“But Jesus perceived their wickedness and said, ‘why test me, you hypocrites?”
North Carolina law requires people to use public restrooms consistent with their biology. As a result, PayPal has cancelled its plans to build a global operation facility in North Carolina because it feels the bathroom law discriminates against the transgender community.
Ironically, PayPal opened a similar center in Malaysia in 2011, though Malaysia publically flogs and incarcerates homosexuals. Its international headquarters are in Singapore, which also criminalizes homosexuality.
PayPal’s stance is not one of principle. It is high class hypocrisy. It shows the homosexual thought gestapo will sacrifice women and children to advance their agenda.
Dig Deeper
Find out more details about PayPal's threatening actions in this April news release from American Family Association.
And, if you're looking for an alternative to PayPal, AFA has this suggestion.