lose.
March 06, 2023

0:00 - 15:00: Dr. Matt Ayers joins Walker live to talk about Wesley Biblical Seminary and what they are doing to hold the line on traditional Christianity. Walker poses the question of what we as the Church are doing right and wrong in America.

18:00 - 35:00: Doug Stroup of Make It Clear Studio discusses his near death traumatic brain injury and recovery with the help of Samaritan Ministries International. Doug tells us about his film career and the films he produces. Walker brings in a CNN clip of how liberal states are killing jobs.

38:00 - 54:10: The war on our system of government, corporations and the police is a disaster for working people in America and society is falling apart. Where is the Biden administration and the DOJ… too busy arresting pro-life supporters? Speaking the truth about the transgender issue drives the left to insanity. The new governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, passed a sweeping education reform package in the first few weeks of her administration.





ID: 76048
The COVID origin is now being revealed and coincidently the FBI now says it’s CHINA.
March 03, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:   The FBI leadership has gone rogue even though FBI agents on the ground disagree. Got any idea how much a trillion is? Green’s gone bad in California. Biden is dissing on natural gas. 

18:00 - 35:00:   The COVID origin is now being revealed and coincidently the FBI now says it’s CHINA. In 2021, NPR reported that that was bunk…will NPR admit their mistake? Jabbed victims are now reporting injuries. Pregnant mothers and babies suffered because the COVID jab was not studied. 

38:00 - 54:10:   Trump… DeSantis… the presidential field is getting interesting. Mississippi’s REAP Act outlaws the sexual mutilation of minors.  The country is on the slippery slope and our children are bound for the crash. Chocolate has gone woke.



ID: 76005
Rick explains how Biblical principles were used to found America.
March 02, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:   The Constitution is clear on the powers that the federal government is granted. Rick gives us a lesson on what the Founding Fathers envisioned.  The unconstitutional student loan forgiveness is Biden’s latest vote-grabbing move.

18:00 - 35:00:  The Texas cast of the Pfizer-whistleblower, who worked on testing the COVID jab, has big money behind it. States need to have their own “personality”. 

38:00 - 54:10:   The HERO Act is being abused by the Biden administration. Children do not need to be subjected to a required COVID jab. Biblical principles used to found America are explained. Callers weigh in.



ID: 75998
God created only two sexes… male and female… don’t be fooled. Satan is the author of confusion and deception.
March 01, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:   Mississippi now has a law to protect children from sexual mutilation. God created only two sexes… male and female… don’t be fooled. Satan is the author of confusion and deception.

18:00 - 35:00:  Wesley is in to preview the Marriage, Family, Life conference in July. “Activate” is the AFA worldview Biblical training and it’s coming soon. 

38:00 - 54:10:   Sheri Few, president of US Parents Involved in Education, discusses with Walker the status of American education… it’s a mess!!! There is a spiritual war being waged against our children. Parental control of their children’s education is pivotal. Sheri is promoting a tax credit for home school education. Callers weigh in. 




ID: 75975
America’s rejection of Biblical values has lead to our current dilemma. Good news is the tide is turning in America
February 28, 2023

0:00 - 15:00: The instruction manual for our life is the word of God! And it applies to all the aspects of our lives. The church needs to stand on the truth and quit falling for the lies. Biblical truths have not changed since creation.

18:00 - 35:00: Confrontation of evil is justifiable. America’s rejection of Biblical values has lead to our current dilemma. Good news is the tide is turning in America.

38:00 - 54:10: Politics in churches…Rick explains the deal. The Bible addresses politics so don’t be fooled. Biblical citizenship is a requirement for us. Callers weigh in.

ID: 75945
Why, why the inability to see reality on the part of the left?
February 27, 2023

0:00 - 15:00: Alex McFarland guest hosts today’s show. Disney has been on the slippery slope for years of ‘go woke… go broke’. “Why, why the inability to see reality on the part of the left?” Jimmy Carter is compared to Teddy Roosevelt.

18:00 - 35:00: Dr. Syed Haider discusses prescription protocols, lab testing protocols, supplements, lifestyle interventions, and alternative therapies for long haul COVID and vaccine injury patients.

38:00 - 54:10: Jameson Taylor, AFA Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, brings an update on Mississippi bills that are designed to impact child abuse and how pornography effects our school children. Caller weigh in.





ID: 75931
Juliane Appling, President of Wisconsin Family Actions on how the DOJ is abusing the FACE Act to silence Pro-Life advocates.
February 24, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  SBC investigating allegations of abuse, much less hiring a secular company to investigate is fraught with pitfalls.  

18:00 - 35:00:  Juliane Appling, President of Wisconsin Family Actions joins Walker to shed light on how authorities are dragging their feet investigating attacks on WFA offices and how the DOJ is abusing the FACE Act to silence Pro-Life advocates.  

38:00 - 54:10:  Chris Woodward updates on stories on how several states are moving to ban “gender manipulations.” Missouri AG is working to fire the St. Louis DA. Kansas is threatening to sue Walgreens for illegally selling abortion pills and the drug chain is backing down. Is Biden running or not running… his recent actions don’t bode well for him.

ID: 75909
Disrespecting human life, constitutional free speech, and a surprise are all covered on “THE CORE”
February 23, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:   Bishop Jim Lowe is the Senior Pastor of The Guiding Light Church in Birmingham, Alabama. He has frequently stated his intention is not to have people merely attend church but to become disciples in the church.  He joins “THE CORE” to discuss the disrespect for human life

18:00 - 35:00:  Maddison Farris, former editor-in-chief of OSU’s newspaper, was forced to resign when she posted a column stating that, per Oklahoma state law, students cannot be required to wear masks.  She speaks on Speech First’s lawsuit against OSU’ violations of the first and 14th amendments to the US Constitution

38:00 - 54:10:  Daniel Dreisbach, professor at American University, tells us all about an open Bible discovered in a painting that hangs in our nation’s capitol, depicting the signing of the US Constitution.   








ID: 75869
A Tale of Two Andys
February 22, 2023

0:00 - 15:00:  The State of Mississippi is busy passing legislation greatly affirming Scripture…praise God!

18:00 - 35:00:   Wesley joins THE CORE to discuss how the church strays brazenly

38:00 - 54:10:  Dr. Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist managing the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the ”jabs”.  He discusses  recovery protocols and cardiac issues surrounding these shots








ID: 75885
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
©2024 - American Family Radio is a ministry division of American Family Association