How to update my Data Usage and Data Saver settings

If you have Data Saver enabled, you may see interruption in the AFR app playing as your phone is trying to preserve your mobile device data plan.  To override this feature, follow these steps:


1. Open Settings
2. (In Settings Search box), type App data usage and click Search icon
3. Click App data usage
4. Click AFR app
5. Enable Background data
6. Enable Unrestricted data usage



Most other manufacturers

1. Open Settings
2. (In Settings Search box), type App data usage and click Search icon
3. Click App data usage
4. Click AFR app
5. Enable Background data
6. Enable Unrestricted data usage


Last Updated: July 17, 2023

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Contact AFA App Support

Send an email to [email protected] with a description of your problem and the Manufacturer and Model of your phone.

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