The Hour of Intercession

The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.

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Episodes (1785)
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*Faithfully Using the Weapons of Worship, Thanksgiving, and Praise
September 06, 2022

In this encore episode of the Hour of Intercession, Pastor Joseph Parker helps us understand the role worship, gratitude, and praise play on the spiritual battlefield.

Show notes: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-20 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72440
Reading Through the Word of God, ep. 256
September 03, 2022

May God help us to treasure His Word more and more. In this episode of the Hour of Intercession, Pastor Joseph Parker reads from this book of all books, the Bible.

Show notes: Exodus 33:1-36:19 (NKJV), Mark 5:1-6:28 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72457
Hebrews 11: Key Faith Lessons for Life
September 02, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker opens the treasure chest that is Hebrews 11... in this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: Hebrews 11:1-40 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72433
Elizabeth Parker, Director of Pregnancy Care and Hope Center (and Pastor Joseph's daughter!)
September 01, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker has a conversation with Elizabeth Parker of the Greenwood Pregnancy and Hope Center. Elizabeth is the daughter of Pastor Joseph and is the director of the center, serving the Mississippi Delta. Check out the podcast and ask God how He would have you partner with the center.

Help bring hope to moms. For more information and to make a donation, go to www.greenwoodhopecenter.org.

Show notes: Exodus 1:15-22 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72415
Sheep in Desperate Need of a Shepherd
August 31, 2022

The Bible compares us to needy, wandering sheep. Thankfully, we have a Good Shepherd who watches over 'sheep' like us. Pastor Joseph Parker brings encouraging insight from Psalm 23 about the blessings of having a shepherd like Christ... in this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Listen and then consider sharing the podcast with someone you know who might benefit from it.

Show notes: Psalm 23:1-6 (NKJV), John 10:1-18 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72390
Reading through the Word of God, ep. 255
August 30, 2022

May God help us to treasure His Word more and more. In this episode of the Hour of Intercession, Pastor Joseph Parker reads from this book of all books, the Bible.

Show notes: Exodus 33:1-36:19 (NKJV), Mark 5:1-6:28 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72366
Called to a Warrior Mindset
August 27, 2022

Like it or not, we live on a spiritual battlefield. What's a Christian to do? Pastor Joseph Parker answers that question in this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: Psalm 27:1-14 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72350
**Three Chapters a Day: Walking with Christ in the Word
August 26, 2022

In this encore episode of the Hour of Intercession, Pastor Joseph Parker teaches about the critical need to make Bible reading a part of your daily routine.

Show notes: Psalm 1:1-6 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72324
Discipleship Insight from a Dad - Tom Neunaber and his sons, Alex and Max
August 25, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker has a conversation with Tom Neunaber that includes some helpful insight for parents. And his sons, 13-year-old Alex and 11-year-old Max, read Scripture and share their perspectives on matters of interest... in this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: Proverbs 4:1-13 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72315
A Challenge to Boldness and Courage - Debbie Wuthnow of iVoterGuide
August 24, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker is joined by Debbie Wuthnow, president of iVoterGuide, for a conversation about her walk with Christ. You'll be challenged and encouraged to be salt and light in your corner of the world.

Show note: Joshua 1:1-9 (NKJV) | www.ivoterguide.com | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72299
Reading through the Word of God, ep. 254
August 23, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker reads from the book of all books, the Bible, in this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: Exodus 30:1-33:1 (NKJV), Mark 4:1-5:33 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72288
Faithfully Using the Weapons of Worship, Thanksgiving, and Praise
August 20, 2022

Why does God command us to give thanks, praise, glory, and honor to Him? Pastor Joseph Parker answers that question in this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-20 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72242
Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of "Gay Christianity" - Author M. D. Perkins
August 19, 2022

M. D. Perkins, author of the book Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of "Gay Christianity," helps us how to think biblically about homosexuality, as well as how the LGBT movement is impacting the church... on this episode of the Hour of Intercession with Pastor Joseph Parker.

Show notes: 2 Timothy 3:1-17 (NKJV) | www.dangerousaffirmation.net | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72241
*Three Chapters a Day: Walking with Christ in the Word
August 18, 2022

In the encore episode of the Hour of Intercession, Pastor Joseph Parker teaches about the critical need to make Bible reading a part of your daily routine.

Show notes: Psalm 1:1-6 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72272
Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel with our guest, CEO Dumisani Washington
August 17, 2022

Pastor Dumisani Washington returns to the Hour of Intercession to discuss with Pastor Joseph Parker the vital work of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel.

Show notes: Psalm 27:1-14 (NKJV) | www.ibsi-now.org | jparker@afa.net

ID: 72268
Reading through the Word of God, ep. 253
August 16, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker opens God's Word and reads passages from both Exodus and the Gospel of Mark... on this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: Exodus 28:1-30:10 (NKJV), Mark 2:1-4:13 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72259
Faithfully Discipling Our Children: The Ramey Family
August 13, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker welcomes Abigail, Alexa, and Ashlynn Ramey, participants in the recent Ten Commandments Pro-Life speech contest. Their parents, Justin and Allison, join the conversation too... in this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: Psalm 127:1-5 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72271
Three Chapters a Day: Walking with Christ in the Word
August 12, 2022

Pastor Joseph Parker teaches about the critical need to make Bible reading a part of your daily routine... on this episode of the Hour of Intercession.

Show notes: Psalm 1:1-6 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72270
Reading through the Word of God, ep. 252
August 11, 2022

Soak in all that God has for you as you listen to God's Word as read by Hour of Intercession host Joseph Parker.

Show notes: Exodus 24:1-28:4 (NKJV), Matthew 28:1-20 (NKJV), Mark 1:1-2:13 (NKJV) | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72269
Marketplace Ministry - Dr. Brandy Gibson, author of The Uncommon Woman of Faith In The Marketplace
August 10, 2022

What is marketplace ministry? Find out in this episode of the Hour of Intercession with Pastor Joseph Parker. His guest, Dr. Brandy Gibson, discusses faith and the marketplace.

Show notes: Joshua 1:1-9 (NKJV) | Website: https://www.bfgibson.biz | joseph@afr.net

ID: 72252
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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