The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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Episodes (2074)
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Anti-Christian hostility increases “on account of” the Word of God.
July 23, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day (The Day of the LORD) to surprise you like a thief.

18:00 - 35:00. Anti-Christian hostility increases “on account of” the Word of God.

38:00 - 54:30. According to the Cato Institute, 62% of Americans have political views they are afraid to share. Callers weigh in.

ID: 52591
The goal is not the stated slogan, the goal is and always remains the revolution.
July 22, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Psalm 2:1-3. The kings of the earth set themselves together and take counsel together against the LORD and against his Anointed!

18:00 - 35:00. The goal is not the stated slogan, the goal is and always remains the revolution.

38:00 - 54:30.15 people were injured in a mass shooting outside of a funeral in Chicago. Does the nation care?

ID: 52572
The New York Times prepares to DOXX Tucker Carlson in an effort to intimidate him into silence.
July 21, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Exodus 20:5. You can grieve, mourn, and lament someone else’s sin but you cannot repent for someone else’s sin.

18:00 - 35:00. The New York Times prepares to DOXX Tucker Carlson in an effort to intimidate him into silence.

38:00 - 54:30. Planned Parenthood of Greater New York signals its virtue by removing Margret Sanger’s name from its building… but their murder business continues unimpeded. Callers weigh in.

ID: 52547
Men look at outward appearances. God looks to the heart.
July 20, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Samuel 16:1-7. God doesn’t conduct qualitative evaluations as men do. Men look at outward appearances. God looks to the heart.

18:00 - 35:00. A Kentucky couple and their 9 month-old baby were fit with ankle monitors and placed on house arrest for refusing to sign quarantine documents.

38:00 - 54:30. The Spirit of the Age seeks to thwart the purposes of God by eliminating the biological distinctions through which He ordained mankind to bear His image. Callers weigh in.

ID: 52534
Ken Ham steps into “The Corner” to explain “One Race, One Blood.”
July 17, 2020

0:00 - 14:00. Esther 4:12-17. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.

14:00 - 31:00. Ken Ham, Founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, The Creation Museum, and The Ark Encounter, steps into “The Corner” to explain “One Race, One Blood.”

31:00 - 48:00. Ken Ham urges the Ekklesia to stand firmly on God’s Word and proclaim it boldly in the midst of a rebellious culture.

ID: 52505
You won’t believe the Smithsonian’s characterization of positive values and characteristics.
July 16, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Ecclesiastes 3:1-7. There is a time to remain silent, and a time to speak. The time to speak is now.

18:00 - 35:00. You won’t believe the Smithsonian’s characterization of positive values and characteristics.

38:00 - 54:30. Thomas Sowell says our nation may be heading to “the point of no return.”

ID: 52501
How did Hitler become such a beloved figure in Germany even for the church?
July 15, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Mark 4:13-20. The cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts for other things have the potential of making the Word of God unfruitful in our lives.

18:00 - 35:00. How did Hitler become such a beloved figure in Germany even for the church?

38:00 - 54:30. God must have no rivals in our hearts.

ID: 51505
Mark those who cause dissensions and create occasions for stumbling in the church and avoid them.
July 14, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Romans 16:17-20. Mark those who cause dissensions and create occasions for stumbling in the church and avoid them.

18:00 - 35:00. If Black Lives Matter wouldn’t they use their newfound wealth to bring Davell Gardner, Jr. and Devonte Bryant’s killers to justice? Davell was almost 2 years old. Davonte was almost 10 years old.

38:00 - 54:30. Contending for truth is a spiritual exercise. It must be bathed in prayer. Callers weigh in.

ID: 50493
The China-Iran relationship is warming up and this is bad news for the U.S. and the world.
July 13, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. 2 Timothy 3:1-5. There are irreconcilable people, malicious gossips, and those who bear a form of godliness while denying its power. We are instructed to avoid such people.

18:00 - 35:00. The China-Iran relationship is warming up and this is bad news for the U.S. and the world.

