Rev. Donald E. Wildmon is Founder and Chairman Emeritus of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR).
One of the primary jobs of a parent is to introduce our children to Christ. We’re failing them if we don't understand this and they’re suffering for it. We are cheating our children.
With all Americans have at our fingertips; wealth, plenty, comfort, statistics show that more of us than not die unhappy. Perhaps our definition of happiness is wrong.
As children we have a seemingly inexhaustible zest for living that often wanes in adulthood. Keeping that zest for living isn’t easy, but it is simple when we find our purpose in Christ.
Fear it is said, comes from a lack of knowledge. We fear the unknown so it follows that the more one knows of God and the better our relationship with God, the more on will revere God, lead to less fear or terror of God.
Man is made for worship and will always intuitively worship something. There is also a need within man for fellowship and scholarship. No man can do without these three ships.
When the wrongs we perceive are allowed to become debts to be repaid we often find that getting even can result in losing those things that mean the most to us.
Sins of the spirit aren’t necessarily detectable in appearance but are just as deadly as those that are. Every sin, seen or unseen spring from a root and that root of sin will destroy us if not weeded from us.
Every person on the planet is given the same amount of time in every day. We always seem to make time for those activities that are important to us. Priorities matter.
The body of Christ most accurately reflects Him in their acts of kindness and God will. When we give of ourselves, we receive much, much more.
Separation of church and state does not mean separation from civic duty. Beginning with responsibility to ensure that those in public office are good people and being mindful that all humans make mistakes.
Religion is everywhere. When one truly looks at the capabilities within oneself we see how desperate we are for help from outside ourselves; thus the birth of religion. But Christianity isn’t just another religion because without the Cross of Christ, it’s a phony.
Every small decision we make goes into the make-up of the fabric of our lives. In reality, no decision is small or insignificant.
Who among us can cast the first stone of condemnation? Christ tells us that forgiveness of sin for ourselves is dependent on our forgiving others.
There many aspects to God, The Father, that many Christians have either missed or have simply never been taught. He is a being completely different from us; unobtrusiveness is only one of His attributes.
The Rev. Don Wildmon shares with our listeners a letter he wrote to his own father many years ago expressing his appreciation for the life-principles handed down to him as a youngster.
As we mature we begin to see our parents through an ever growing gratitude for their sacrifices, wisdom and God-centered influence deposited within us.
A simple smile often communicates more than words. It doesn’t take much effort at all, and the reward is priceless.
Adopting the legal end of religion without the spirit of it is not to be religious at all.
The founders of our nation labored diligently and carefully to create our nation. They used a foundation of three pillars, holding equal weight. They are Home, school and church.
Everyone needs to have dreams to help us keep trying when we think we have gone as far as we possibly can.