Hannah's Heart

Hannah’s Heart is a half hour program to encourage couples walking through infertility and miscarriage. It’s about clinging to Christ, the ultimate hope and finding peace and joy in the midst of the journey. Hosted by AFA’s very own Anne Cockrell and Kendra White.

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Episodes (155)
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Natural Procreative Technology
January 13, 2024

Is IVF my only option? Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART) is not for everyone. Many Christians have ethical, financial, emotional or physical concerns with procedures like IVF or IUI. Fortunately, there is an exciting new option many couples have never heard about! It’s called Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro Technology). Join Dr. Naomi Whittaker as she talks about the latest research, medicine, and surgery options available to help women wishing to achieve pregnancy in accordance with their natural fertility.

ID: 80202
Hope for 2024
January 06, 2024

In the middle of infertility or miscarriage, it's hard to find the strength to hope again. Anna and Kendra talk about how to go into the new year focused on Christ, so that others will see your testimony and be drawn to Jesus.

ID: 80110
Financing your Fertility
December 30, 2023

Does it make you angry how much IVF costs? What about the price of adoption? As Christians, how do we trust God to provide for us on our journey to build our families? And what practical things can we do to manage our finances and build character along the way?

ID: 79800
Holding on to Hope and Each Other
December 23, 2023

After years of infertility, Tara was ready to be done. She was mad at God and becoming more and more bitter each day. Little did she know, God was about to use this time in her life to forever strengthen her faith and her marriage.

ID: 79799
Remembering John-Micah
December 16, 2023

Will and Anne share the tragic story of losing their baby John-Micah  and the supernatural grace that God poured out on their lives in the midst of so much pain.

ID: 79798
Not Forgotten
December 09, 2023

After realizing that biological children would not be a part of their story, the Brooks family applied for adoption and waited three years to get “the call.” During the painful wait, Emily clung to Isaiah 49:16 which says, “I will not forget you, see I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” And sure enough…God had not forgotten them.

ID: 79593
Choosing Joy in Chronic Suffering
December 02, 2023

Emily hasn’t gone a day in her life without pain. Even as a little girl, her severe rheumatoid arthritis had her wheelchair bound and constantly missing out on normal childhood activities. The idea that her condition might one day keep her from bearing children didn’t really start to sink in until college.  But thankfully, Emily was raised in a God-fearing Christian family who taught her the importance of choosing joy and leaning on the faithfulness of God– two lessons that would stick with her through a lifetime of challenges.

ID: 79592
An Attitude of Gratitude this Christmas
November 25, 2023

For anyone who has ever prayed for a baby by Christmas– we get it! The holidays mark the passing of time and another year without an extra stocking to hang. But we have SO much to be grateful for this season. Focusing on all that Christ did for us and remembering who He is… is the key to finding joy in the middle of life’s trials.

ID: 79581
Obedience When God Says No (Crystal and Ethan Pipkin’s Story)
November 18, 2023

After multiple miscarriages, the Pipkin’s were offered a free round of IVF if they participated in a research study. This seemed like a miracle and Crystal was instantly on board!  But Ethan had some serious reservations about the way the embryos would be treated and wanted to seek God over the decision. Years of infertility and loss had left Crystal feeling bitter and hard and she just couldn’t believe that her husband would turn down such an opportunity! Was this “miracle invitation” actually going to break up their marriage? Or was God’s grace strong enough to hold them together through the hardest storm imaginable?

ID: 79484
Dr. Heather’s Natural Solution to Infertility
November 11, 2023

Dr. Heather is back with more helpful tips for anyone struggling with infertility. She’s a former pharmacist turned holistic hormone healing expert. She has a passion for empowering women to learn, listen, and heal their bodies in ways that are natural and practical. Other episodes with or about Dr Heather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX0yOMflONM&list=PLTG6q2kW0RI6W8RnoDzFamN8tCG11rb3t&index=31 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZeGKUKZVJQ&t=1154s

ID: 79483
Barren Women of the Bible: Michal’s Story
November 04, 2023

There are several women in the Bible who struggled with infertility, and there is so much we can learn from their stories! Michal was King David’s first wife. Initially, she was in love with David and they had a celebrity marriage… but somewhere along the way, something happened, and she began to despise him in her heart. Jade and Kendra discuss her story and how to cling to a healthy marriage while struggling with infertility.

