The Hamilton Corner

The Hamilton Corner provides pertinent insight into the legal, political, and spiritual issues of the day. Tune in for up to date Biblical Worldview commentary that plants a flag for Christ in today’s culture.

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Biden’s partiality is indefensible.
August 12, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Psalms 105:16-19. Waiting is never wasting in Christ.

18:00 - 35:00. Its “Truth for Youth Bible” week on American Family Radio. Tim Todd, President of Revival Fires Ministries, steps into “The Corner” to let everyone know how they can get a free Bible for teens.

38:00 - 55:00. Jeffery Epstein’s suicide…? Biden’s partiality is indefensible.

ID: 43155
Tommy Waller steps into “The Corner” to discuss the true vulnerabilities of the U.S. Electrical grid.
August 09, 2019

0:00-0:14. Philippians 3:1. Repeating the age old truth of scripture is right and safe for the hearer.

0:14-0:31. Tommy Waller, Vice-President of the Center for Security Policy, steps into “The Corner” to discuss the true vulnerabilities of the U.S. Electrical grid.

0:31-0:48. In one day on the campaign trail in Iowa, Joe Biden jeopardizes his status as the front runner for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

ID: 43128
America is reeling from the Daddy Deficiency Syndrome. May the Fathers arise!
August 08, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Ephesians 6:1-4. America is reeling from the Daddy Deficiency Syndrome. May the Fathers arise!

18:00 - 35:00. Joe Biden: “... we choose truth over facts.” What!?!?!?!

38:00 - 55:00. Santa Ana, CA (southeast of L.A.) suffered a mass homicide attack… with a knife.

ID: 43124
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
August 07, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Matthew 5:7-12. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

18:00 - 35:00. Representative Joaquin Castro tweeted the names and employers of 44 constituents from his district because they donated to President Trump’s campaign efforts. One of the exposed people actually donated to Castro’s campaign too… but not anymore.

38:00 - 55:00. Scott Presler organized a volunteer effort to clean up portions of West Baltimore. The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board still found a reason to complain.

ID: 43114
America’s greatest need isn’t gun control. It’s repentance!
August 06, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-12. The day of the LORD’s return isn’t thief-like to the Christ-follower. How then shall we live?

18:00 - 35:00. America’s greatest need isn’t gun control. It’s repentance!

38:00 - 55:00. “Redflag” gun control bills pick up momentum with GOP Congressmembers. The Feds are investigating Ocasio-Cortez’ Chief-of-Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, after his sudden resignation. Callers weigh in.

ID: 43102
As lawlessness increases the love of many has waxed cold.
August 05, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Matthew 24:12. As lawlessness increases the love of many has waxed cold.

18:00 - 35:00. America is mourning the tragic loss of lives in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH. But, the media wastes no time using it to manipulate the masses.

38:00 - 55:00. Most of the attention this weekend focused in El Paso and not Ohio. There’s a reason. Callers weigh in.

ID: 43091
In one fell budget deal swoop, Senate Republicans repeal the Tea Party legacy.
August 02, 2019

0:00-0:14. Psalm 127:1-2. Perpetual reliance and dependence on the LORD is required to fulfill the LORD’s purposes.

0:14-0:31. In one fell budget deal swoop, Senate Republicans repeal the Tea Party legacy.

0:31-0:48. Gillette’s pockets are $8 billion lighter after their “woke-ness" campaign.

ID: 41059
Alexandria “Ally” Kostial was killed because she CHOSE her baby. The talking snakes are silent.
August 01, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Proverbs 16:18. Pride comes before destruction.

18:00 - 35:00. Mario Lopez makes perfect sense one day and then apologizes the next. What happened? He was punked “tolerance” mafia.

38:00 - 55:00. Alexandria “Ally” Kostial was killed because she CHOSE her baby. The talking snakes are silent. Callers weigh in.

ID: 41051
Mayor Pete, Lieawatha Warren, and Co. demonstrate why the Democrat presidential debates are torturous to many Americans.
July 31, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Psalm 1:1-3. Going against the grain is intrinsic to Christ-following. Redemption makes one counter-cultural. Get comfortable in it.

18:00 - 35:00. Mayor Pete, Lieawatha Warren, and Co. demonstrate why the Democrat presidential debates are torturous to many Americans.

38:00 - 55:00. Aren’t all of the complaints about the medical insurance coverage status in America really an indictment of Obamacare? Callers weigh in.

