The Dr. Nurse Mama Show

Dr. Nurse Mama is hosted by Dr. Jessica Peck. Dr. Peck is a pediatric nurse practitioner as well as a professor, author, and mother of four. Today’s teens face many realities we never faced as parents, creating conflict that can lead to shame, stigma, broken relationships, and even a crisis of faith. Each week, Dr. Peck will approach these issues from a biblical and holistic health perspective with the aim of bringing hope and healing to families in America and around the world.

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Episodes (292)
Page 14 of 15
Back to School
August 14, 2023

This week Jessica has a heart-to-heart with parents about preparing our minds and
homes to begin a new school year, whether your kids go to home school, private school,
public school, or college.

Tips include:
Give yourself grace.
Be an intentional teacher.
Listen with your face.
Practice gratitude.
Pray often.

Jessica also reviews 4 important health threats parents need to be aware of heading
back into school:
Saturn (an app for high school students with privacy concerns)
Bed Rotting

Conversation Keys:
What are you most excited about in this school year?
What are you most anxious about?
How can I help support you to make this your best school year ever?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Embrace every season and stage. Don’t communicate to your child you love a younger
version of who they used to be more than who they are becoming

Dr. Nurse Mama Podcast Rewind...Go back and listen to Episode 3 in the first series, where Pastor Brian visits with Jessica about imagecrafting

ID: 78190
Raised to Stay
August 07, 2023

Welcome Natalie Runion, author and creator of the Raised to Stay community. Leaders
and laypeople are leaving churches across America in droves. Following the heartbreak
of being hurt by her church, Natalie buried her dream of Christian ministry and wrestled
with her faith. But God never abandoned her. Today, she encourages people to stick
with the church during hard and hurtful seasons of ministry. She invites people to
acknowledge “the hurt and the hard” so they can move toward “the hope and the
healing.” Today Natalie and I talk about how we can raise “stayers.” Natalie is back
working in ministry as she and her husband Tony are raising two daughters.

Conversation Keys:
How do you feel about the church we are attending right now?
What role does church play in your life?
What are the things you love about church and what things frustrate you?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
There is no junior Holy Spirit in our kids. Our kids have discernment and need to see us model
honesty and honor.

Find Natalie here.

Get Natalie’s book Raised to Stay here.

Find Natalie on Instagram.

Dr. Nurse Mama podcast rewind ...go back and listen to our very first episode where Jessica talks with Pastor Brian about tips for families trying to find a church home.

ID: 78075
Unshakable Kids
July 31, 2023

We want to welcome Lauren Gaines, who has a master’s degree in psychology and
founded Inspired Motherhood as a place to empower mothers to
know their worth and equip families with the right tools to raise spiritually and emotionally healthy kids. She
lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and 3 kids! She is the author of Unshakable Kids:
Three Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy Kids

Conversation Keys:
Who are the 5 people you need in your village?
Who is your... intercessor, counselor health care provider, friend, and someone who is
in the same boat?

Who do you think are my best friends? Who do you see in my inner circle?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
We need to be honest with each other and know that everyone walks through difficult
seasons. We need to offer ourselves grace when we mess up and reframe setbacks as
learning opportunities

Find Lauren here and get your free back-to-school prayer guide

Connect with Lauren on Facebook and Instagram

Preorder Lauren's book here

ID: 77979
Keeping Your Kids Safe from Human Trafficking
July 24, 2023

Did you know?
Dr. Jessica Peck is a professor and pediatric nurse practitioner who has been working for
the last decade at the state, national, and international level as an educator and policy
advocate for people impacted by human trafficking?

In a previous episode, Jessica talked with Kerri Taylor, director of Unbound Now Houston
about their work on the ground in Houston to impact trafficking. This week, Jessica takes
a deep dive into the world of trafficking and teaches parents about the signs to watch for
and how to keep your kids safe.

Conversation Keys:
What do you know or have you heard about human trafficking?
What can I do to help make you feel safe and supported?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Three things your family can do to help fight human trafficking:

Click here for free trainings from Unbound Now for parents, students, faith communities, hospitality industries, medical professionals, dental professionals, school personnel, and law enforcement.

Click here for the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol Toolkit and ask your child’s school about their readiness to respond.

Click here for the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol Toolkit and ask your child’s school about their readiness to respond.

Volunteer with a local anti-trafficking organization.


Click here for the National Human Trafficking hotline information.

