Hannah’s Heart is a half hour program to encourage couples walking through infertility and miscarriage. It’s about clinging to Christ, the ultimate hope and finding peace and joy in the midst of the journey. Hosted by AFA’s very own Anne Cockrell and Kendra White.
Hannah’s Heart is a half hour program to encourage couples walking through infertility and miscarriage. It’s about clinging to Christ, the ultimate hope and finding peace and joy in the midst of the journey. Hosted by AFA’s very own Anne Cockrell and Kendra White.
This episode we continue the Carters’ story of loss but learn just how God can redeem our losses in this world if we let him. We learned about the ministries that were started after their daughter, Katie Beth, unexpectedly passed away. The Carters now travel to many states to offer hope through Jesus and walk with other parents who have experienced a child passing away. We also learned about a ministry that was founded in memory of KB in Nicaragua and how many children receive their education through that ministry.
Jason and Amy Carter come on to share their tragic story of loss and how the Lord has never their side through it all. We talk about their book which was inspired by their daughter, Katie Beth and discuss what inspired the cover of their book- smashed bricks and an acorn. We learn about their sweet KB who is remembered most for how she “Lived and loved well.”
Ministries mentioned in the show:
After having one miracle baby through minimal stimulation ivf, Kendra immediately knew she wanted to have another. But trusting God through the details is hard! In this episode, kendra discusses her fertility treatments to expand her family, her difficult pregnancy and all the "God winks" she experienced along the way. ”
This is the story of Pastor Andrew who's creative use of available space grew into a ministry with multiple churches helping several foster care agencies. It's another beautiful example of the difference one man can make.
This week we continue our discussion of human trafficking with Colleen Fabling who is the safe house ministry director with Eight Days of Hope. She shares how the church can get involved with their ministry of building and maintaining safe houses for women and children who have been rescued. https://eightdaysofhope.com/what-we-do/safe-house-ministry/
Colleen Fabling comes on to speak with Anne and Kendra about the fastest growing crime in America- Human Trafficking. If we say we care about the sanctity of human life, then we must care about the horrific cases of Human trafficking. We know that it is hard to listen to and to think about, but extremely needed. She shares unbelievable statistics and how we as the Body of Christ can get involved and what signs to look for.
We continue this week with Emily Burns' story of infertility which led to two wonderful adoptions that made her family whole. She discusses what those adoptions looked like for her family and how the Lord was in every single detail. As we see over and over, the Lord is always there to heal the broken (and infertile) heart.
Emily Burns shares her story of what it was like to become a stepmom and how that little girl became a little girl she loved like her own. However, Emily still desired to carry a baby of her own. Unfortunately, a few years after becoming a stepmom she was given the news no woman wants to hear. Infertility made its way into her story, but that’s not where her story ends.
Ricky and Cathy Cockrell (Anne’s in-laws) come on to discuss what loosing a grandchild was like. They share the grief that they-as grandparents of the baby who passed away- still struggle with but also what it was like to watch their son walk through such awful loss. They recount what that day was like for them and give a little advice to grandparents who may, unfortunately, experience this same situation one day. They also share how they as a family remember John-Micah and keep his memory alive.
Anne Cockrell and her husband, Will, recount what walking through infertility was like for Will. What it looks like for a husband to support his wife during such rough times. How husbands just want to “fix it” and what that looks like when you can’t immediately give your wife the baby she’s desiring. How a husband’s desire for a baby may look different than his wife’s desire.
Following an appearance by our host, Anne, on Jeff Chamblee's radio show, The Stand, in a blatant act of cross promotion (lol), Jeff agreed to be a guest on Hannah's Heart. Actually, Jeff and his wife also have an interesting story of reproductive challenges.
After experiencing a stillbirth or other gestational loss, a mother may not be emotionally equipped to plan a memorial ceremony or funeral for that precious baby. Suzane Walker volunteered to help Anne and her family and did a masterful job at honoring the short life of John Micah Cockerell.
Anne continues her conversation with Dani Cap as Dani tells her story of loss and God's role in their journey.
Dani and her husband have walked through infertility for eight years now. Multiple surgeries, adoption, a surprise pregnancy, and then a loss are just a few things they have walked through together. They have grown closer to the Lord and closer to each other even though they’ve walked through such hard things. She continues to lead others to the Lord by her blog and instagram, as_im_waiting
Kendra returns briefly from maternity leave to discuss with Anne the challenges a couple dealing with loss or infertility may deal with especially at Christmas time.
Sharon Aikmen continues her story and shares about her children she has adopted through foster care. She also shares about her new book that tells her wonderful God-filled story.
Years and years passed with what felt like no answered prayers and the Lord being silent to Sharon. However, the Lord is always working things out for our good. Sharon shares how through heartache she grew closer to the Lord and has now been able to mother 19 children and even to adopt 9. What a testimony Sharon shares with us.
The holidays are a difficult time when you are struggling to conceive, and when Thanksgiving rolls around the enemy can make you feel like you don’t have anything to be thankful for!
Join the Morgans as they share their journey with infertility — multiple IUIs, applying for foster care starting on the road to NaPro (Natural Procreative Technology) and ultimately conceiving naturally without intervention. And how prayer has held them together through it all!
Emmie Chavers continues to share about her little guy with disabilities and shares how those disabilities led to her seeking out help from a ministry a few states away. While she was there the Lord spoke to her, and now that same type of ministry is just a few miles away.