At The Core is hosted by Walker Wildmon and Rick Green and can be heard each weekday from 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT on American Family Radio. Walker Wildmon serves as Vice President of Operations for American Family Association (AFA) and as a spokesperson for AFA and has been quoted by CNN, Fox News and other major news outlets. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors of AFA Action. Walker graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Political Science. He calls Tupelo, Mississippi home and is beginning to raise a family there. Walker and his wife Lexie are happily married with four children. Rick Green is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author, and radio host. He & his family travel the nation speaking on America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. Rick co-hosts the national daily radio program, WallBuilders Live!, with David Barton. Join Walker and Rick as they tackle the issues of the day from a biblical and constitutional perspective.
At The Core is hosted by Walker Wildmon and Rick Green and can be heard each weekday from 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT on American Family Radio. Walker Wildmon serves as Vice President of Operations for American Family Association (AFA) and as a spokesperson for AFA and has been quoted by CNN, Fox News and other major news outlets. He also serves as Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors of AFA Action. Walker graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Political Science. He calls Tupelo, Mississippi home and is beginning to raise a family there. Walker and his wife Lexie are happily married with four children. Rick Green is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author, and radio host. He & his family travel the nation speaking on America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. Rick co-hosts the national daily radio program, WallBuilders Live!, with David Barton. Join Walker and Rick as they tackle the issues of the day from a biblical and constitutional perspective.
0:00 - 15:00: Our troubles on the border have been going on for a long time. The system is really not working as opposed to being broken. Sec. Mayorkas, it’s not about immigration… it’s about criminal activity.
18:00 - 35:00: The “Dr Nurse Mama” Dr. Jessica Peck joins Walker to discuss her new podcast at AFR.NET. Kids are listening. Watch what you say, parents. Dr. Peck reveals some helpful tips on parenting. Don't miss next week's podcast on pornography. Biden's financials just keep on keeping on… it’s worse than we expected.
38:00 - 54:10: Title 42 ended last night. What is the Biden administration doing to stem the surge? In 2019 AOC said the world will end in 12 years… EPA issues new regulations for 2039…seven years after the “world would end.”
0:00 - 15:00: Rick explains that it’s not enough for us just to talk; we have to take action in our community. The border issues were completely preventable. An understanding of Biblical citizenship is required of us.
18:00 - 35:00: Rep. Comer’s House Oversight Committee enlightened us on the Biden family shady business dealings. Matt Staver of Liberty Council updates us on the child mutilation propagated by the medical community. And now more disorders are discussed.
38:00 - 54:10: TX State Sen. Phil King reports on the bill requiring the displaying the 10 Commandments in TX schools.
0:00 - 15:00: The southern border is NOT secure! Migrants say they’re paying $1500 to cross the border. Add to this the debt ceiling talks and Rep. Comer’s House Oversight Committee investigation into the Biden family money deals with foreign entities.
18:00 - 35:00: The House Oversight Committee news conference is NOWHERE to be found on mainstream media. China (CCP) is all over Biden's deals. Now the Justice Department whistleblower comes along and DOJ has known for three years. We need AFN more and more everyday.
38:00 - 54:10: Timothy P. Mahoney joins Fred Jackson to discuss his film “Journey to Mt. Sinai Part 2” and his future films about other places described in the Bible.
0:00 - 15:00: Cheating? They did it and they will do it again. Bill Maher is making more sense… check my temp! We are teaching our kids to hate America. Rick explains the 2016 election in the light of the US Constitution. There are ways to ensure a fair election.
18:00 - 35:00: Jean-Pierre at the White House says we have to make our car payments… right after forgiving student loans to astronomical levels. It’s a clown show!! Our current border issues are created by Joe Biden… Period! Gov. Abbot needs to step-up to stem the flood.
38:00 - 54:10: The Biden Admin tells the Border Patrol to just let the illegals go even though we don’t need Title 42 to send them back. Listeners weigh-in on the conversation.