Click here for your state’s report card from Shared Hope International

Click here to see your state’s information from the National Human Trafficking Hotline report from Polaris.

ID: 77904
Sit With Me [Healthy Grieving]
July 17, 2023

Natasha is a grief advocate, author, speaker, podcaster, and content creative.

Through her own grief experiences, she has a heart for the hurting, for the grieving, for
those experiencing and facing hard times in life.
She is a North Carolina native, and blessed to share home life with her husband Clinton
and their four beautiful kiddos who she homeschools.

She is the author of Can You Just Sit With Me? Healthy Grieving for the Losses of Life
among many other blogs and devotionals.

Conversation Keys:
What experiences have you seen me go through that were really sad?
What life experiences have you had that have made you the most sad?
How do you feel about how I supported you in those experiences?
[Choose one of Natasha’s Grief Exercises to do together]

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Bringing all we have to the feet of Jesus is where I find hope in the journey, sometimes
day-to-day and sometimes moment-by-moment.


Click here to order Natasha’s book.

ID: 77811
Real - Life Sound of Freedom
July 10, 2023

Everyone everywhere is talking about the movie The Sound of Freedom. In this episode,
Kerri and Jessica talk about their real-life work to educate and equip parents and other
community members to respond to human trafficking and what you need to know.

Kerri Taylor
Kerri is the Executive Director of Unbound Now Houston.
She is a member of the Child Sex
Trafficking Team’s Advisory Council for Harris County, and on the board of the
Brazoria County United Front Coalition to Fight Human Trafficking. Kerri earned her
Bachelor’s Degree from Baylor University in Education and her Master’s degree in
Speech Pathology and Audiology from the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the
University of Hawaii. As a speech/language pathologist she specialized in treating adult
neurogenic disorders and children ages 0-3. Kerri was named Galveston County’s woman
of the year for 2019 by the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Conversation Keys:

What have you heard about the movie Sound of Freedom?

What do you know about human trafficking?

What scares you about it?

What would make you feel more safe and supported?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:

Your child doesn’t have to experience the trauma of trafficking.

Prevention education is hope!

You have more influence with your child than anyone else.

Exercise it and take advantage of it.

God is on the move and there are people who are mobilized and moving heaven and earth to make an impact on this issue.


Click here for more information on human trafficking.

Click here for free trainings from Unbound Now for parents, students, faith communities, hospitality industries, medical professionals, dental professionals, school personnel, and law enforcement

Click here for the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol Toolkit.

Check out some of these other resources on human trafficking based on Dr. Peck’s work:

What Parents Should Know About Human Trafficking: Love Where You Are Podcast with Somer Colbert

Houston Chronicle Op-Ed: Pandemic Causes Child Trafficking to Soar

Spotlighting National Human Trafficking Awareness Month:Warm 106.9

A Call for Nurses to Recognize Child Trafficking as an Emerging Child Health Threat

ID: 77737
Ask Dr. Nurse Mama
July 03, 2023

Conversation Keys:
Tell your kids: You can always ask me anything.
Borgs: What would you do if you found yourself
in a situation where there is alcohol?
Deepfake porn: What harms can happen by misleading people with deepfakes?
Snapchat AI: What have you heard about AI technology?
Social Media: In what ways do you see teens using social media irresponsibly or

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Planting and harvesting don’t happen in the same season. Release your teen from the
pressure of providing you with instant gratification on your parenting. Have confidence
that you’ll see fruit in the future.

Get your copy of Behind Closed Doors: A Guide for Parents and Teens to Navigate Life’s Toughest Issues for more guidance on navigating these tough issues with your teen.

ID: 77653
What the Church Gets Wrong About Pornography
June 26, 2023

Conversation Keys:
What kinds of exposure have you had to pornography?
What would you do if you accidentally came across pornography?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Start having that hard conversation. Don't wait, procrastination kills good intentions. It’s
okay not to know everything. Be prepared to tell your teens, I’m sorry. I should have
prepared you for that. Then tell them you love them.

Get your copy of The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography and How to Fix it

ID: 77652
Nervous Breakthrough: Anxious Parents
June 19, 2023

Dr. Peck's guest is Christy Boulware

Conversation Keys:

Ask your kids: what do you see about my phone use that seems unhealthy or frustrates

Hope for Healthy Relationships:

Model to your children what you want you to see them model to you. Be vulnerablewith our kids. Practice forgiveness. Break up with perfection. Allow your kids to fail.Taking off your superhero cape is one of the best things you can do.

