Faith & Finance

Airing live at 9am CST on American Family Radio, Faith & Finance with Rob West, along with special guests and financial experts, aims to provide biblical wisdom on a variety of financial topics as well as answers to call-in questions. Originating in 1988, Larry Burkett, co-founder of Christian Financial Concepts and Crown Financial Ministries, started a question-and-answer radio program with co-host Steve Moore called “Money Matters”. After Larry’s passing and homegoing in 2003, Crown’s other co-founder, Howard Dayton, became the new host and in 2011, Money Matters was transformed into MoneyWise by Howard’s new organization, Compass Finances God’s Way. In 2017, Kingdom Advisors (another organization Larry Burkett co-founded) acquired the MoneyWise radio broadcast ministry and in January 2023 the ministry changed it's name to Faith & Finance. Today, under the leadership of radio host Rob West, Faith & Finance can be found on your favorite podcast platform and on the AFR website and mobile app.

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Episodes (589)
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What Went Wrong?
June 14, 2023

The book of Proverbs reminds us that we should always seek God’s counsel in our affairs. That’s true, not only for individuals, but for nations as well. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with economist Jerry Bowyer about what happens when a nation ignores God’s plan. Then Rob will take your calls and answer the financial question on your mind.

ID: 77390
Christian Financial Planner Update
June 13, 2023

Do you like helping people get their finances in order? Maybe you have a gift for numbers? If so, then we have some good news for you. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will get an update from Kurt Cornfield about a career path for undergraduate students in Christian Financial Planning. Then Rob will answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77366
Generous Stewardship
June 12, 2023

2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” Christians have a calling to be generous. We’re also called to be faithful stewards. So what happens when those two virtues intersect? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk about generous stewardship. Then Rob will answer various financial questions.

ID: 77353
Using Home Equity to Save a Business
June 09, 2023

The Bible never calls borrowing a sin. On the other hand, God’s Word doesn’t have much good to say about debt. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will look at a situation where you might be tempted to borrow—but shouldn’t. Then he’ll answer some calls about various financial topics.

ID: 77314
Should All Your Giving Be in Secret?
June 08, 2023

Jesus told His disciples not to boast about their giving, but does that mean all our giving should be done in secret? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk to John Rinehart to find out if there are times when talking about your giving can be a good thing. Then Rob will answer some calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77312
Common Sense Spending Strategies
June 08, 2023

In this challenging economy, you may be finding it difficult to stay on budget. But the good news is—managing your money wisely doesn’t have to be complicated. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will offer a few common-sense strategies for saving money on three of your basic budget categories. Then he’ll answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77403
Stay in the Market or Go?
June 07, 2023

With all the ups and downs in the market, have you found yourself wondering lately if you should try your hand at investing elsewhere? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Cole Pearson about how to determine if you should stay in the market. Then Rob will answer some questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77300
The Heart of Christian Investing
June 06, 2023

Proverbs 28:20 promises a blessing when we put our faith in God. But what exactly does that blessing look like when it comes to investing? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Luke Bolton and explore what’s at the heart of Christian investing. Then Rob will answer questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77278
Helping Not Hurting
June 05, 2023

“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.” Psalm 82:3 That verse teaches that we should help the poor— and orphans especially— beyond simply providing the next meal or a place to sleep. We must also seek ways to lift the destitute out of poverty. Today on Faith and Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Mario Zandstra about that. Then Rob will answer listener questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77262
Vacation Maximization
June 02, 2023

The funny thing about vacations is we spend a lot of money on them, but then we’re never really sure how they’ll turn out. Often, we just hope they’ll be fun. So, is there a way to achieve “vacation maximization”? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with John Putnam about how you can tip the odds in your favor for a great vacation. Then Rob will answer a variety financial questions from our listeners.

ID: 77245
Hidden Costs of Credit Cards
June 01, 2023

Did you know that credit cards have three dimensions? Length, width, and debt. Today on Faith and Finance on AFR, host Rob West talks about credit cards. They can be a great tool— but they also carry some hidden costs that you should know about. Then he'll answer listener questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 77225
Surrender and Follow
May 31, 2023

There’s a cost to following Jesus. Our affluent western lifestyle can make us complacent and unwilling to accept that cost. But there are ways to avoid complacency. On the next Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Michael Blue about surrendering to follow Christ more fully. Then Rob will take some calls and answer various financial questions.

ID: 77207
Saving for Major Purchases
May 30, 2023

By planning and saving for things you know you’re going to need or want in the future, you can avoid taking out loans or going into debt with your credit cards. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will explain how taking certain steps can make saving for major purchases a lot easier. Then he’ll answer your calls and financial questions.

ID: 77192
Sacrifice Pays with a Mortgage
May 29, 2023

Some people are more concerned with the interest they’re getting on their savings account than they are with the interest they’re paying on their mortgage. But that’s a big financial mistake we should all avoid. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, Rob West will describe how sacrifice can have benefits when you’re trying to pay off your mortgage early. Then he’ll answer some calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77191
Kids that Honor God with Money, Part 2
May 26, 2023

We’re all fearfully and wonderfully made, but we’re not all alike. And those differences dictate how we do a lot of things, including managing our money. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will be joined by Matt Bell to talk about how those personality differences can affect the way our kids manage money.

ID: 77190
Rising Credit Card Interest Rates
May 25, 2023

If you’re carrying a balance on a credit card, do you know how much you’re paying in interest? Here’s a hint—it’s a lot more than you were last year. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Neile Simon about how you can fight back against rising credit card interest rates. Then Rob will answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77148
Grumbling About God’s Provision
May 24, 2023

One of our favorite complaints is that we don’t have enough money. But when we complain about that, aren’t we really grumbling about what God has graciously provided for us? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will remind us how we can avoid grumbling about God’s provision. Then he’ll take your calls and answer the financial questions on your mind.

ID: 77116
Applying God’s Word in the Home
May 23, 2023

Putting God’s Word into practice may present a few challenges for families, but the practice also comes with some wonderful opportunities. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will welcome Brandon Sieben to talk about ways to apply God’s Word in your home. Then Rob will answer your calls and financial questions.

ID: 77104
If You Lose Health Insurance
May 22, 2023

The Fed has raised interest rates 10 times in the last 14 months, hoping to curb inflation. So, will the latest rate hike tip us into the recession we’ve all been expecting? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, Rob West will talk with Lauren Gajdek about how you can be prepared if the economy falters and you lose your health insurance. Then Rob will answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77080
A Bigger Vision of Stewardship
May 19, 2023

If you think of your finances in terms of stewardship and that God is the rightful owner of all things—you’re not wrong. But should the concept of stewardship only pertain to our assets? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will welcome Jason Myhre to talk about a bigger vision of stewardship that goes beyond our money and possessions. Then Rob will take your calls and answer the financial questions on your mind.

ID: 77062
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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