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Ep. 76 Adoption Applied

Aired: November 19, 2016
Ep ID: 74650
Show Notes

Wesley, TJ, and Jordan talked about the theological and practical applications of being spiritually adopted in the last segment. That is a wonderful truth, but it is of no effect if it does not drive you to some real action.

To take the application to its most logical place, Wesley and TJ invite Magan Williams into studio. Magan works with Canopy Children's Services to recruit and train parents to work in the Mississippi foster system.

Not everyone is called to serve through the foster system or to adopt. But everyone is called to serve orphans and children without homes. Magan gives some practical ways you can serve whether it is by inviting children into your home, helping those who do, or being available to help care centers where children are in transit stay in between houses.

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