Sandy Rios is a seasoned radio host and former longtime Fox News contributor who has traveled the world and served in various leadership roles in Washington, D.C. Her new podcast, Sandy Rios 24/7, promises to bring unfiltered, insightful commentary from a Christian worldview. Here is what listeners have to say about Sandy: "A trusted source in a sea of fake news!", "There is not another Sandy Rios!", "Spectacular range!", "Great discernment and understanding for our time", "Irreplaceable!"
Healthcare Vote, Kushner Interview, and Mueller investigation and Sessions with William Jacobson
Spicer Out and Scaramucci In, Fusion GPS, Ethics Committee, Trump's First Six Months, and Attorney General and Confidence of The President
Intelligence Oversight, Senate Hiding Behind Rules, and The Church Committee with Angelo Codevilla
John McCain Cancer Diagnosis, Healthcare, Commission on Voter Integrity, and Your Phone Calls
Obamacare and It's Repeal with Ken Cuccinelli
President Trump Promotes American Made Goods, Senate Healthcare Dead, and Update on Haiti with Bernard Sansaricq
Transgender Policy Amendment Struck Down, Transgenderism with Dr. Susan Berry, and Russia and Ukraine Trying to Influence Elections
A Discussion on Venezuela with Paul Coyer and Enrique Altimari
Update on Non-Stop Russia Interference News, Senate Healthcare, and Obstruction in Senate with Ken Cuccinelli
Attempts to Destroy American Military, Donald Trump Jr.'s Russian Meeting, and Your Phone Calls
Marine Plane Crash, Donald Trump Jr.Meeting with Russian Lawyer, Senate Healthcare with Former Sen. Tom Coburn, and James Comey's Memos
G20 Meeting Updates, Comey Memos, Voter Fraud Commision with Hans Von Spakovsky, Obamacare Repeal, and Linda Sarsour
More On President Trump's Trip To Europe, The Oregon Abortion Law and Your Phone Calls
President Trump's Questioned about Russia, North Korea and Sabrina De Sousa with Fred Fleitz, and CNN Possibly Attacks Wrong Reddit User Over Trump Bodyslam of CNN
Fourth Of July Celebrations, North Korea Launches Another Missile, President Trump's Tweets, and Baby Charlie Gard Case
Fourth Of July Special from 2016 and 2014
"Hold Their Feet to the Fire" Event with Robert Spencer, Hector Garza, and Matt Boyle
"Hold Their Feet to the Fire" Event with Dave Brat, Steve Ronnebeck, and Dr. Kelli Ward
Live From the "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" event with Jessica Vaughan, Brandon Judd, and Elana Maria Lopez
Live From the "Hold Their Feet to the Fire" Event with Dan Stein, Michelle Malkin, and Sheriff Hodgson