Get your copy of Nervous Breakthrough: Finding Freedom from Fear and Anxiety in a World That Feeds It to hear more of Christy’s struggle with and freedom from anxiety

Find Christy here

ID: 77455
Cultivating Healthy College Transitions
June 12, 2023

Conversation Keys:
On a scale from 1-10 with 1 being terrible and 10 being terrific, how would you rate the
health of our relationship? What made you choose that number?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
College transition is a gradual process. We won’t figure it out the first week. Give us the
grace to fall, be instructive, and be present. Give us time to grow.

Get your copy of Behind Closed Doors: A Guide for Parents and Teens to Navigate Through Life’s Toughest Issues to hear more of Shelby and Jessica’s story of relationship struggle and restoration.

ID: 77354
Inspired Motherhood
June 05, 2023

Conversation Keys:
Who listens to you most generously?
What would you like me to listen to you more about?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Use light-hearted
activities your kids enjoy to create moments of connection with your

Find Lauren here

Connect with Lauren on Facebook and Instagram

ID: 77096
Stop Saying I'm Fine
May 29, 2023

Conversation Keys:
On a scale of 1-10 with one being terrible and 10 being terrific, how do you feel about
your mental health?
What can I do to help support you to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Don’t underestimate the power of loving eye contact.

Find Taylor Joy Murray here

Get your copy of Taylor’s book here .

Find Taylor’s 16 week course to finding stillness here .

Find Taylor’s small group guide here .

Find the National Helpline for Mental Health here .

ID: 77082
52 Days to a Significant Life
May 22, 2023

Conversation Keys:
What do you think is your greatest strength?
How can you lead from that strength in our family?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:
When we seek God’s love first, that overflow in our life gives us significance and the
capacity to love those around us.

Find Rachael Adams here.

Get your copy of Rachael’s devotional book here

Listen to Rachael’s podcast here

ID: 76997
Greta Fights Porn
May 15, 2023

Conversation Keys:
Can you think of a time as a teen where someone showed grace instead of shaming you?
How did that impact you?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:

The thing your kids want most from you is your time, building relationships through simple connection

Explore resources from Fight the New Drug here

Find Greta Eskridge here

Get your copy of Greta’s books here

ID: 76992
Raising Amazing Kids
May 08, 2023

Conversation Keys:What are ways we can have more fun together as a family?
If you knew I wouldn’t say no, what would you ask me to do with you?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:

The Word of God is the greatest resource for all the answers you need. Enjoy your kids in every stage. Be present and savor the opportunity to savor their hearts

Find Monica Swanson here

Listen to the Monica Swanson podcast here

Get your copy of Monica's book: Raising Amazing: Bringing Up Kids Who Love God, Like their Family and Do the Dishes Without Being Asked

ID: 76900
Fight For Your Family - Part Two
May 01, 2023

Conversation Keys:

How are you feeling about what's going on right now?

How is this impacting you personally?

How can I support you and help you feel safe?

What do you think you can do to be a positive influence?

Hope for Healthy Relationships:

Don’t give up.

You are not alone

Take an ACE quiz here

Learn more about ACEs here

National Sexual Assault Hotline can be found here

Find Pastor Brian Haynes' website here

ID: 76796
Fight For Your Family - Part One
April 24, 2023

Conversation Keys:

Tell your teen, I’d like to share with you something difficult that
has happened in my life
and what I’m learning from it. After sharing your story, invite them to share their own
challenge and remind them you always have an open door for conversation.

Connect with Pastor Brian here

Get your copy of Brian's book War In The Wilderness: Fight For Your Family When Life Isn't As It Should Be

Get your copy of Dr. Peck’s book: Behind Closed Doors: A Guide to Help Parents and Teens Navigate Life’s Toughest Issues

ID: 76697
Dr. Nurse Mama Promo
April 11, 2023

Promo for Dr. Nurse Mama 

ID: 76548
Postscript: How to Heal Generational Hurts
March 21, 2023

Jessica shares her post-script story of healing her relationship with her daughter. Pastor Brian equips parents for Legacy Milestones through childhood.

ID: 76570
Eating Disorders: How to Find Healing When Food is Your Enemy
March 07, 2023

Jessica calls out our judgment of others and the social acceptability of disordered eating. Pastor Brian talks about the impacts of modesty culture on body shaming.

ID: 76569
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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