ID: 79254
Multi-Generational Adoption
October 28, 2023

It’s hard to find someone more passionate about fostering and adoption than Mackenzie Killough– seriously, her selfless love for children shines out of every part of her story! But she’s also not afraid to share the hard stuff. You know, like that time she got punched in the face and ended up with a black eye. If you are considering fostering or adoption, this is a must watch episode. She tackles important topics such as how to navigate a failed adoption or placement, how to help older children adjust to a new life and so much more!

ID: 79236
Breastfeeding Your Adopted Baby
October 21, 2023

Yes! It’s possible to breastfeed your adopted baby and many people have done it! Many women who have struggled with infertility and end up adopting, grieve over the missed opportunity to feed and nurture their little one through nursing– but according to lactation consultant Anna Chamblee, that doesn’t have to be the case. Also many adoptive moms who have never struggled with infertility desire to breastfeed because of the close bond it creates and the many health benefits for both baby and mama. That was the case for Mackenzie Killough. Join Anna and Mackenzie as they both share from their experiences!

ID: 79158
Never Alone: Finding Community in the Midst of Infertility and Miscarriage
October 14, 2023

Anyone struggling with infertility or miscarriage has probably felt very alone at least once. But the truth is, soooo many couples are dealing with this and are silently hurting. Our enemy, the devil, would like to isolate each of us so that he can prey on our weaknesses and fill our hearts with despair. God designed us to grieve and endure hardships together with the help of other believers. Community is so important! Hannah’s Heart celebrates our 2-year anniversary and the beautiful community God is forming. We also recognize October as pregnancy and infant loss awareness month and encourage anyone struggling to reach out for prayer and support at [email protected]

ID: 79038
Daily Reminders of God’s Grace Through Infertility
October 07, 2023

Infertility can often feel like an unending journey of pain and suffering. Anyone who has endured such a season knows that it is absolutely crucial to have daily reminders of God’s grace and love as you cling to Christ through every month of disappointment. God is ready to pour out extra portions of His love and grace on anyone who asks, we just have to be willing to see them and receive them! Beth Forbus shares the powerful story behind her new book “Daily Double Portions:100 Devotions For Your Journey Through Infertility.” https://www.amazon.com/Daily-Double-Portions-Devotions-Infertility/dp/B0C92F8B2S https://www.sarahs-laughter.com/

ID: 78959
Navigating a stepfamily as a childless stepmom
September 30, 2023

Laura Petherbridge shares about the unique dynamics growing up in and marrying into a stepfamily. In this raw and authentic episode, she gives blended families hope-filled tips to stay focused on Christ even on the hard days.

ID: 78809
Being a Childless Stepmom….By Choice
September 23, 2023

Laura Petherbridge is a speaker and author of many books, including “The Smart Stepmom.” She shares her reasons for choosing not to have children after marrying her husband and gaining two stepsons. In this episode you will hear the unique dynamics of being in a stepfamily, the ups and downs as well as the aim to understand every individual involved through the lens of Christ.

ID: 78708
The Idolatry of Motherhood
September 16, 2023

Can becoming a mom become an idol? Absolutely! An idol can be anything or anyone that captures our hearts, minds and affections more than God. In this episode, Jade and Kendra talk about the dangerous trap of turning the desire to be a mom into an idol and how to avoid it.

ID: 78642
The Hope of Heaven
September 09, 2023

 Losing a loved one is a lot like learning to live as an amputee. You do heal, but you will always have a piece of you missing. The hope of heaven becomes even stronger when someone you love is waiting for you there. In this episode Matt Powell (Anne Cockrell’s pastor) continues to share powerful wisdom for anyone suffering loss.

Matt and Andrea’s full story starts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nejU0VlyvEo&list=PLTG6q2kW0RI6W8RnoDzFamN8tCG11rb3t&index=46

Please send condolences and encouragement to the Cockrill family by emailing [email protected]

ID: 78353
Hope on Your Darkest Day
September 02, 2023

Hannah’s Heart host Anne Cockrell suffered a terrible loss on July 17th, 2023 when her precious baby John-Micah Thomas Cockrell passed away only moments after an emergency procedure to save his life.  Her pastor Matt Powell (a man well acquainted with grief) preached a powerful and beautiful message at the funeral service while Anne lifted her hands in worship to the only God powerful enough to carry us through such heart-break and suffering. Matt comes on the show to share hope with anyone facing tragedy.

Matt and Andrea’s full story starts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nejU0VlyvEo&list=PLTG6q2kW0RI6W8RnoDzFamN8tCG11rb3t&index=46

Please send condolences and encouragement to the Cockrill family by emailing [email protected]

ID: 78352
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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