Them Before Us radio, hosted by Katy Faust, can be heard each Saturday and Sunday at 3:00-4:00PM CDT on American Family Radio. Throughout the hour, you'll hear thought-provoking interviews, analysis of trending news, and biblical-rubber-meets-the-cultural-road insights- all focused on safeguarding the rights and well-being of children.
Them Before Us radio, hosted by Katy Faust, can be heard each Saturday and Sunday at 3:00-4:00PM CDT on American Family Radio. Throughout the hour, you'll hear thought-provoking interviews, analysis of trending news, and biblical-rubber-meets-the-cultural-road insights- all focused on safeguarding the rights and well-being of children.
In this episode, we dive deep into the latest cultural and political battlegrounds shaping our society. We start with a biblical perspective and break down key news events, including Governor Kim Reynolds’ controversial decision to remove gender identity as a protected class in Iowa and the growing debate over parental rights in education. We also examine the rising trend of fentanyl use among teenage girls—what’s driving it, and what can be done? Plus, we tackle listener questions on a single mom considering dad's involvement and embryo adoption. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion at the intersection of faith, policy, and truth.
This week we tackle the growing clash between technology, ethics, and children's rights. First, we break down President Trump’s executive order expanding IVF access—what does it really mean for the tiniest humans created in labs? We explore why the IVF industry, as currently practiced, is incompatible with a pro-life, pro-child ethic and what a truly pro-family approach to fertility should look like. Next, we examine the controversy surrounding Elon Musk, Ashley St. Clair, and the conservative response to their unconventional family structure. And we take on tough listener questions about raising kids with traditional values in a progressive culture. Join us for a powerful discussion that refuses to trade truth for convenience.
Katy Faust highlights presidential actions which will aid our nations children. She also talks with TBU Executive Director Josh Wood and answers listener questions.
Katy Faust spends time in the Word, examines current events and answers listener questions as they apply to our children.
Founder and host Katy Faust talks with Patience Sunne about new technology. She also talks about recent news stories and answers listener questions, all in light of how these things affect children.
Katy talks recounts the actions of President Trump which provide protection for unborn and just born children. She also talks with American Commitment President Phil Kerpen and answers listener questions.
Host and founder Katy Faust talks about No Fault Divorce, the Ohio Parents' Bill of Rights, a controversy involving frozen embryos and how these issues affect children.
In this episode, Katy spends some bible time, talks with Executive Director Josh Wood about protecting children from pornography and answers listener questions.
Them Before Us host and founder Katy Faust looks back at 2024, looks ahead to children's rights and answers listener questions.
Katy talks about Christmas and the ministry of reconciliation. She also has bible time and answers listener questions.
Executive Director Josh Wood fills in for Katy and discusses the Madison, WI school shooting, bible time and listener questions.
Them Before Us host and founder Katy Faust discusses recent policy developments, interviews Josh Wood, and answers listener questions.
Katy and her guest Patience Sunne discuss cases before the US Supreme court including a challenge to Tennessee’s law banning gender transition for minors. Katy also answers listener questions.
Many families will choose to just talk turkey and avoid politics during dinner this Thanksgiving. In segment 2 Katy talks with Canadian youtuber Jonathan Pageau about his project to revive some great fairytales. Katy also answers questions from listeners in the 3rd segment.
This week, Katy talks with Andrew Wood, Senior Executive Director Of Church Engagement with the Pro-Abundant Life Group, Care Net.
Katy Faust talks with Them Before Us Engagement Director Patience Sunne about adoption and answers listener questions.
Them Before Us host and founder Katy Faust talks with Engagement Director Patience Sunne about election outcomes as they will impact children. And she also answers listener questions with Training Director Jennifer Friesen.
Katy and Them Before Us Executive Director Josh Wood discuss issues in the news which potentially affect children. Katy then talks with Delano Squires of the Heritage Foundation about race as it applies to our kids.
Them Before Us host and founder Katy Faust discusses items in the news as they potentially impact children and answers listener questions.
Host Katy Faust talks with Moms for Liberty co-founder, Tiffany Justice, and answers listener questions.