The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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(Re-air from 3/23) Mr. Biden sought a nominee that would be the first black woman justice to SCOTUS who can’t or won’t define what a woman is.
March 25, 2022

 0:00 - 15:00. Exodus 18:17-24. Jethro’s wise counsel to Moses influenced the founding of the American judicial system.

18:00 - 35:00. The U.S. Government announced today that Russia has committed war crimes because of their “deliberate targeting of civilians” in Ukraine. 

38:00 - 54:30. Mr. Biden sought a nominee that would be the first black woman justice to SCOTUS who can’t or won’t define what a woman is.

ID: 70239
During a press conference following a meeting with NATO countries and G-7 leaders, Mr. Biden said the U.S. “would respond” if Putin uses chemical weapons.
March 24, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Philippians 4:4-6. There is an other-worldliness gravitas that continually drives the Believer.

18:00 - 35:00. During a press conference following a meeting with NATO countries and G-7 leaders, Mr. Biden said the U.S. “would respond” if Putin uses chemical weapons. 

38:00 - 54:30. The Whitehouse offers mixed messages concerning the purpose of sanctions.

ID: 70221
(Re-air from 3/24) During a press conference following a meeting with NATO countries and G-7 leaders, Mr. Biden said the U.S. “would respond” if Putin uses chemical weapons.
March 24, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Philippians 4:4-6. There is an other-worldliness gravitas that continually drives the Believer.

18:00 - 35:00. During a press conference following a meeting with NATO countries and G-7 leaders, Mr. Biden said the U.S. “would respond” if Putin uses chemical weapons. 

38:00 - 54:30. The Whitehouse offers mixed messages concerning the purpose of sanctions.

ID: 70305
Mr. Biden sought a nominee that would be the first black woman justice to SCOTUS who can’t or won’t define what a woman is.
March 23, 2022

 0:00 - 15:00. Exodus 18:17-24. Jethro’s wise counsel to Moses influenced the founding of the American judicial system.

18:00 - 35:00. The U.S. Government announced today that Russia has committed war crimes because of their “deliberate targeting of civilians” in Ukraine. 

38:00 - 54:30. Mr. Biden sought a nominee that would be the first black woman justice to SCOTUS who can’t or won’t define what a woman is.

ID: 70196
Objection Mr. McCarthy! It’s perfectly necessary to query a nominee to a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court about their judicial record and philosophy.
March 22, 2022

 0:00 - 15:00.  Proverbs 18:15-17. The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge.

18:00 - 35:00. Objection Mr. McCarthy! It’s perfectly necessary to query a nominee to a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court about their judicial record and philosophy. 

38:00 - 54:30. Florida Governor Ron Desantis declares Florida native, Emma Weyant the rightful winner of the NCAA Division 1 Women’s 500 meter freestyle race in official gubernatorial proclamation.

ID: 70182
(Re-air from 11/11/21) Anne Cockrell and Kendra White step into “The Corner” to discuss “Hannah’s Heart.”
March 21, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Romans 8:26-28. Sometimes, we don’t know what to pray exactly. But, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.

18:00 - 35:00. Anne Cockrell and Kendra White step into “The Corner” to discuss “Hannah’s Heart.”

38:00 - 54:30. Anne and Kendra share more of their personal testimonies that lead to creating “Hannah’s Heart.”

ID: 70169
Curt Allen, Pastor of Solid Rock Church in Baltimore, MD, steps into “The Corner” to discuss the “Sturdy Stool.”
March 18, 2022

0:00 - 14:00. John 7:53 - 8:11. The Gospel answers the hard heart issues.

14:00 - 31:00. Curt Allen, Pastor of Solid Rock Church in Baltimore, MD, steps into “The Corner” to discuss the “Sturdy Stool.”

31:00 - 48:00. Pastor Curt Allen explains that intellectual agreement with Jesus’ teaching is not synonymous with functional obedience to His teachings.



ID: 70137
Guest Host, Todd Friel - "How do I Harmonize so much evil in the World?"
March 17, 2022

Guest Host, Todd Friel - "How do I Harmonize so much evil in the World?"

ID: 70127
Guest Host, Todd Friel - "Engaging Students with the Gospel"
March 16, 2022

Guest Host, Todd Friel - "Engaging Students with the Gospel"

ID: 70104
Guest Host, Todd Friel - "Relationships and Marriage"
March 15, 2022

Guest Host, Todd Friel - "Relationships and Marriage"

ID: 70100
Guest Host, Todd Friel - "Prepare To Feel The Love"
March 14, 2022

Guest Host, Todd Friel - "Prepare To Feel The Love"

ID: 70080
(Re-air from 1/20) M.D. Perkins, Research Fellow of Church and Culture for the American Family Association, steps into “The Corner” to explain a modern iteration of “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
March 11, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Judges 19:10-23. This isn’t Sodom. This happened in Israel. How do we go from Genesis 1 and 2 to Judges 19 among God’s people?

