“Encouragement Live,” hosted by Dr. Don Hawkins, is the weekly national radio broadcast of Master Life Coach Training Institute.
Dr. Hawkins discusses Medicare with guest Toni King
Dealing With A Crisis
Grandparenting from a grandchild's perspective with guest host Danny Webster. Danny's guests are John Coleman and Rodney Love
Fear and what to do about it with Dr. Don Hawkins and Dr. Rex Rogers
You can connect with SAT-7 here
Toni King joins Dr. Hawkins to talk about all things Medicare
You can find Toni's website here
Roxane Indermuehle, of His Faithful Stewards, joins Dr. Hawkins to discuss stewardship
Find His Faithful Stewards website here
Larry Fowler, of The Legacy Coalition, discusses helping grandparents understand the incredible potential they have to impact their grandchildren's' spiritual lives.
Click here for The Legacy Coalition
John Redd joins Dr. Hawkins to give answers and hope for today's stressed out Christians
Connect with Hope Speaks here
Dr. Erwin Lutzer discusses his new book "The Power of a Clear Conscience"
Dr. Hawkins is joined by Dr. Rex Rogers , president of SAT-7 to discuss rapid social change
Dr. Hawkins talks to Dr. Mark Yarbrough about understanding the book of Jonah
Find Dr. Yarbrough here
Order Jonah: Beyond the Tale of a Whale here
Dr. Gene Getz and Don Hawkins discuss overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges
In this episode, Dr. Hawkins and his staff focus on prayer and encouragement
Dr. Rex Rogers talks about fear and what to do about it
Dr. Hawkins welcomes special guest , Roxane Indermuehle, to talk about financial guarantees.
Danny Webster and Dr. Hawkins discuss senior care and take prayer requests
Scripture for our Country/Prayer Meeting for America
Dr. Hawkins and guest, Dr. Rex Rogers, discuss the encouraging growth of Christian churches in the Middle East
Dr. Gary Oliver discusses his cancer battle with Dr. Hawkins
Rodney Love and Chris Varela join Dr. Hawkins to talk about stewardship during difficult times