Faith & Finance

Airing live at 9am CST on American Family Radio, Faith & Finance with Rob West, along with special guests and financial experts, aims to provide biblical wisdom on a variety of financial topics as well as answers to call-in questions. Originating in 1988, Larry Burkett, co-founder of Christian Financial Concepts and Crown Financial Ministries, started a question-and-answer radio program with co-host Steve Moore called “Money Matters”. After Larry’s passing and homegoing in 2003, Crown’s other co-founder, Howard Dayton, became the new host and in 2011, Money Matters was transformed into MoneyWise by Howard’s new organization, Compass Finances God’s Way. In 2017, Kingdom Advisors (another organization Larry Burkett co-founded) acquired the MoneyWise radio broadcast ministry and in January 2023 the ministry changed it's name to Faith & Finance. Today, under the leadership of radio host Rob West, Faith & Finance can be found on your favorite podcast platform and on the AFR website and mobile app.

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Episodes (589)
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Seniors in Debt
July 13, 2023

Being in debt isn’t good at any age, but it’s especially difficult for folks in or nearing retirement. And unfortunately, growing indebtedness among our nation’s senior citizens is a disturbing trend. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Brandon Sieben about seniors in debt. Then Rob will answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77780
Why It Goes Wrong
July 12, 2023

Have you ever wondered what God’s plan for the economy was before the Fall? The Good Lord certainly intended for the world— and economic activity— to be quite different from what we see today. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk about that with Jerry Bowyer, then he’ll answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77718
Does Frugality = Stewardship?
July 11, 2023

Many people would consider frugality to be a Christian virtue. But is it, really? We often equate frugality with stewardship but they’re not exactly the same thing. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will explain why. Then he’ll answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77717
Report From Zambia
July 10, 2023

Zambia has one of the highest orphan rates in Africa, with 1.2 million children growing up without a parent. The numbers seem daunting … one out of every five children in Zambia is an orphan. But one group is laboring mightily to bring that number down— one success story at a time. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Mario Zandstra about that. Then he’ll answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77716
Financial Discipline Brings Joy
July 07, 2023

What does it take to succeed? Talk to any successful person, and they’ll probably tell you that it takes hard work and discipline. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will explain why working hard at something can pay big dividends, both spiritually and financially. Then he’ll answer the financial questions you want to ask.

ID: 77721
Acceptable Giving
July 06, 2023

Is it more important to give consistently or in a way that pleases God? And can you do both? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will explain how the Bible describes acceptable giving and how you can align your giving with the principles found in scripture. Then he’ll answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77703
6 Steps of Estate Planning
July 05, 2023

The Bible tells us that it’s good to leave an inheritance to our children, but how we do that is still a matter of some discussion. Yet there are some steps you can take to start planning. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will welcome Ron Blue to talk about the 6 steps of estate planning. Then Rob will answer your calls and questions.

ID: 77658
The Road To Financial Freedom
July 04, 2023

Are you on the road to financial freedom? Or falling under the bondage of money? It’s one or the other. Either you control your money or your money controls you. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk about that, then he'll answer a variety of financial questions.

ID: 77610
Economic and Market Outlook
July 03, 2023

Matthew 6:34 is a good reminder not to worry needlessly about the future … but still, the Bible also tells us to prepare for it. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West talk with David Spika about what that means for your investments. Then he’ll answer calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77608
The Christian View of Retirement
June 30, 2023

There are plenty of Christian retirement plans out there, but is retirement itself actually biblical? The answer depends on your definition of retirement and for Christians that should be quite different from the world’s view. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk about the Christian view of retirement. Then he’ll answer the financial questions you want to ask.

ID: 77613
Ask for Help, Glorify God
June 29, 2023

Studies show that Christians are generous people, willing to help when we see a need. But do we hide our own needs from others when we could use a helping hand? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will explain how you can ask for help and glorify God at the same time. Then he’ll answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77590
Assessing Your Financial Health
June 28, 2023

Here’s a question for you—how many things can you do with money? A thousand? A million? A billion? Or would you believe—four? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will welcome Sharon Epps who’ll explain there’s only four things you can do with money and why tracking them is a great way to assess your financial health. Then they’ll answer your calls and questions.

ID: 77570
When Helping Hurts
June 27, 2023

Christians are called to help the poor and studies consistently show that we’re generous people, compared to the whole. But does that generosity always mean we’re helping? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Brian Fikkert about when helping hurts. Then Rob will answer your questions on different financial topics.

ID: 77553
FAFSA Deadline Fast Approaching
June 26, 2023

If you have a child heading off to college in the fall, time is running out to apply for financial assistance. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, Rob West will talk about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (known as FAFSA) and the submission deadline that is quickly approaching. Then he’ll answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77533
Inside Out Stewardship
June 23, 2023

The Bible has dozens of verses about stewardship. But have you ever wondered where stewardship begins? What is it based on? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will welcome Chad Clark and they’ll explore the basis of stewardship and what motivates us to practice it. Then Rob will answer the financial questions you want to ask.

ID: 77525
Thank God for Your Job
June 22, 2023

Are you ever tempted to attribute the success you’ve had in your career to your own talents or capabilities? If so, it may be good to remember how the Bible tells us that it’s God who gives us the power to get wealth. On today's Faith & Finance On AFR, host Rob West will remind us we should always thank God for our ability to earn a living. Then he’ll answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 77497
Do You Need a Financial Advisor?
June 21, 2023

Did you know that even financial advisors have financial advisors? It’s true—we all need outside advice from time to time, especially when it comes to managing money. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will help you determine if you need a financial advisor. Then he’ll take your calls and answer the financial question on your mind.

ID: 77483
6 Essential Practices for Having a Credit Card
June 20, 2023

Credit cards are a powerful convenience that can make your life easier—or a lot more difficult—depending on how you use them. On today's Faith & Finance On AFR, host Rob West will talk about 6 essential practices for having a credit card. Then he’ll answer your questions on different financial topics.

ID: 77471
Choosing Contentment
June 19, 2023

The concept of godly contentment isn’t a popular virtue in our materialistic culture. Too often we’re tempted to accumulate more and more possessions. But we can choose something better instead. On today's Faith & Finance On AFR, Rob West will talk about the benefits of choosing contentment. Then he’ll answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 77440
Love Guided Investing
June 16, 2023

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast…” We’ve all heard that famous “love passage” from I Corinthians 13 at weddings, but can love inform us about the way we should invest? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will explore “love guided investing” with Rachel McDonough. Then Rob will answer your calls and financial questions.

ID: 77425
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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