38:00 - 54:30. George Soros’ Open Society Foundation pledges an additional $220 million to execute his nefarious plans. Callers weigh in.

ID: 50476
Freedom, Religion and Race
July 10, 2020

Guest Host, Kevin Jackson discusses Freedom, Religion and Race

ID: 50461
Racism In America
July 09, 2020

Guest Host Kevin Jackson discussed racism in America. 

ID: 50443
SCOTUS Decisions: What Are The Long Range Implications?
July 08, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Christ-following requires us to distinguish between good and evil.
18:00 - 35:00. “Access” was never the issue. Government compulsion to violate one’s conscience is the issue.
38:00 - 54:30. SCOTUS moves to protect religious liberty. Callers weigh in.

ID: 50430
When the laws of men violate the laws of God is there any question who we are to obey?
July 07, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Acts 4:13-22. When the laws of men violate the laws of God is there any question who we are to obey?

18:00 - 35:00. California bans singing during corporate worship?

38:00 - 54:30. Are protests dangerous risks of Wuhan Flu exposure? What some experts say depends on the who’s protesting what. Callers weigh in.

ID: 50407
Have you had enough yet?
July 06, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Matthew 12:43-45. Once the house is swept clean it must be filled.

18:00 - 35:00. The brand of all cultural revolutions is untruth about the past and present in order to control the future.

38:00 - 54:30.Atlanta’s Mayor Bottoms speaks the truth and the talking snake media wants no part of it. Callers weigh in.

ID: 50388
You Have A Right To Your Delusions But You Cannot Compel Me To Join You In Them (Re-Air)
July 03, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. John 17:14-21. Unity in the Body of Christ directly impacts Great Commission execution.
18:00 - 35:00. You have a right to your delusions but you cannot compel me to join you in them.
38:00 - 54:30. The Ekklesia must not be intimidated in this hour. We must stand.

ID: 50331
We Will Fight In The Shade
July 02, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Acts 16:19-28. Paul and Silas were arrested for advocating “customs that are not lawful for Romans to accept or practice.”
18:00 - 35:00. As it amended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through unconstitutional judicial fiat, SCOTUS also fomented lawlessness and abandoned the 2nd Amendment all within 35 minutes.
38:00 - 54:30. Azariah, Hananiah, and Mishael have much to say to us in this hour. Don’t wait for Nebuchadnezer, resolve the matter now! We. Will. Not. Bow!

ID: 50358
Yes, Chris Cuomo, We Need God
July 01, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Ephesians 4:11-16. The Ekklesia must mature beyond being tossed to and fro like children by the waves and every wind humanistic doctrine.
18:00 - 35:00. Chris Cuomo spouts the slogan for the spirit of the age on national television: “Americans don’t need help from above.”
38:00 - 54:30. Buckle your seatbelts because the ride may get very bumpy going forward. Callers weigh in.

ID: 50325
The Church and Socialism Plus A Constitutional Sheriff's Stand On Law
June 30, 2020

First Guest, Pastor Richard Jalube with Casa Roca Church casaroca.org

Second Guest, Sheriff Richard Mack with The Conservative Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association cspoa.org

ID: 50281
SCOTUS strikes again! This time, the most vulnerable and innocent among us are once again abandoned to be slaughtered.
June 29, 2020

0:00 - 15:00. Proverbs 8:32-36. YHWH said, “All who hate me love death.”

18:00 - 35:00. SCOTUS strikes again! This time, the most vulnerable and innocent among us are once again abandoned to be slaughtered.

38:00 - 54:30. SCOTUS completely sidestepped its own rules to protect an industry built on the planned, scheduled and intentional murder of the most vulnerable living Americans: babies.

ID: 50264
Obergefell gave rise to the wicked BLM organization’s popularity.
June 26, 2020

0:00 - 14:00. Deuteronomy 8:6-18. Luxury and abundance can ease the way toward rebellion… if we let it.

14:00 - 31:00. 5 years later: what has Obergefell wrought?

31:00 - 48:00. Obergefell gave rise to the wicked BLM organization’s popularity.

ID: 50226
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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