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Share Truth Apply Scripture

Ep. 86 New Year, New Conference (2 of 2)

Aired: December 31, 2016
Ep ID: 74640
Show Notes

Discussion continues for Engage's Created to Reflect Worldview Conference with Wil Addison. Wil and his wife Meeke are speaking at the conference along with Sean McDonald, Alex MacFarland, Kendra White, Scooter Noland, and Teddy James (TJ).

Wil talks about why the Created to Reflect theme was chosen, why it matters in today's world, and he introduces BSAC, a coalition of biblically-sound Christians artists.

If you are into hip hop or anything close to genre, visit BSAC. You will be sure to find something you like, and everything there is coming from hearts that share Engage's vision of sharing truth and applying Scripture.

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