Share Truth Apply Scripture

No matter what spiritual or cultural issue you face, the answer is to always share the truth of God and apply it to your life. That is exactly what co-hosts Jordan Chamblee and Cedra Sartin seek to do every week on Share Truth Apply Scripture, as they discuss a wide range of topics that concern young believers in today’s world. Listen on American Family Radio or online through the podcast.

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Episodes (462)
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STAS 8.2 The Scriptural View of God
May 26, 2018

It is one thing to have wrong assumptions. But when we see them, how do we correct them? How do we live in light of the truth, as opposed to the lie? Kelley, Jordan, and TJ share their insights.

ID: 74504
STAS 8.1 Christian Assumptions about God's Character
May 26, 2018

We all have assumptions about people we don't know. We even have certain assumptions about we do know. But most assumptions we make are damaging in some sense.

What wrong assumptions are we Christians tempted to make and believe? Kelley Crampton joins Jordan and TJ in the studio to discover and challenge these.

ID: 74505
STAS 7.2: Assuming God is Like Us
May 19, 2018

Humans are all very alike. We may live in different areas, have different hobbies, and think differently about real issues, but we still have many similarities. We are so alike, in fact, we can easily assume God is like us. That is a dangerous and wrong assumption. Cedra joins Jordan and TJ again to talk about that and many other assumptions people make about God.

ID: 74506
STAS 7.1: Assumptions about God's Character
May 19, 2018

We all make assumptions every day. Most are trivial and have little impact on our lives. But making assumptions about God, especially if we do not know Him can have eternal implications. Cedra joins Jordan and TJ in the studio to talk about the assumptions lost people have about God.

ID: 74507
STAS 6.2: Nuances in the Gun Debate
May 12, 2018

After each tragedy involving guns, there is a cry to ban all guns. This is quickly followed by the cry to protect all guns. Is there nuance in the debate? Is there room for grace? Is there an area where both sides can find common ground? Wesley, Jordan, and TJ seek the answers to these questions.

ID: 74508
STAS 6.1: Convictions on Self Defense
May 12, 2018

Do we Christians have the God-given liberty and responsibility to self-defense? Some Christian sects say no, some yes. Wesley, Jordan, and TJ share their convictions and caveats to those convictions.

ID: 74509
STAS 5.2: Thinking through capitalism
May 05, 2018

Is capitalism really a better system than communism or socialism? TJ, Cedra, and Jordan discuss the more balanced form of national economics and examine it from an honest, Biblical worldview.

ID: 74510
STAS 5.1: Why do people want communism?
May 05, 2018

In this episode, TJ, Cedra, and Jordan delve into the topic of communism's rising popularity and why people are attracted to it. Is it simply a desire to be taken care of? A desire for free stuff? Or is it a desire for a more "compassionate" form of government?

ID: 74511
STAS 4.2: Compassionate Immigration
April 28, 2018

Many who argue for open borders say it is the only compassionate approach to allowing people into a country. But is that true? Is there a biblical case for borders and immigration policy? Is it possible to be pro-procedure and pro-immigrant? Wesley, Kelley, and TJ continue their talk focusing on immigration.

ID: 74512
STAS 4.1: Pro-immigrant Immigration
April 28, 2018

Immigration is a big, messy, political issue. But is it also a biblical one? Is there a divide being pro-immigrant and pro-legal immigration? Wesley, Kelley, and TJ discuss these big ideas on the latest episode of Share Truth, Apply Scripture.

ID: 74513
STAS 3.2: Answer the Person, Then the Question
April 21, 2018

Why does God allow evil to exist? If God is good, why do bad things happen? Christianity is bad for the world.

Questions and statements from people who seem antagonistic to Christianity can rouse defensive feelings in the heart of Christians. But we can take hope. There are answers to these questions. But, more importantly, there are answers to the questions behind these questions.

Cedra Sartin, Jordan, and TJ share how we can dig beneath the question being verbalized to the one a lost person really needs to ask, and how to find the answers to both.

