Pirate Money Radio

Join Kevin Freeman, the host of Pirate Money Radio, where he talks about the issues of the day and how they apply to money and the economy through a biblical lens. In each episode, Kevin dives into how the geopolitics, markets, and cultural trends impact you and what you can do about it! Kevin Freeman, CFA, is the nation's foremost economic warfare expert and a NY Times bestselling author. The Pentagon hired him to explain the 2008 financial crisis and has briefed virtually all the three-letter agencies. Kevin breaks down the complex in an easy-to-understand and action-oriented program each week on Pirate Money.

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    Episodes (15)
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    10 Reasons You Are Not Rich
    July 20, 2024

    Join Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter in this eye-opening discussion on Pirate Money Radio as they uncover the top ten reasons why you're feeling the financial pinch. From excessive regulation and Social Security pitfalls to the unintended consequences of the war on poverty, discover the hidden forces at play. Gain insights into why inflation and higher interest rates are draining your wallet and learn practical solutions to take control of your financial future. Tune in to understand how to align your spending with liberty, security, and values.

    ID: 82665
    Financial Terrorism: The Hidden Truth Behind Economic Warfare!
    July 13, 2024

    In this thrilling edition of Pirate Money Radio, host Kevin Freeman dives deep into the 2008 financial crisis, explaining how it wasn’t just a collapse but a calculated act of financial terrorism. With insider stories involving the FBI, Pentagon, and even Hollywood, Freeman shares firsthand accounts of the economic warfare that nearly brought America to its knees. Joined by guest Mike Carter, they unravel how these events have set the stage for current financial vulnerabilities and offer actionable solutions to protect your wealth and liberty. Journey through a real-life spy novel-esque episode that reveals the shadowy figures and strategies designed to undermine global financial stability.

    ID: 82570
    The High Cost of Regulation and Lawfare
    July 06, 2024

    Join Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter as they discuss the immense financial impact of government regulations on American households. Learn how unnecessary red tape has diminished median family incomes and how excessive control hinders economic liberty. Discover why wise governance, described in Psalm 72, contrasts sharply with today's regulatory burden and explore potential solutions to reclaim financial freedom. Tune in to understand the real cost of overregulation and lawfare on Pirate Money Radio.

    ID: 82474
    Is CBDC the Mark of the Beast? Protect Yourself with Pirate Money Solutions!
    June 29, 2024

    Join Kevin Freeman and guest Mike Carter on Pirate Money Radio as they delve into the rising concerns surrounding Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and their potential to control our freedoms. Explore the alarming parallels with the “mark of the beast” prophecy and discover practical solutions, including introducing transactional gold and silver. Learn how to safeguard your financial sovereignty amidst looming government overreach by tapping into constitutional rights and staying prepared through prudent action. Tune in for insightful discussions and actionable steps to secure your economic liberty.

    ID: 82386
    Meet Leading Legislators Are Advancing Pirate Money in Their States
    June 22, 2024

    Join Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter on Pirate Money Radio as they dive deep into economic independence with insights from leaders across the nation. Hear illuminating interviews with state legislators discussing the transformative potential of transactional gold and silver. Discover how states like Texas, Florida, and Alaska are pioneering gold-backed solutions to safeguard economic liberty. Don't miss the momentum building for this revolutionary monetary movement!

    ID: 82292
    Grid Down, Power Up: A Call to Protect Our Electrical Grid | Guests: Lt. Col. Tommy Waller (ret) & David Tice
    June 15, 2024

    The latest edition of Pirate Money Radio brings to light the shocking vulnerabilities of our nation's power grid and the catastrophic consequences of a failure, with host Kevin Freeman and guest, Retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller. Featuring a new documentary narrated by Dennis Quaid, "Grid Down, Power Up," this discussion dives into practical solutions and the urgent need for political action to safeguard our electrical infrastructure. Learn how you can get involved to ensure a secure and resilient power supply for future generations.

    ID: 82222
    Revolutionary Insights about Money, History, and Defending Freedom | Guest: William J. Federer
    June 08, 2024

    Welcome to Pirate Money Radio with Kevin Freeman! Today, we are honored to host the renowned historian William J. Federer. In this captivating discussion, Bill and Kevin unravel the mysteries of economic history, delve deep into the fascinating history of money, and reveal how ancient insights can guide us today.

    ID: 82108
    Climate Change vs. Natural Cycles: Debating the Economic Impact
    June 01, 2024

    Join Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter on Pirate Money Radio as they delve into the hotly debated topic of climate change versus natural weather cycles. Discover the viewpoints of influential figures like the founders of Greenpeace and The Weather Channel, unpack economic implications, and explore tangible solutions for safeguarding our future. Is climate change the real deal or just political smoke and mirrors?

