The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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Episodes (2119)
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Operation Christmas Child’s National Collection Week is underway.
November 16, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Matthew 9:35-38; Mark 6:34. America isn’t heaven. It is a harvest field.

15:00 - 31:00. Operation Christmas Child’s National Collection Week is underway.

31:00 - 48:00. The Trump-Train is on the tracks for 2024. The U.S. Senate voted to move the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act closer to becoming the law of the land.




To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73539
Jenna Ellis, Esq., host of the AFR’s new show “Jenna Ellis in the Morning,” steps into “The Corner.”
November 15, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Psalm 37:1-6. Evildoing is like a rain drop to a river. No need to fret over it. Delight yourself in the LORD.

15:00 - 31:00. Jenna Ellis, Esq., host of the AFR’s new show “Jenna Ellis in the Morning,” steps into “The Corner.”

31:00 - 48:00. The mega-billion dollar cryptocurrency scandal just happened to become news… after the midterm elections. Interesting, isn’t it?



To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73524
The 2022 midterm map in the U.S. Senate indicated that a red tsunami was unlikely. It’s simple math.
November 14, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Peter 1:13-16. Fix your hope completely on the grace of Christ Jesus.

15:00 - 31:00. The 2022 midterm map in the U.S. Senate indicated that a red tsunami was unlikely. It’s simple math.

31:00 - 48:00. No, climate catastrophism isn’t “settled science.” Callers weigh in.



To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73513
We are living the reality of a demonic vision hatched more than 170 years ago.
November 11, 2022
0:00 - 14:00. 1 Chronicles 12:32-33. May our LORD lead us to understand the times we’re in and what we must do.
14:00 - 31:00. We are living the reality of a demonic vision hatched more than 170 years ago.
31:00 - 48:00. Much of the agenda articulated in the 1848 Communist Manifesto has been accomplished here in America. There is truly only one way forward.
ID: 73581
The truth of God, as articulated in the Scriptures, is the antidote to society’s lies and deception. Callers weigh in.
November 10, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Peter 1:13-22. It is evident that the prevalent issues plaguing America are spiritual at the root. Fervent love among the brethren isn’t optional.

15:00 - 31:00. If you thought Fetterman was the doozy from Pennsylvania you won’t believe this… well, maybe you will.

31:00 - 48:00. The truth of God, as articulated in the Scriptures, is the antidote to society’s lies and deception. Callers weigh in.



To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73477
Election night’s mixed bag actually provided poignant clarity.
November 09, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Isaiah 1:1-7. The scripture prophetically diagnoses the rot at the root.

15:00 - 31:00. Election night’s mixed bag actually provided poignant clarity.

31:00 - 48:00. The heart of our nation has been exposed… again. Callers weigh in.



Abe’s speaking engagement:

November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73459
Turnout seems to be the determining factor in today’s midterm elections.
November 08, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Psalm 20:6-7. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God!

15:00 - 31:00. Turnout seems to be the determining factor in today’s midterm elections.

31:00 - 48:00. God’s design for mankind is having a far greater impact than some want to admit. Callers weigh in.



Abe’s speaking engagement:

November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73457
Refuse to exclude God’s word from your civic discourse.
November 07, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Jeremiah 29:1-14. God is sovereign over our sojourning.

15:00 - 31:00. Refuse to exclude God’s word from your civic discourse.

31:00 - 48:00. NBC News deleted their own reporting about Paul Pelosi’s attack, but you weren’t supposed to notice. Callers weigh in.



Abe’s speaking engagement:

November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73435
("Best-of" Edition from 10/27) Famed researcher and Arizona Christian University Professor George Barna steps into “The Corner.”
November 04, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Joshua 7:10-14. The confrontation of Achan’s sin provides guidance concerning how we should evaluate ourselves.

15:00 - 31:00. Famed researcher and Arizona Christian University Professor George Barna steps into “The Corner.”

31:00 - 48:00. Details about what Americans really believe aids in responding properly as members of the Body of Christ in our nation.

Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th



November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73413
("Best-of" Edition from 10/18/21) Delano Squires, a frequent contribution to “Fearless with Jason Whitlock,” steps into “The Corner.”
November 03, 2022

 0:00 - 15:00.1 Peter 3:7. Brothers, it behooves us to understand and embrace the complementary distinctiveness God made between us and our wives and He commands us to dwell with our brides with this understanding.

18:00 - 35:00. Delano Squires, a frequent contribution to “Fearless with Jason Whitlock,” steps into “The Corner.”