ID: 74514
STAS 3.1: Our Approach Matters
April 21, 2018

There are always obstacles to presenting Christ to the lost. But for those who are antagonistic toward faith, the obstacles can seem impossible to overcome.

Cedra Sartin joins Jordan and TJ again to discuss how our approach to those antagonistic toward Christianity is just as important as how we answer their challenges.

ID: 74515
STAS 2.2: You Aren't Good Enough
April 14, 2018

How good must a person be to inherit eternal life? The standard is not to be better than Hitler, or even the average soccer mom. The standard is Jesus. But how can we help people see that in a loving, Christ-honoring way? Cedra Sartin joins Jordan and TJ again to continue discussing how to overcome obstacles in presenting the gospel to those uninterested in Jesus.

ID: 74516
STAS 2.1: Too Distracted for the Gospel
April 14, 2018

There will always be obstacles to overcome in presenting the gospel to friends and loved ones. One of the biggest is helping someone see beyond the attractions and distractions of this world and gaze upon the loveliness of Christ. Cedra Sartin steps in for Wesley in the studio with Jordan, and TJ as they talk about how Christians can present the gospel to those uninterested in Jesus.

ID: 74517
STAS 1.2: Considering Heaven
April 07, 2018

There are just as many misconceptions about heaven as there are about hell. Ultimately (spoiler alert) heaven is not about gold street or pearly gates. It is about Jesus. Kelley Crampton joins Wesley and TJ again to discuss how and why Jesus is the Great Treasure for every Christian.

Mentioned Resources:

Four Views on Hell

ID: 74518
STAS 1.1: Considering Hell
April 07, 2018

Lots of new things have happened with Engage's podcast. First, our new name is Share Truth Apply Scripture. Second, STAS is now on YouTube as well as American Family Radio. Third, our new intern, Kelley Crampton, is making her first appearance with Wesley and TJ.

For Kelley's first time behind the mic, we chose a simple topic: Hell. What misconceptions do people typically have of hell, what is hell really like, and what would we lose if hell didn't exist?

Verses we ran through:

Matthew 3:12

Matthew 5:22

Matthew 25:46

Luke 16:23

Matthew 10:28

2 Thessalonians 1:9

Mentioned Resources:

Four Views on Hell

ID: 74519
Ep. 206 Dying Well
March 31, 2018

How we as Christians grieve says much about our understanding of God. It may be the death of a child, the death of a parent, or perhaps even our own impending death, but we do not grieve as one without hope. What does this mean and how do we preach hope to ourselves and to those grieving around us? Wesley, Jordan, and TJ focus on these questions and more in this episode of Share Truth Apply Scripture.

ID: 74520
Ep. 205 Suffering Well
March 31, 2018

It rains on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Many mistakenly believe when you become a Christian suffering will be as separate from you as oil is from water. That belief is simply unbiblical.

Every apostle suffered. Jesus suffered. Christians throughout church history have suffered. And Christians today suffer.

But we suffer with hope and we suffer with help. Wesley, Jordan, and TJ discuss the hope and help of Christ and Scripture in this episode of Share Truth, Apply Scripture.

ID: 74521
EP. 204 The Journey of Sanctification
March 24, 2018

If you are alive, you are growing. You may be growing up, growing old, or growing tired, but you are growing. The same is true for the Christian made alive by the Spirit of God. A true Christian will grow in likeness and conformity to Jesus. That process is called Sanctification.

Wesley, Jordan, and TJ dissect the doctrine and share how Christians can pursue sanctification by knowing God deeper.

Mentioned Resources:

Preach to Yourself

Taking Holiness Seriously

ID: 74522
Ep. 203 Joyful Repentance
March 24, 2018

Most conversations about repentance are very serious and somber. And that attitude is certainly appropriate. But it can also miss the fact that God giving us the ability and opportunity to repent is a blessing.

Wesley, Jordan, and TJ discuss how repentance must be an ongoing activity in the life of every Christian and what true repentance leads to.

Mentioned Resources:

Repent, Return, Repeat

Preach to Yourself

ID: 74523
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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