0:00 - 15:00. Colossians 2:1-10. Have we been taken captive?
15:00 - 31:00. Benjamin Franklin warned that a Republic is a treasure “if we can keep it.”
31:00 - 48:00. Dr. Johnson Varkey was fired by St. Philip’s College for teaching “X and Y chromosomes determine a persons’ sex”... in biology class. Callers weigh in.
https://favchef.com/2023/taquilla-brown?fbclid=IwAR1iwauEtQAfehsFpO6BldBma6U6ZAbTLt3CeKIIvpuD40F4hbVmGnNejOU - Vote for Taquilla Brown, “Favorite Chef”
https://marriagefamilylife.net/ - July 6 - 8, 2023
https://jysla.org/closing-ceremony/ - Knight Life Christian Discipleship Program Closing Ceremony - July 22, 2023
https://www.maplecrestbc.com/conference - Faith, Family, Freedom Conference - August 18 & 19, 2023