18:00 - 35:00. M.D. Perkins, Research Fellow of Church and Culture for the American Family Association, steps into “The Corner” to explain a modern iteration of “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”

38:00 - 54:30. The Church has been called to earnestly contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. That mandate still applies today.


ID: 70063
California, yes California, again shows why it’s necessary to press truth into the gap between regressive ideology and reality.
March 10, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. John 9:1:5. We must work as long as it is day.

18:00 - 35:00. California, yes California, again shows why it’s necessary to press truth into the gap between regressive ideology and reality.

38:00 - 54:30. Congressional regressives block a bill that would’ve restarted the Keystone XL Pipeline and the federal oil lease program.

ID: 70045
U.S. Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, testified that she is worried Russia may get ahold of Ukraine’s “biological research facilities"
March 09, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. John 13:1-12. On His way to the cross, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet… even Judas.

18:00 - 35:00.  Mr. Biden finally announces an end to importing Russian oil… without identifying replacement oil.

38:00 - 54:30. U.S. Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, testified that she is worried Russia may get ahold of Ukraine’s “biological research facilities.” 

ID: 70032
(A "Best of" from Friday, February 18, 2022) Ralf W. Augstroze, producer and cinematographer for the highly acclaimed and award winning documentary Against the Tide, steps into “The Corner"
March 08, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. Jude 1-4. The scripture shows that Christ-followers in every generation must anticipate the need and prepare to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.”

18:00 - 35:00. Ralf W. Augstroze, producer and cinematographer for the highly acclaimed and award winning documentary Against the Tide, steps into “The Corner.” 

38:00 - 54:30. Brother Augstroze explains why Christ-followers must stand firm in the battle for truth about God against the tide of antiChrist animosity in an age of theistic skepticism. 

Trailer - Against the Tide

ID: 70011
(A "Best of" from February 25, 2022) Rebecca Friedrichs, a twenty-eight year public school teacher and author of Standing Up to Goliath, steps into “The Corner” to discuss her new documentary “Whose Children Are They?"
March 07, 2022

0:00 - 14:00. Matthew 14:22-33. The raging storm is the precise occasion in which we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

14:00 - 31:00. Rebecca Friedrichs, a twenty-eight year public school teacher and author of Standing Up to Goliath, steps into “The Corner” to discuss her new documentary “Whose Children Are They.”

31:00 - 48:00. These massive cultural shifts in our nation, moving deeper in rebellion against God, are not coincidental. They’re intentional.



ID: 70000
Repentance is the greatest and most desperate need of the hour.
March 03, 2022

 0:00 - 15:00. Isaiah 59:1-10. The LORD’s arm is not too short to save. Mankind’s inquiry separates man from God. Repentance is the only way forward.

18:00 - 35:00.  Putin declares his goal is to conquer the whole of Ukraine.

38:00 - 54:30. Repentance is the greatest and most desperate need of the hour.

ID: 69949
1 Thessalonians 4:9-13. “We don’t want you to be ignorant, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest with no hope.”
March 02, 2022

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Thessalonians 4:9-13. “We don’t want you to be ignorant, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest with no hope.”

18:00 - 35:00.  A 40-mile Russian military convoy was spotted via satellite en route to Kyiv, Ukraine.

38:00 - 54:30. Mr. Biden continued with regressive rhetoric during his “State of the Union” address last night. Did any of you hear any mention of terminating American imports of Russian oil? I certainly didn’t. Callers weigh in.

ID: 69925
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave an impassioned speech before the European Parliament.
March 01, 2022

 0:00 - 15:00. John 14:1-3. Jesus came, lived a sinless life, died and resurrected to save lost souls. In so doing, He made The Way for us to live our lives now from an eternal vantage point.

18:00 - 35:00.  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave an impassioned speech before the European Parliament.

38:00 - 54:30. The President and CEO of the Canadian Bankers Association reveals the directions things are heading in following the global Branch Covidian hysteria.

ID: 69902
(Re-air from 2/24) Russia has launched a full on attack via land, sea and air to invade Ukraine!
February 28, 2022

 0:00 - 15:00. Matthew 14:22-33. “But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.’”

18:00 - 35:00.  Russia has launched a full on attack via land, sea and air to invade Ukraine!

38:00 - 54:30. One thing we, the United States, must do is employ policy to crush the Russian economy. Our energy reserves would provide us with the leverage necessary to choke off Russia's in-flow of revenue.

ID: 69875
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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