Washington Watch

Washington Watch is a daily program hosted by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that covers the issues of faith, family and freedom. Tony is your leading source for what is really happening in our nation’s Capital.

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Episodes (1802)
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Chip Roy, Andrew Bostom, Charles Herbster, Stacy Langton, Meg Kilgannon
November 09, 2021

On today's show:

  • Chip Roy, U.S. Representative for Texas's 21st District, gives his thoughts on the Biden administration’s COVID jab-or-test mandates and the GOP members who voted for the infrastructure bill.
  • Dr. Andrew Bostom, Clinical Trialist and Associate Professor of Family Medicine at Brown University, discusses Merck and Pfizer’s experimental and potentially groundbreaking COVID antiviral pills.
  • Charles Herbster, Nebraska business owner, shares what’s happening in Nebraska schools.
  • Stacy Langton, a mother in Fairfax County, Virginia, talks about her opposition to sexually explicit books in public school libraries.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC's Senior Fellow for Education Studies, shares the latest news on education and school boards.
ID: 68615
Haris Alic, Jeff Landry, Tate Reeves, Douglas Burton, Scott Rasmussen
November 08, 2021

On today's show:

  • Haris Alic, reporter for the Washington Times, shares the latest on the infrastructure and reconciliation bills.
  • Jeff Landry, Louisiana Attorney General, discusses the emergency stay issued by the 5th circuit against the Biden administration’s COVID jab-or-testing mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.
  • Tate Reeves, Governor of Mississippi, talks about the growing pushback against the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate.
  • Douglas Burton, editor for the Epoch Times and a former U.S. State Department official, gives an update on the jailing of Epoch Times reporter Luka Binniyat and shares other concerning news coming out of Nigeria.
  • Scott Rasmussen, pollster and editor-at-large at Ballotpedia, analyzes the 2021 election results and polls and discusses what they may indicate about the 2022 midterm election.
ID: 68614
August Pfluger, Roger Severino, Todd Nettleton, David Closson
November 05, 2021

On today's show:

  • August Pfluger, U.S. Representative for the 11th District of Texas, gives an update on the reconciliation and infrastructure bills, the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate, and the Biden administration saying they would pay illegal immigrants $450,000.
  • Roger Severino, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, calls out the Biden administration for improperly using an emergency rule provision to push mandates.
  • Todd Nettleton, Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for The Voice of the Martyrs, host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio, and author of When Faith Is Forbidden: 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians, shares how we can pray for persecuted believers during the upcoming International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians on Sunday, November 7.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, discusses how Christians can think biblically about freedom.
ID: 68612
Mark Green, Todd Rokita, Vicky Hartzler, Brent Keilen
November 04, 2021

On today's show:

  • Mark Green, U.S. Representative for the 7thdistrict of Tennessee and member of the GOP Doctors Caucus, discusses the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate rule and the Democrats’ massive spending bills.
  • Todd Rokita, Indiana Attorney General, unpacks Biden’s recently released vaccine mandate rule.
  • Vicky Hartzler, U.S. Representative for the 4thDistrict of Missouri, talks about the role critical race theory and education played in the Virginia governor’s race.
  • Dave Yost, Ohio Attorney General, gives his thoughts on the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate rule.
  • Brent Keilen, Vice President of FRC Action, reacts to the election results in Virginia and around the country.
ID: 68495
Rand Paul, John Boozman, Jody Hice, Kevin Brady, Brent Keilen
November 03, 2021

On today's show:

  • Rand Paul, U.S. Senator from Kentucky, talks about how several senators are introducing a measure to revoke President Biden’s vaccine mandate on private employers and his letter demanding answers after the National Institutes of Health deleted information about of gain-of-function research from their website.
  • John Boozman, U.S. Senator from Arkansas and former school board member, discusses the role parental rights played in the Virginia election and the GOP Senate resolution supporting parents’ right to be involved in their child’s education and rejecting the DOJ’s memo to investigate parents who criticize education policies.
  • Jody Hice, U.S. Representative for the 10th district of Georgia, shares what the Virginia election results and the Atlanta Braves victory show about the growing pushback against the far Left’s agenda.
  • Kevin Brady, U.S. Representative for the 8th District of Texas, gives an update on the debate in Congress over the Democrats’ massive spending bills.
  • Brent Keilen, Vice President of FRC Action, reacts to the election results in Virginia and around the country.
ID: 68482
James Lankford, Chuck Grassley, Jeff Barrows, Josh Hawley
November 02, 2021

