Rev. Donald E. Wildmon is Founder and Chairman Emeritus of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR).
The quickest way to fail to impress someone is to pretend to be someone or something we are not.
With every act we build our lives. We use each thought, each decision, each action just like building materials. The product we wind up with is built on the foundation of the past AND the action of the now.
Getting everything we want is not “heaven”. We aren’t built to have our wishes granted without effort. We are built to strive – to achieve – to conquer. Our wrong ideas of God and heaven will prove to be our undoing.
One act of kindness is often all that is needed to change hearts minds and lives.
How many of us need to be willing to cover the hillside with white? Many more are desperate to know it is safe to come home.
Christ’s presence and work in one’s life may be inexplicable but it is always obvious.
Those who truly investigate the gospel find their minds and hearts changed toward Christ rather than the gospel disproved.
Undo concern; that’s what most worry is. 95% of the stuff about which we worry never happens. The other 5% is beyond our control; so why expose ourselves to the stress of worry?
Humor – appreciation – encouragement – forgiveness and grace; five words with the poser within them to change a life in a redemptive direction.
Sybil’s ride isn’t nearly as well-known as Paul Revere’s. However, looking at the two, hers was much more important and effective. Our contributions aren’t made to be recognized but to participate in a greater good.
Everyone has to deal with burdens. How we do it is dependent on how many burdens we’ve shared with others. Give those burdens over to Christ.
Purpose for life must stretch beyond ourselves if it is to keep us going. Jesus said, “The one that loses his life for my sake, find it.”
We may not have sinned a like but we all alike have sinned. Remember the two men praying in the temple, then look carefully at yourself to see which of those men you most resemble.
Nehemiah did a great (huge) work because he kept working for the purpose to which he had set his sights.
Obstacles are not avoidable but we never need face them alone for Christ has promised He will never leave us or forsake us.
There is no substitute for preparation and hard work. One mustn’t attempt to build a life’s superstructure upon a day’s foundation.
When thinking about suffering in this life we must do so with three pre-requisites in mind. Clarity; faithfulness and patience; these three perspectives can help us better understand suffering in this world.
Giving is a fundamental principle in the scriptures. Giving of one’s money, one’s time, one’s abilities – giving of one’s self, you could say. Always remember that little kindnesses don’t cost us much and they go a long way.
Over-protection can be worse for someone than exposure to difficult situations. It can destroy the incentive to do what one can do. to strive for improvement when given the chance. One might just prove themselves capable of rising to the occasion.
He who is lowly, meek and poor is the richest man on earth because he who clings to Christ as the center of his life, lives from gratitude for what he has.