    ID: 82060
    Discovering the Power of Pirate Money: A Constitutional Solution to Modern Financial Problems
    May 25, 2024

    Join Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter as they dive deep into the captivating world of "Pirate Money" on this week's episode of Pirate Money Radio! Learn about the historical foundations of America's monetary system, the hidden clauses in the Constitution, and how modern technology can make gold and silver spendable again. Plus, discover why central bank digital currencies pose a significant threat to our financial freedom. You won't want to miss these insightful discussions and actionable solutions for economic liberty!

    ID: 81932
    Understanding Bitcoin and the Future of Money
    May 18, 2024

    Join us on Pirate Money Radio as hosts Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter dive deep into the world of Bitcoin, discussing its inception, current trends, and its place in the economic landscape from a biblical perspective. Amidst the myriad of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands out, but with its volatility, it's crucial to understand its potential and pitfalls. Additionally, we explore the "Pirate Money" concept – a state-backed, gold and silver-based electronic payment system that aligns with constitutional values and offers a stable alternative to traditional and digital currencies. Discover the evolving definition of money and how innovative solutions like Pirate Money can provide security, liberty, and adherence to foundational values in today's digital economy.

    ID: 81856
    Navigating Economic Uncertainty with Faith and Preparedness
    May 11, 2024

    In this episode of Pirate Money Radio, hosts Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter delve into the unsettling economic and sociopolitical headlines facing America, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and prepared without succumbing to fear. They explore the current state of affairs, including rising antisemitism, governmental shortcomings, and the impact of divisive ideologies at home and abroad. Despite these challenges, the duo reinforces the message of hope and resilience found in Scripture, particularly highlighting 2 Timothy 1:7 and Proverbs 27:12 as foundational verses for maintaining a sound mind and proactive stance in tumultuous times. They advocate for preparedness not as a fuel for fear but as a biblical mandate to wisely anticipate and navigate difficulties. Through discussion and practical tips, Kevin and Mike offer insights into personal and community readiness, encouraging listeners to engage positively with their surroundings, solidify their faith, and become beacons of wisdom and support in an unpredictable world.

    ID: 81752
    The Dangers of DEI
    May 04, 2024

    Pirate Money Radio dives deep into economic headlines, focusing on the hot topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), through a biblical lens. Host Kevin Freeman and his co-host, Mike Carter, explore how DEI affects the economy, workplace productivity, and the societal impact with guest insights and personal experiences. They critique DEI's failure to deliver on its promises, argue for merit-based recognition and performance, and discuss alternatives that promote genuine diversity and inclusion without compromising individual liberties and values. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that challenges the narrative and presents actionable ways forward, aligning with liberty, security, and values.

    ID: 81634
    Inflation is Worse than the Government is Reporting
    April 27, 2024

    Kevin Freeman discusses the ongoing inflation issue with co-host Mike Carter. They uncover the significant impact inflation is having on everyday life since President Biden's administration took office. They explore the marked increase in essential costs like food, housing, and gas, suggesting that the government is manipulating inflation data and the decline in the dollar's purchasing power is the real culprit. Returning to the gold standard is a solution, helping preserve money's value and combat inflation. Listeners are invited to delve deeper into these topics by checking out Freeman's book "Pirate Money" and previous episodes of their show for practical advice in navigating these economic challenges.

    ID: 81550
    The US Debt is a Threat to Your Financial Security
    April 20, 2024

    Are you overwhelmed by the growing mountain of debt facing individuals and our nation? Tune in to Pirate Money Radio as hosts Kevin Freeman and Mike Carter offer real-world solutions to our economic challenges. From personal debt to the staggering national debt, learn how to navigate this financial storm with wisdom. Discover the potential power of gold, state-based alternatives, and how we can prepare for an uncertain economic future.

    ID: 81471
    The Economic Impact of Illegal Immigration
    April 13, 2024

    On this episode of Pirate Money Radio with Kevin Freeman, we confront the economic and security challenges posed by immigration—legal and otherwise. Discover the historical context of America's immigration debate, the implications for liberty and security, and the potential solutions within our collective grasp. Join the discussion and learn how to protect American values at #PirateMoneyRadio. Tune in for expert insights and answers at #EconomicSecurity #ImmigrationPolicy #RealMoneySolutions

    ID: 81454

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    MAY 20, 2022
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