On Exploring Missions, we connect listeners to God's global mission. We discuss the biblical basis of missions, highlight what God is doing through His people around the world and touch on a broad array of topics, such as: prayer, short term missions, persecution, unreached people groups, giving, and more. Join us each Saturday at 2:30 pm and Sunday at 1:05 pm CT.
The Greatest Journey: A Conversation with Zac Vakadewatabua from Samaritan's Purse
Rosemary's Home of Hope: A Conversation with Ray Hall
Paul's Life as A Missionary (Part 2)
Paul's Life as A Missionary (Part 1)
World Hope Bible Institute: A Conversation with Wes White
Missions Resources
Crisis Pregnancy, Discipleship, and the Church: A Conversation with Joseph Parker
Mexico Missions Ministries: A Conversation with Bethany Fleming and Tiffany Parker
Expectation of Mission - Psalm 67
Connect, Engage, Advance
Young Reapers for Christ: A Conversation with Godwin from India and Matt Wilburn
Protecting Life Post Roe v Wade: A Conversation with Dan Steiner
The Temple and The Fig Tree
Chosen People: A Conversation with Sergey Brosov
Nigerian Christian Children's Home: A Conversation with Cliff Jarrell
Don't Leave Home Without Them: A Conversation with Phillip Buttram of the Gospel Tract Society
The Excuses of Jonah
Reach a Village: A Conversation with Bob Craft
Spreading the Good News: A Conversation with Brent Elliott of The Gideons International
The Voice of the Martyrs: A Conversation with Todd Nettleton