The Awakening deals with the pressing issues confronting Americans today - cultural, economic, political and national security. Your host, Bishop E.W. Jackson, founder and president of S.T.A.N.D (Staying True to America’s National Destiny), is on a mission to awaken the body of Christ and all Americans to the fundamental threat to the spiritual and moral foundations of our Constitutional Republic. Instead of mere rhetoric, he offers real solutions to the problems America faces, such as inner city poverty, crime and violence.
The Awakening deals with the pressing issues confronting Americans today - cultural, economic, political and national security. Your host, Bishop E.W. Jackson, founder and president of S.T.A.N.D (Staying True to America’s National Destiny), is on a mission to awaken the body of Christ and all Americans to the fundamental threat to the spiritual and moral foundations of our Constitutional Republic. Instead of mere rhetoric, he offers real solutions to the problems America faces, such as inner city poverty, crime and violence.
The mutilation of our children must stop!
I wonder why the Left is so opposed to this movie?
Bishop E. W. Jackson takes your calls on this First Amendment Friday.
Who brought cocaine into the Whitehouse? Congressman Good says it would be fair to assume it was Hunter Biden until it is proven otherwise.
The Supreme Court recently found in favor of Coach Joe Kennedy who was wrongfully terminated by Bremerton High School in Washington for post-game prayers. Bishop Jackson thanked Coach Kennedy for showing us how to stand up.
As the homosexual and transgender agendas gain traction, Bishop Jackson and callers ask where are the God-fearing men who should be pushing back against this erosion of values.
Bishop Jackson discusses whether science and religion are mutually exclusive with guest Jessica Jaworski of Answers in Genesis.
Bishop Jackson takes listener calls and discusses the notion that some people are still disadvantaged by the treatment of their ancestors.
Bishop Jackson and callers respond to the 6 -3 Supreme Court ruling against Affirmative Action, the consideration of race in college admissions.
Bishop Jackson gets to the bottom line and points out that the Gospel and love of Christ is the answer for all of our problems today. He talks with Phillip Buttram, President of the Gospel Tract Society, in the second segment.
Bishop Jackson says when it seems they could go no further in their absurdity, depravity, Immorality and hypocrisy, they do. In fact, we may be nearing a political disaster on some level because the left has gone too far.
As the homosexual and transgender agendas gain traction, Bishop Jackson and callers ask where are the God-fearing men who should be pushing back against this erosion of values.
Bishop Jackson comments on the stories of the day and takes listener calls.
Bishop Jackson discusses the issue of homosexuality with author Janet Boynes, who was delivered from that lifestyle nearly 20 years ago.
Bishop Jackson kicks off the show with thoughts about Hunter Biden and the privileged status some people enjoy.
Bishop Jackson deals with the news of the day and takes listener calls, including one who asked if Jesus would say the same things the Bishop does.
Bishop Jackson discusses whether science and religion are mutually exclusive with guest Jessica Jaworski of Answers in Genesis.
Open phone lines!!
Clare M. Lopez is a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, national defense, WMD, and counterterrorism issues. Specific areas of expertise include Islam and Iran. Lopez began her career as an operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), serving domestically and abroad for 20 years in a variety of assignments, and acquiring extensive expertise in counterintelligence, counternarcotics, and counterproliferation issues.
I love my country and I love my flag!