0:00 - 15:00. 2 Samuel 15:31. The LORD frustrates the counsel of the wicked.
15:00 - 31:00. Guess who’s back… and the timing couldn’t be more… ahem… obvious!
31:00 - 48:00. So, no one is interested in the American Shadow government or the real BHO, eh?
https://revivalfires.org/free/#donate 833-574-1600
https://www.maplecrestbc.com/conference - Faith, Family, Freedom Conference - August 18 & 19, 2023
Antioch Baptist Church
105 Doe Hill Road, Sylvester, GA 31791
September 9, 2023: Men’s Conference
September 10, 2023: Sunday Morning Service
September 11-13, 2023: Revival Services