The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph continues Reading Through the Word of God as he reads from 1 Samuel and from Romans. Before reading today's passages, Pastor Joseph encourages listeners to spend time growing in maturity by reading their bibles and praying every day.
Notes: | A Skilled Warrior and His Sword | Praying Psalm 91: Strong Protection | 1 Samuel 14-15:17 | Romans 3-4
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on the Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph talks and prays with Jor-El Godsey from the pro-life pregnancy resource center, Heartbeat International. Jor-El Godsey and the rest of Heartbeat International work hard to connect expecting mothers with needed resources so that abortion no longer feels like the only option. Pastor Joseph and Jor-El also talk about the abortion pill and how abortion pill reversal has saved numerous unborn babies.
Notes: | | | Unplanned Pregnancy Helpline (Call or Text) 1-800-712-4357 |
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. In today's episode, Chris Ozbirn and Pastor Joseph talk about what the bible says about addiction, and Chris shares his testimony of video game addiction and how God called him out of it. Chris also tells us about his book, Finding Jesus: A 21-day devotional to help break the bonds of addiction through fasting.
Notes: | Psalm 1 (NLT) | Matthew 28 (NLT) | Praying Psalm 91: Strong Protection | |
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on the Hour of Intercession. Today, Steve Jordahl from our own American Family News tells us about the recent Israel events as Steve and Pastor Joseph pray about the conflict there. In the second and third segment, Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he reads from 1 Samuel and Romans.
Notes: | | 1 Samuel 14 (NLT) | Romans 3-5:4 (NLT)
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph reads an article encouraging parents to creatively lead their children in reading scripture daily. He continues in segment two and three with reading John 21 and shares some wonderful insights about following Jesus.
Notes: | Redeeming the Time With Our Children | John 21
Join Pastor Joseph on the Hour of Intercession as he reads through scripture. Today, Pastor Joseph continues reading in 1 Samuel and begins reading in Romans. During the first segment, Pastor Joseph shares about the Delta Pregnancy Care and Hope center, a mobile pregnancy care center that he and his wife have been building together. He also shares how Love Life, a pro-life ministry, is helping churches become refuges for mother's with unexpected pregnancies
Notes: | | Is Your Church a 'House of Refuge'? | | 1 Samuel 11-14:8 | Romans 1-2
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on the Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph invites guest Charlie Wysong to share about what God has done through and around himself to protect and save innocent lives. Listen in for some powerful testimonies, deep challenges, and some wonderful encouragement.
Join Pastor Joseph Parker and Jade Hollyfield on today's episode of The Hour of Intercession. As AFR's Fall Shar-A-Thon 2023 ends, Pastor Joseph and Jade ask listeners to consider pledging to support the ministry of AFR. Pastor Joseph and Jade also talk about how wonderful it is that believers get to live for eternity, and they talk about how important it is for believers to share the gospel and walk with Jesus every single day.
Notes: | 877-616-2396 |
Join Pastor Joseph Parker and Jade Hollyfield on today's episode of The Hour of Intercession. On the second day of AFR's Fall Shar-A-Thon 2023, Pastor Joseph and Jade ask listeners to consider donating to support the ministry of AFR. Pastor Joseph and Jade also talk about the importance of ministry and how the work of the church makes an eternal impact. Also, joining us to read Genesis 1 in the first segment is recent high school graduate, Isaac.
Notes: | 877-616-2396 |
Join Pastor Joseph Parker and Jade Hollyfield on today's episode of The Hour of Intercession. On the first day of AFR's Fall Shar-A-Thon 2023, Pastor Joseph and Jade ask listeners to consider donating to support the ministry of AFR while encouraging listeners to continue growing in their faith.
Notes: | 877-616-2396 |
An Israel-Hamas war has erupted with many civilians killed, kidnapped, or missing. Today, Pastor Joseph prays and reads scripture, while asking listeners to intercede with him on behalf of the Israel-Hamas war.
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on the Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph introduces Pastor Jonathan Moore as they talk about prison ministry, the church's role in being pro-life, and more. Pastor Jonathan also shares two original songs played live for us.
Notes: | The Building Blocks of Discipleship: Being a PRO |
Join Pastor Joseph Parker and today's guest, Michael Gunnin, on The Hour of Intercession. Today, hear about the work of Walk Thru the Bible, a Christian ministry that works hard to build passion for reading scripture. One of they ways they do this is through their Bible overview events where they teach a historical overview of the bible through a fun and interactive experience.
Notes: | | What if God Wrote a Book
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph shares about how powerful it is to be well equipped with scripture in our spiritual walks.
Notes: | Psalm 144 | Ephesians 6:10-20 | A Skilled Warrior and His Sword
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession as he reads through scripture. Today, Pastor Joseph continues reading in 1 Samuel, Acts, and begins reading in Romans.
Notes: | An Attitude of Gratitude Is Its Own Reward | God's Word: Three Chapters a Day | 1 Samuel 8-10:27 | Acts 28 - Romans 1:29
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession as he reads through scripture. Today, Pastor Joseph continues reading in 1 Samuel and in Acts.
Notes: | An Attitude of Gratitude Is Its Own Reward | God's Word, Politics, and Discernment | 1 Samuel 6-8:11 | Acts 27-28:16
Join Pastor Joseph on The Hour of Intercession and hear about the importance of the Word of God in spiritual warfare.
Notes: | The Arsenal of the Word of God | Matthew 4:1-11 | Praying Psalm 91: Strong Protection
On today's episode of The Hour of Intercession, Pastor Joseph Parker speaks with guest Pastor Shane McGivney about the importance of discipleship. Learn more about what biblical discipleship looks like, and how discipleship and evangelism go hand in hand.
Notes: | Belden Baptist Church in Belden, MS
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph shares the importance reading scripture so we and our children can be well equipped for spiritual warfare.
Notes: | A Skilled Warrior and His Sword | The Child Warrior | Jesus is Still the Answer
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on the Hour of Intercession. Today he speaks with guests Dr. Dean Register and Pastor Wes Register who are pastors from CrossPoint Community Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Dr. Register also shares about his book Holy Grit, a book on 8 people from the bible who persevere in faith despite difficult circumstances.
Notes: | Holy Grit: The Will to Persevere