On today's show:

  • James Lankford, U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, discusses the COP20 Climate Change Summit, the Marine Corps’ announcement that marines who refuse the COVID vaccine will be discharged after November 28, the Biden vaccine mandate on private employers, and his new memo detailing how the Democrats’ spending bill would expand using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.
  • Chuck Grassley, U.S. Senator from Iowa, talks about the Beth Robinson confirmation vote and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s memo targeting parents.
  • Dr. Jeff Barrows, Senior Vice President for Bioethics and Public Policy at Christian Medical & Dental Associations, discusses the American Medical Association’s newly released document saying that doctors should use language inspired by critical race theory.
  • Josh Hawley, U.S. Senator from Missouri, shares how liberals’ attacks on masculinity are driving men to pornography and video games, and discusses his efforts to remove an NDAA provision that forces women to enter the military draft and his letter to AG Garland regarding the Montana U.S. Attorney’s efforts to target parents.
ID: 68464
Thomas Catenacci, Louie Gohmert, Heather Hacker, Jim Lee,Brent Keilen
November 01, 2021

On today's show:

  • Thomas Catenacci, Energy and Environment Reporter for the Daily Caller, shares what’s happening at the COP26 climate change conference.
  • Louie Gohmert, U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Texas, unpacks what would happen if the Biden administration moved forward with making $450,000 payments to illegal immigrants who sued the Trump administration, and discusses the COP26 climate change conference.
  • Heather Hacker, Partner at Hacker Stephens LLP and former Assistant Solicitor General of Texas, shares what happened during the U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments on the Texas Heartbeat law case.
  • Jim Lee, CEO and Founder of Susquehanna Polling & Research Inc., talks about a new NBC poll showing 71% of Americans believe the country is on the “wrong track.”
  • Brent Keilen, Vice President of FRC Action, discusses the Virginia gubernatorial election and how the education issue is shaping the race.
ID: 68447
Travis Weber, Jerry Boykin, Roger Hiatt, David Closson
October 29, 2021

On today's show:

  • Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, discusses the reconciliation and infrastructure bills, language in the National Defense Authorization Act that forces women to register for the draft, and a federal judge temporarily banning the Biden administration from firing employees seeking vaccine exemptions.
  • Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, FRC's Executive Vice President and former commander of the U.S. Army's Delta Force, shares his concerns that the U.S. military is losing its edge over the Chinese military.
  • Roger Hiatt, child and adolescent psychiatrist, talks about why the Safe Act is needed to protect children.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, analyzes what the “Let’s go Brandon” chant says about the coarsening of our culture, but also why the chant may indicate a new openness to questioning the Left’s agenda.
ID: 68445
Byron Donalds, Kevin Hern, Larry Cosme, Marty Makary
October 28, 2021

On today's show:

  • Byron Donalds, U.S. Representative for the 19th District of Florida, unpacks President Biden’s framework for the $1.75 trillion reconciliation bill.
  • Kevin Hern, U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Oklahoma, discusses President Biden’s plan to attend the G20 Summit in Rome.
  • Larry Cosme, President of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, talks about the FDNY preparing to have to close several fire companies over the vaccine mandate.
  • Dr. Marty Makary, Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine & School of Public Health, previews his soon to be released study on COVID natural immunity.
ID: 68407
Tom Cotton, Marsha Blackburn, Meg Kilgannon, Kelvin Cochran
October 27, 2021

On today's show:

  • Tom Cotton, U.S. Senator from Arkansas, shares what happened during Attorney General Merrick Garland’s testimony before Congress and talks about his bill to prevent schools from facilitating a student’s “gender transition” behind parents’ backs.
  • Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Senator from Tennessee, discusses AG Garland’s testimony regarding the Department of Justice task force targeting parents and her new bill protecting essential workers from being fired for choosing not to get the COVID vaccine.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC's Senior Fellow for Education Studies, gives an update on what’s happening in Loudoun County as parents come before the school board and demand that school board members and the superintendent resign.
  • Kelvin Cochran, Senior Fellow and Vice President of Alliance Defending Freedom and former fire chief, talks about his new book, “Facing the Fire: The Faith That Brought ‘America’s Fire Chief’ Through the Flames of Persecution.”
ID: 68396
Michael Ginsberg, Randy Weber, Meg Kilgannon, Jim Inhofe, Sam Brownback, Gordon Chang
October 26, 2021