0:00 - 15:00: Lawlessness is becoming rampant seemingly everywhere
18:00 - 35:00: MS State Senator Chris McDaniel provides his background and discussion in running for Lt Governor of Mississippi in the fall
38:00 - 54:10: Lee Watson, Foster Care Chaplain and Advocate as well as Founder/CEO for Frontline Families Advocacy (FLFA joins THE CORE. Lee talks about how he began the non profit organization to help advocate for foster children and families. Through this, God opened the door to participate in the legislative proceedings of MS HB510 Foster Parent Bill of Rights.
0:00 - 15:00: Fox News Corp ratings/stock value has dropped precipitously since Tucker’s “mutually agreed upon” release
18:00 - 35:00: Teresa Krager, former kindergarten and 1st grade teacher, provides her member testimonial with Samaritan Ministries and her pro-life picture book, “Before Your Birth Day” as well as a few of Teresa’s other writings
38:00 - 54:10: Chris Woodward,, News Coord., brings us the latest and greatest, “Stories of the Week”
0:00 - 15:00: Patti Garibay sheds light on her testimony and the American Heritage Girls organization with Rick while at the Texas Homeschool Coalition Convention
18:00 - 35:00: Discussion continues with Patti Garibay
38:00 - 54:10: Justin Haskins, Dir., Socialism Research Center of the Heartland Institute joins Rick to highlight government’s control of our money
0:00 - 15:00: Bank failures with billions in assets continue…is there an end in sight…what will be the aftermath?
18:00 - 35:00: Wesley joins Walker to discuss, in depth, “Men of Honor”, its purpose and its FREE curriculum for you and/or your church groups, etc
38:00 - 54:10: J. Marc Wheat, Gen Counsel for Advancing American Freedom, sheds light on the SCOTUS amicus brief stay on the abortion drug, Mifepristone. Callers weigh in
0:00 - 15:00: Even secular rock bands get it!
18:00 - 35:00: The vaxx results aren’t as rosy as the Feds want us to believe. Let the truth be unveiled
38:00 - 54:10: TX AG Paxton takes on Big Pharma!
0:00 - 15:00: The ongoing calamity and tragedy that is minors and their exploitation at the southern border
18:00 - 35:00: Brad Hopp, Samaritan Ministries Member, discusses his personal experiences with Samaritan Ministries as well as rescuing/helping human trafficking victims in Asia
38:00 - 54:10: Jon Schweppe, Dir of Policy, American Principles Project and a Title IX Network consultant for Stop Abusive and Violent Environments(SAVE), speaks about protections of transgender women and their infiltration into women’s sports
0:00 - 15:00: Worldly justice and biblical justice are not one in the same
18:00 - 35:00: Ret Army Col John Mills joins us to discuss his new book as well as China working to blockade Taiwan; total absence of adults or diplomacy within the Biden administration; as well as countries fleeing the US Dollar
38:00 - 54:10: Chris Woodward,, News Coord., once again brings his news menu serving the, “Stories of the Week”
0:00 - 15:00: We see leaders making the opposite decisions of what our forefathers made
18:00 - 35:00: What’s going on with Tucker…with RFK, Jr?
38:00 - 54:10: Dr. Jessica Peck highlights her new podcast “DrNurseMama” exclusively on AFR
0:00 - 15:00: Focus is on the debt ceiling. It has to happen…but we have to pull the reins in on the pocketbook going forward
18:00 - 35:00: Wesley joins Walker to highlight tours at the new AFA HQs; the MFL Conference 2023; AFA @ The Ark; and the Men of Honor initiative and curriculum
38:00 - 54:10: Dr. Adam Rasmussen, Prof., Humanities @ ACU; Fellow at the Cultural Research Center highlights their recent study, “Biblical Worldview Shows Significant Change Since the Start of the Pandemic” - among U.S. adults, it’s down 33% since the start of the COVID pandemic. Callers weigh in
Magnolia State – where 'moral, biblical' legislation becomes law ( - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.