38:00 - 54:30. Delano Squires talks about faith, family, culture and politics with Abe. There will definitely be a part 2 to this one.



Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th



Abe’s speaking engagement:

November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73375
A gathering of people who purport to be a church demonstrate how far things in our nation have gone.
November 02, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Ephesians 2:1-5. God is rich in mercy.

15:00 - 31:00. The Fed hiked interest rates another .75% for the fourth consecutive time.

31:00 - 48:00. A gathering of people who purport to be a church demonstrate how far things in our nation have gone. Callers weigh in.



Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th


November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73350
Christ’s preeminence applies to Believers’ romantic pursuits too.
November 01, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Matthew 5:13-16. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

15:00 - 31:00. Christ’s preeminence applies to Believers’ romantic pursuits too.

31:00 - 48:00. “Interesting developments in the American electorate are underway as we head into the 2022 midterms.

Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th


November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73351
The Paul Pelosi story is all kinds of weird.
October 31, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Judges 6:22-27. Entrenched idolatry must still be confronted and cast down.

15:00 - 31:00. The Paul Pelosi story is all kinds of weird.

31:00 - 48:00. “Rocky” took a beating in life’s ring and now he’s learned to re-prioritize. Callers weigh in.

Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th


November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73312
Maria Hamilton, Matriarch of Hamiltonia, has returned to “The Corner.”
October 28, 2022

0:00 - 14:00. Genesis 3:1-7. Presence requires more than physical presence.

14:00 - 31:00. Maria Hamilton, Matriarch of Hamiltonia, has returned to “The Corner.”

31:00 - 48:00. God’s instruction for marital leaving and cleaving is not only prudent. It’s essential.

Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th


November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73274
Famed researcher and Arizona Christian University Professor George Barna steps into “The Corner.”
October 27, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Joshua 7:10-14. The confrontation of Achan’s sin provides guidance concerning how we should evaluate ourselves.

15:00 - 31:00. Famed researcher and Arizona Christian University Professor George Barna steps into “The Corner.”

31:00 - 48:00. Details about what Americans really believe aids in responding properly as members of the Body of Christ in our nation.

Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th



November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73278
Debates across the country reveal a clear distinction in America's electoral options.
October 26, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Acts 13:26-39. We’ve been planted to serve the purposes of God in our generation.

15:00 - 31:00. Is “She-Who-Shall-Never-be-President” projecting?

31:00 - 48:00. Debates across the country reveal a clear distinction in America's electoral options.

Orange Letter Campaign - To write your letter visit the link below

Deadline: November 4th


November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73271
The U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Europe for the first time since WWII.
October 25, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Joshua 14:7-12. 85 year-old Followers of the Way of Christ have purpose! Don’t listen to the culture’s lies.

15:00 - 31:00. The U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Europe for the first time since WWII.

31:00 - 48:00. Mr. Robinette does not inspire confidence in the Executive Branch. Callers weigh in.

November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73248
(A "Best-of" from 7/22/22) Rory and Becca Groves, founders of Gather and Grow Ministries, step into “The Corner."
October 24, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Genesis 1:26-28. Divine delegation of authority included fruitfulness, multiplication, replenishing and maximized fruitfulness for oneself and others.

18:00 - 35:00. Rory and Becca Groves, founders of Gather and Grow Ministries, step into “The Corner."

38:00 - 54:30. Rory and Becca Groves explain the Family Economy, God’s design for the Biblical Household.


ID: 73232
NYC rolls out the red carpet for illegal aliens, while ignoring its own homeless population
October 21, 2022

0:00 - 14:00. Leviticus 19:15-18. Partiality has always been condemned by God.

14:00 - 31:00. NYC rolls out the red carpet for illegal aliens, while ignoring its own homeless population

31:00 - 48:00. Don’t look now, but DACA was just ruled unconstitutional.

ID: 73212
Daycare workers charged with felony child abuse after video showed them using a “Scream” mask to terrify children.
October 20, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Jeremiah 23:9-11, 13-14. Profane lifestyles result in profane representation.

15:00 - 31:00. The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices unanimously approved the addition of Moderna and Pfizer mRNA injections to the routine immunization schedules for children, adolescents and adults.

31:00 - 48:00. Daycare workers charged with felony child abuse after video showed them using a “Scream” mask to terrify children. Callers weigh in.

November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: Deadline to register: November 9th https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/

To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/


ID: 73200
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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