0:00 - 15:00. Romans 1:32. Scripture confronts direct participants in abominable rebellion and the enablers.
15:00 - 31:00. VA Delegate Elizabeth Guzman wants to criminally prosecute parents who don’t affirm their children’s purported sex transition.
31:00 - 48:00. The CFC will vote this week to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from injection injury liability. Callers weigh in.
November 12th @ 6 p.m. - 3815 State Hwy 8, Titusville, PA, 16354. To purchase tickets visit: https://christianlifeacademy.org/abraham-hamilton-speaking-at-cross-creek/
To Take Action against Biden’s new rule: https://www.afa.net/activism/action-alerts/help-stop-biden-s-radical-new-rule-that-destroys-girls-privacy-in-dressing-rooms/