On today's show:

  • Michael Ginsberg, Congressional correspondent at the Daily Caller, shares the latest on the reconciliation bill negotiations taking place in the U.S. Senate.
  • Randy Weber, U.S. Representative for the 14th district of Texas, talks about business groups asking the Biden administration to delay the upcoming COVID vaccine mandates for private companies until after the holiday season.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC's Senior Fellow for Education Studies, gives an update on what’s happening in Loudoun County after a student was found guilty of sexual assault in a school bathroom, students walked out of class in protest to demand safety in school bathrooms, and parents are being forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement before they can view the district’s new curriculum inspired by critical race theory.
  • Jim Inhofe, U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, discusses his letter to the Pentagon urging a suspension of the vaccine mandate on servicemembers and the current state of the U.S. military.
  • Sam Brownback, former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, reacts to the military coup in Sudan and the implications on religious freedom.
  • Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China and The Great U.S.-China Tech War, discusses the Biden administration’s policy toward Taiwan and President Biden’s plan to attend the G20 Summit in Rome.
ID: 68379
Haris Alic, Pat Fallon, Chuck Holton, Ben Carson
October 25, 2021

On today's show:

  • Haris Alic, reporter for the Washington Times, shares the latest on the reconciliation bill.
  • Pat Fallon, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of Texas, discusses the State Department admitting there are 363 Americans trapped in Afghanistan and the latest on the reconciliation bill and the Democrats pushing a tax on billionaires.
  • Chuck Holton, freelance reporter for CBN News, gives an update on the caravans heading for U.S.-Mexico border and 52 Al-Qaeda suspects who were captured heading towards the United States.
  • Dr. Ben Carson, Founder and Chairman of the American Cornerstone Institute, talks about his Little Patriots initiative and new children’s book “Why America Matters,” the Loudoun County School Board’s handling of sexual assaults in school bathrooms and the National School Board Association’s so called “apology” letter on Friday, and the push to vaccinate children.
ID: 68361
Rick Allen, Katherine Johnson, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson
October 22, 2021

On today's show:

  • Rick Allen, U.S. Representative for the 12th District of Georgia, responds to President Biden’s town hall message and shares the letter he signed to the Biden administration regarding the kidnapped American missionaries in Haiti.
  • Katherine Johnson, FRC’s Research Fellow for Legal and Policy Studies, gives an update on the Texas Heartbeat bill after the Supreme Court declined to block the law and agreed to hear oral arguments on November 1st.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC's Senior Fellow for Education Studies, discusses an email from the Loudoun County Public Schools superintendent that alerted the school board on the day of bathroom assault.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, responds to Vice President Kamala Harris’ video sent to churches urging support for Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe.
ID: 68325
Mike Johnson, Dave Boyer, Chip Roy, Andrew Bostom, David Closson
October 21, 2021

On today's show:

  • Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative for the 4th district of Louisiana, discusses Attorney General Merrick Garland’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee and the DOJ task force targeting parents.
  • Dave Boyer, White House Correspondent for the Washington Times, talks about Merrick Garland’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.
  • Chip Roy, U.S. Representative for Texas's 21st District, shares what happened during his questioning of Merrick Garland on the sexual assaults in Loudoun County School District bathrooms.
  • Dr. Andrew Bostom, Clinical Trialist and Associate Professor of Family Medicine at Brown University, comments on the White House’s initiative to vaccinate children ages 5-11.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, responds to the increasing trend of government officials refusing to enforce laws they don’t like.
ID: 68315
Steve Daines, Chad Wolf, Mat Staver, Connor Semelsberger
October 20, 2021

On today's show:

  • Steve Daines, U.S. Senator from Montana, gives an update on negotiations over the reconciliation bill and the removal of the Hyde amendment in the Labor, Health and Human Services Senate bill.
  • Chad Wolf, former Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and Chair of the Center for Homeland Security and Immigration at America First Policy Institute, talks about what’s happening at the southern border with arrests soaring to an all-time high and the Biden administration transporting unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors out of Texas in the middle of the night.
  • Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, discusses U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer denying the emergency injunction pending appeal on behalf of more than 2,000 Maine health care workers, Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit on behalf of military servicemembers and federal employees and contractors who have been mandated to get the COVID vaccine, and responds to Southwest Airlines dropping their plan to get rid of employees that choose not to get the vaccine.
  • Connor Semelsberger, FRC's Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity, unpacks what’s really in the reconciliation bill’s Green New Deal.
ID: 68312
Michael Waltz, Todd Rokita, Jason Martinez, Connor Semelsberger
October 19, 2021

On today's show:

  • Michael Waltz, U.S. Representative for the 6th district of Florida, discusses China’s new hypersonic missile test and the State Department Inspector General’s investigation into the Afghanistan withdrawal.
  • Todd Rokita, Indiana Attorney General, talks about the 17-state effort that he is leading to protect parents from Biden administration's intimidation tactics.
  • Jason Martinez, Nebraska parent and member of the Protect Nebraska Children Coalition, shares about his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request that revealed that school bureaucrats' lied to parents and purposely excluded religious groups from the sex education curriculum team.
  • Connor Semelsberger, FRC's Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity, discusses what’s in the reconciliation bill’s Green New Deal.
ID: 68311
Vicky Hartzler, Edward Graham, Mike Berry, Bob Fu
October 18, 2021

On today's show:

  • Vicky Hartzler, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of Missouri, member of the House Armed Services Committee, and a commissioner of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, discusses reports of China’s advanced space capability, the threats that China poses to U.S. national security, and the Democrats $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.
  • Edward Graham, Assistant to the Vice President of Programs and Government Relations for Samaritan's Purse, gives an update on the U.S. missionaries who were kidnapped by a notorious Haitian gang.
  • Mike Berry, Deputy General Counsel and Director of Military Affairs for First Liberty Institute, shares that Navy SEALs seeking religious exemptions to the vaccine mandate are facing harassment and intimidation.
  • Bob Fu, Founder and President of China Aid Association and FRC’s Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom, discusses the U.S. rejoining the UN Human Rights Council and China shutting down Bible apps and Christian WeChat accounts as new crackdown policies go into effect.
ID: 68310
Tom McClintock, Patrick Hauf, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson
October 15, 2021

On today's show, hosted by Joseph Backholm:

ID: 68309
Kerry Picket, Ralph Norman, Dan Bishop, Ian Prior, Connor Semelsberger
October 14, 2021

On today's show:

  • Kerry Picket, Senior Congressional Reporter for the Washington Times, and Ralph Norman, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of South Carolina, discuss the global shipping crisis and the concerns that it could lead to layoffs, higher prices, fewer options at the grocery store, and eventually threaten our national security.
  • Dan Bishop, U.S. Representative for the 9th District of North Carolina and Member of the House Judiciary Committee, discusses the letter sent by House Judiciary Committee Republicans to Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the DOJ task force targeting parents, and the Biden administration’s plan to implement the employer vaccine mandate as early as next week.
  • Ian Prior, Executive Director of Fight for Schools, talks about how parents are responding to Loudoun County School District’s handling of sexual assaults in school bathrooms.
  • Connor Semelsberger, FRC's Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity, discusses how the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill will impact taxes, the national debt, and inflation.
ID: 68307
Ron Johnson, Dan Celia, Meg Kilgannon, Connor Semelsberger
October 13, 2021

On today's show:

  • Ron Johnson, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, discusses the status of President Biden’s private employer vaccine mandate, his letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin asking why COVID vaccines are being mandated for military servicemembers, and his letter demanding answers on Attorney General Merrick Garland’s call to investigate concerned parents.
  • Dan Celia, President and CEO of Financial Stewardship Ministries and host of “Financial Issues,” talks about the state of America’s work force after a record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in August and more than 100,000 workers are threatening to go on strike.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC's Senior Fellow for Education Studies, discusses the Loudoun County School District’s response after a dad said the school district tried to conceal the assault of his daughter.
  • Connor Semelsberger, FRC's Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity, shares how the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill will impact childcare, welfare, and education.
ID: 68305
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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