Faith & Finance

Airing live at 9am CST on American Family Radio, Faith & Finance with Rob West, along with special guests and financial experts, aims to provide biblical wisdom on a variety of financial topics as well as answers to call-in questions. Originating in 1988, Larry Burkett, co-founder of Christian Financial Concepts and Crown Financial Ministries, started a question-and-answer radio program with co-host Steve Moore called “Money Matters”. After Larry’s passing and homegoing in 2003, Crown’s other co-founder, Howard Dayton, became the new host and in 2011, Money Matters was transformed into MoneyWise by Howard’s new organization, Compass Finances God’s Way. In 2017, Kingdom Advisors (another organization Larry Burkett co-founded) acquired the MoneyWise radio broadcast ministry and in January 2023 the ministry changed it's name to Faith & Finance. Today, under the leadership of radio host Rob West, Faith & Finance can be found on your favorite podcast platform and on the AFR website and mobile app.

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Episodes (589)
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Real Christian Love In Investing
May 28, 2024

Romans 12:9 says “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.” It may not be intuitive, but this verse is a compelling guide for applying our faith to our investment decisions. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Jason Myhre to tell us how we can love without hypocrisy as we invest our money. Then Rob will answer listener questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 82015
Why Are We Generous?
May 27, 2024

Do you think of yourself as a generous person? Most of us would like to think we are, but do we know why we’re generous? Jesus told us that it’s better to give than to receive, and Christians as a group are very generous people. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Chris Gabriel to tell us why we’re generous and how to be more so. Then Rob answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81957
For Where Your Treasure Is
May 24, 2024

Are you storing up treasures on earth, or in heaven? Are you focused on the temporal, or the eternal? Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 6 that our hearts will always follow what we treasure. So, was he talking about money? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Chad Clark to share some of his insights about this passage from the Sermon on the Mount. Then Rob answers various financial questions.

ID: 82001
Facts On Investing Filters
May 23, 2024

If you’re concerned that your investments may not align with Christian values, you might be interested in using a “screened” investment. For years, some Christians have chosen to invest in ways that avoid companies involved in unhealthy practices. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Brian Mumbert to talk about areas of moral concern that can be screened out of your investments. Then Rob will answer questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81974
Responsible Savings
May 22, 2024

Statistics show that many people aren’t saving for retirement. Others may have far more than enough. So, how can we find the right balance? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Brian Holtz to share what Scripture has to say about responsible savings. Then Rob answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81956
Lessons from Today’s Retirees
May 21, 2024

Inadequate savings, faulty assumptions, and high inflation could create barriers to a comfortable retirement. So, what can we learn from recent retirees about how to avoid these pitfalls? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Matt Bell to share some lessons from today’s retirees. Then, Rob answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81935
Save a Fortune on Your Mortgage
May 20, 2024

Given the current economic situation, we’re all concerned about ways to make our savings grow. But it might be wise to be less concerned about the interest we’re getting on our savings account and more concerned about the interest we’re paying on our mortgages. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West explains how you can save a fortune on your mortgage interest. Then he answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81916
The Power of Pentecost
May 17, 2024

After His resurrection, Christ promised the apostles they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them. And the fulfillment of that promise began a few days later, on Pentecost, and continues in believers to this day. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West talks about the power of Pentecost and explains what it has to do with your finances. Then he answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81903
Pros and Cons of Using a Credit Union
May 16, 2024

With numerous banking options to choose from, you may never have considered using a credit union. But, the 120 million credit union members nationwide know the advantages they have, and those benefits may be worth your consideration. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, Aaron Caid joins host Rob West to talk about the pros and cons of credit unions. Then Rob answers questions various financial topics.

ID: 81888
God Takes Stinginess or Generosity Personally
May 15, 2024

Christians are called to do good works, so that the world will see them, and God will be glorified. So, it shouldn’t surprise us that God is concerned with the way we choose to handle our finances. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Randy Alcorn to explain how God takes stinginess and generosity personally. Then Rob answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81866
Top 5 Mistakes of the Wealthy
May 14, 2024

We tend to think that wealthy individuals always make the right financial decisions, but is that always the case? The truth is, folks with a high net worth can sometimes make financial mistakes just as easily as the rest of us, and perhaps with even worse consequences. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Cole Pearson to share 5 mistakes of the wealthy. Then Rob answers listener questions about finances.

ID: 81853
All the Insurance You Need
May 13, 2024

The word “insurance” isn’t in the Bible, but it does say that it’s wise to protect your financial holdings— and insurance is one way to do that. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will talk about the different types of insurance and identify all the insurance you need. Then he’ll answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 81841
The Value of Moms
May 10, 2024

The well-known scripture passage from Proverbs 31 describes some of the many ways moms faithfully support and serve their families. And with Mother’s Day coming up, we want to brag about moms a bit! On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West will share some data related to the value of moms. Then he’ll take your calls and answer various financial questions.

ID: 81823
What the Cross Reveals About Generosity
May 09, 2024

If you had to guess, what would you say is the most generous act of all time? If you said, “The Cross,” you’d be absolutely correct, because Jesus gave His life on the Cross to redeem us. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, Art Rainer will join host Rob West to share some thoughts about what the Cross reveals about generosity. Then Rob will answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 81803
Should Christians Vote with Their Investments?
May 08, 2024

In Matthew 10:16, Jesus called us to be wise as snakes and gentle as doves. But can we be gentle and wise when standing up for biblical principles and our voting rights as investors? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Jerry Bowyer to share a biblical perspective on corporate engagement. Then Rob answers questions on various financial topics.

ID: 81784
Poverty: More Than a Lack of Resources
May 07, 2024

The dictionary defines poverty as having little or no money or possessions and no means of getting them. That definition of poverty is certainly true, as far as it goes, but is there more to poverty than a lack of resources? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Brian Fikkert to talk about it. Then Rob answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81769
Are You Buying into Busyness?
May 06, 2024

As if you don’t have enough to do – here comes May! And with it, the graduations, sports playoffs, and end-of-school events that keep you hopping. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West talks about how you can avoid buying into the busyness. Then he answers questions on various financial topics.

ID: 81755
A Break for Home Sellers?
May 03, 2024

The summer home buying season is straight ahead. Will sellers get a break on real estate commissions? On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West talks with Dale Vermillion about the recent decision made by The National Association of Realtors regarding realtor sales commissions. Then Rob takes some calls and answer various financial questions.

ID: 81742
6 Big Time Money Wasters
May 02, 2024

Jesus told His followers to be wary of materialism—but we’re all guilty of it from time to time—wasting money on things we don’t really need. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West talks about 6 big time money wasters. Then he answers questions on various financial topics.

ID: 81685
Debt Repayment or Giving?
May 01, 2024

Did you realize there’s one place in the Bible where God specifically tells us to test Him? And it really shouldn’t surprise us that it involves money. On today's Faith & Finance on AFR, host Rob West welcomes Ron Blue to explore this passage and help us consider important factors about our giving. Then Rob answers questions on a variety of financial topics.

ID: 81670
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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