Sandy Rios is a seasoned radio host and former longtime Fox News contributor who has traveled the world and served in various leadership roles in Washington, D.C. Her new podcast, Sandy Rios 24/7, promises to bring unfiltered, insightful commentary from a Christian worldview. Here is what listeners have to say about Sandy: "A trusted source in a sea of fake news!", "There is not another Sandy Rios!", "Spectacular range!", "Great discernment and understanding for our time", "Irreplaceable!"
Iran Attacks US Bases in Iraq, Democrats Continue Pushback Against President Trump's Iran Actions, and Prosecutors Change Tune on Gen. Flynn
Watching For How Iran Will Retaliate For Soleimani's Death, Democrats Side With Iran and Attack President Trump, and Pelosi Is Obstructing the Senate
Former VP Biden is Contradicting Himself on Osama Bin Laden, The Golden Globes, and Clare Lopez Discusses Iran and Going Forward
Iran Military General Qasem Soleimani Killed, Middle East Tension, and Your Emails
President Trump's New Years Resoluton, Iraqi Embassy Attack, and Christianity Today Editor Says President Trump Should Be Impeached
Re-Broadcast of: Interview with National Association of Scholars President Peter Wood on NYT 1619 Project and NAS 1620 Project
Re-Broadcast of: Interview with Mallory Millett on Her Sister Kate Millett, Feminism, and Women's Studies in Colleges
Re-Broadcast of: Interview with A Google Whistleblower, Zach Vorhies on Several Misdeeds of Google
Re-Broadcast of: Interview with Scott Walter on The History of The SPLC
Re-Broadcast of: David Horowitz Discusses: DARK AGENDA The War to Destroy Christian America
Christmas 2019
House Democrats Vote For Impeachment and Your Reactions
House Votes Today on Impeachment, House Voted on Government Spending Bill, FISA Condemns FBI Over Applications, and Devin Nunes Letter to FISA
President Trump's Accomplishments, Dave Ray Discusses the Farm Bill and Amnesty, and Upcoming Impeachment Voting is Becoming Clear
Boris Johnson and British Conservatives Win Election, Hallmark Reverses Course on Lesbian Ad, and House Judiciary Votes on Articles of Impeachment
Robert Oscar Lopez Discusses His Termination and Southern Baptist Convention Issues
President Trump Signs Antisemitism Executive Order, Former FBI Special Agent Bruce Discusses IG Report, and Bruce and Sandy Took Phone Calls
NJ Kosher Deli Shooting, Pentagon Grounds Saudi Arabian Airmen, Articles of Impeachment Announced, and AG Barr's Thoughts on IG Report
Impeachment Hearing Antics, IG Report Released, and James Golden Discusses Black Conservatism and His New PAC: New Journey PAC
Pensacola Base Shooting, Pelosi Is Offended By James Rosen's Question about Hate, and President Trump Talks about Nativity in Christmas Tree Lighting