0:00 - 15:00: Mark Meckler, Pres., Citizens for Self Governance, joins Rick for a 2-part interview about the upcoming rally to secure the southern border
18:00 - 35:00: Poignant discussion continues with Mark Meckler
38:00 - 54:10: David Tice, lead investor of Soul Surfer and brings to light “Grid Down, Power Up”, the documentary about the Texas winter power outage - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.
0:00 - 15:00: Walker Wildmon on the road in Jackson with a “boots on the ground” update of the obscenity on MS library databases bill and underaged internet access status progressing through the MS state legislature
18:00 - 35:00: Dr. Mark Sherwood, doctor of nutrition, former OK gubernatorial cand. in 2022, and 10-year SWAT team member discusses his 3-point safety plan to end: “Gun violence in schools…and how we stop it”
38:00 - 54:10: Ken Harrison, CEO, Promise Keepers presents his topics of: NHL/Pride and his new book, 'A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World' Named 2023 CLA Book of the Year! Ken weighs in on 6 NHL players recently opting out of wearing rainbow-colored jerseys on their teams' Pride night celebrations, leading the league's commissioner to say, “it is weighing the future of the events.” - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.
0:00 - 15:00: Criminals have a special place in the hearts of the left…
18:00 - 35:00: Pastor Allen Jackson, senior pastor of World Outreach Church since 1989 calls out government censorship and constitutional violations. He reminds us of the thought and spiritual discipline we need to have in order to withstand the ungodly and unbiblical ideas that permeate our culture. Pastor Jackson’s teaching program is carried on AFR. His most recent book is, “Big Trouble Ahead”
38:00 - 54:10: Chris Woodward,, News Coord, joins us once again to bring us the, “Stories of the Week” - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.
0:00 - 15:00: Steve Deace, radio host and podcaster on is also the Exec Producer and Writer of the movie, “Nefarious” and its challenges getting it made
18:00 - 35:00: Frank Gaffney, Exec Chairman and Founder of the Center for Security Policy outlines further the tenets of the Sovereignty Coalition against the W. H. O. and other global entities trying to get their tentacles into U. S. governance
38:00 - 54:10: Floyd Brown, founder of the conservative site, “The Western Journal”, discusses his latest book, “Counterpunch”, spiritual battles, and how to take back America peacefully - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.
0:00 - 15:00: Living in debt nationally and when does the “can kicking” stop?
18:00 - 35:00: Walker and Wesley speak with Bruce Marshall, a retired public school teacher now teaching for Lifewise Academy, and Joel Penton, CEO, LIfewise Academy, as they provide their blueprint for getting bible classes back in public schools.
38:00 - 54:10: Frank Gaffney, Exec Chair and Founder of the Center for Security Policy, rejoins “THE CORE” to provide insight on the Sovereignty Coalition, and the American Sovereignty Declaration, designed to thwart the tentacles of the W. H. O. and other global powers wishing to infiltrate U. S. sovereignty. Frank also mentions his new book, “Indictment”
White House: Federal Government Can 'Fill the Void' if There's a Credit Crunch ( - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.
0:00 - 15:00: The new home for the Patriot Academy is near!
18:00 - 35:00: Maria Hamilton, Dir., Youth Apologetics Track for the MFL Conference joins “THE CORE” to shed light on the various aspects of the Marriage, Family, Life Conference 2023
38:00 - 54:10: Callers weigh in on the day’s topics - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.
0:00 - 15:00: In Revelation remember, God will rise, have the final word, and we will be jubilant
18:00 - 35:00: Leadership and biblical morality is further explored
38:00 - 54:10: Brian Camenker, co-founder, pres., and exec dir. of, joins us to discuss their beginnings and current projects nationally and internationally - Ten Commandments Speech Contest 2023 🌞 We are inviting children and youth ages 6-18 to participate in this project. Speeches should be submitted by April 26, 2023. Participants are encouraged to write, record, and send their video speech as soon as they have an opportunity.