ID: 41032
Using the school to brainwash society into regressivism isn’t a new idea.
July 30, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Ezekiel 3:1-15. Ezekiel began his public ministry in silence. The LORD’s bride must reject worldly notions of success and celebrity.

18:00 - 35:00. Round 2, part 1 of the Democrat Presidential debates begins tonight. 2017 “Teacher of Year” Sidney Chaffee says education is not enough. Teachers must indoctrinate children to be social justice warriors.

38:00 - 55:00. Using the school to brainwash society into regressivism isn’t a new idea. It’s a centuries-old strategy. Callers weigh in.

ID: 41016
Why do I call them the “talking snake media?” The Cummings vs. Trump news is a case study.
July 29, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. 2 Kings 5:1-14. Have you torn your clothes? What is your motivation: faith or fear?

18:00 - 35:00. Why do I call them the “talking snake media?” The Cummings vs. Trump news is a case study.

38:00 - 55:00. We must not fall to the talking snake’s manipulation efforts. Callers weigh in.

ID: 40996
Alex McFarland hosts interviews with Tina Marie Griffin and Chip Harmon
July 26, 2019

Alex McFarland hosts interviews with Tina Marie Griffin and Chip Harmon

ID: 40953
Alex McFarland hosts interviews with Kathy Branzell and Dr. Michael Brown
July 25, 2019

Alex McFarland hosts interviews with Kathy Branzell and Dr. Michael Brown

ID: 40942
Alex McFarland hosts interviews with Andy Lawrensen and Rocky Marin
July 24, 2019

Alex McFarland hosts interviews with Andy Lawrensen and Rocky Marin

ID: 40918
Chinese schools are urging children to report Christian relatives to the authorities.
July 23, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Genesis 25:29-34. Esau sold his birthright for temporary gratification.

18:00 - 35:00. Bernie Sanders wants a $15 national minimum wage, but his campaign staffers weren’t making $15/hour? Bernie’s getting burned by his hypocrisy.

38:00 - 55:00. Chinese schools are urging children to report Christian relatives to the authorities. Callers weigh in.

ID: 40903
Guests Phil Robertson and Ken Ham step into the corner
July 22, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. The Spirit of God fits the members of His Body together as He wills. He is LORD.

0:18-0:35. The patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family. Phil Robertson, steps into “The Hamilton Corner” to discuss his new book, “Theft of America’s Soul.”

0:38-0:55. Ken Ham is dedicating 2019 to preaching the message that there is only one race of people, the human race, and that Biblical fact, now confirmed by observational science, is an in-road for the Gospel.

ID: 40870
Gordon Chang steps into “The Corner” to recount America’s history of propping up communist China.
July 19, 2019

1) Exodus 4:18-26. Why did Zipporah refer to Moses as a “bridegroom of blood?”

2) Author, foreign relations analyst, and public policy commentator Gordon Chang steps into “The Corner” to recount America’s history of propping up communist China.

3) Trade deal with China? Gordon Chang says no Huawei!

ID: 40865
What was the first meal on the moon?
July 18, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. A sound theology concerning the Body of Christ empowers Christ-followers to care for one another.

18:00 - 35:00. July 20, 2019 is the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. What was the first meal on the moon?

38:00 - 55:00. President Trump disavows the “send her back” chants from his Greenville, NC rally but gives fodder to his opponents in the process. Callers weigh in.

ID: 40856
The Spirit of God fits the members of His Body together as He wills. He is LORD.
July 17, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. The Spirit of God fits the members of His Body together as He wills. He is LORD.

18:00 - 35:00. President Trump has nominated Judge Halil Suleyman Ozerden to the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. He is unacceptable to constitutionalist and defenders of religious liberty. Call your Senators and tell them to vote “No” on Ozerden.

38:00 - 55:00. Dr. Leana Wen was fired from her employment as president of Planned Parenthood. Does her opposition to that termination decision make her anti-choice? Callers weigh in.

ID: 40832
Newly elected Representative Ayanna Pressely demonstrates the “voice” of bigotry.
July 16, 2019

0:00 - 15:00. Psalm 63:1-8. “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you.”

18:00 - 35:00. Speaking at the Netroots Nation conference for regressive “community organizers,” newly elected Representative Ayanna Pressely demonstrates the “voice” of bigotry.

38:00 - 55:00. The four horsewomen of the Democrat apocalypse have become the face of the Democrat party. Not a good look for 2020. Callers weigh in.

ID: 40819
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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