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Ep. 90 Actionable Support of Life

Aired: January 14, 2017
Ep ID: 74636
Show Notes

Wesley, Jeremy, and TJ, just wrapped up their discussion of how to make the case for life to believers who are prochoice. But only having talks and discussions keeps the issue abstract. The team wanted to give you something tangible and practical to do in helping save the lives of preborn children.

To accomplish this, they invited Dan Steiner, president of Pre-born. The ministry is seeking to put ultrasound machines in pregnancy resource centers across the country. Dan tells us that when a mother sees her infant inside her womb through an ultrasound, there is an 80% chance she will choose life.

Pre-born has broken down the cost of each ultrasound and it comes to $28. For that amount, you can sponsor a mother having the opportunity to hear a heartbeat, see a tiny body, and choose life for her child.

Since the ministry started a few years ago, over 33,000 babies have been saved. You can help save another 33,000.

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