The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
Pastor Joseph visits with Evangelist Herticine Goree of Nightwatch Ministry about overcoming fear in this time of COVID-19 and civil unrest.
It's remarkable how God has used Life Dynamics to bring awareness to the evils of the abortion industry. Pastor Joseph talks with Mark Crutcher, president of this important ministry.
Pastor Joseph explains who the Holy Spirit is, what He comes to do, and what His ministry consists of.
Acts 8:26-40 (NKJV)
Pastor Joseph interviews Janet Parker, President of Faith 2 Action, about the Million Voices prayer event to end abortion.
Pastor Joseph's guest Allan Parker, President of the Justice Foundation, tells how Norma McCorvey, Roe of Roe v Wade, became born again and pro-life.
Pastor Joseph shares scripture and interviews Pastor Keith Neds of Caligraphy for Christ.
Segment 1: Joshua 3:1-5:1 (NKJV)
Segment 2: Lamentations 2:11-4:16 (NKJV)
Segment 3: Matthew 25:1-26:50 (NKJV)
The Hour of Intercession is hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God, and it features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
Pastor Joseph shares about American Family Radio and asks listeners to support the ministry.
Pastor Joseph Parker talks with Jordan and Cedra about the division of the American Family Association called Engage Magazine.
Pastor Joseph Parker offers some encouraging insight from the prayers found in the first book of the Bible.
We're supposed to be hearing what God says and then living it out. Truth is to be acted on.
Pastor Joseph Parker teaches that God always does what He says He will do.
Segment 1: Joshua 1:1-2:24 (NKJV)
Segment 2: Jeremiah 51:34-52:30 (NKJV)
Segment 3: Matthew 21:28-23:28 (NKJV)
Pastor Joseph has a fascinating conversation with Michael Johnson, president of the Stavic Gospel Association about the evangelistic work of this important ministry.
Segment 1: Deuteronomy 33:12-34:12 (NKJV)
Segment 2: Jeremiah 50:20-51:37 (NKJV)
Segment 3: Matthew 19:16-21:32 (NKJV)
Pastor Joseph visits with Suzanne Weathers, author of “Change Our Schools through Prayer.” Ms. Weathers, a middle school principal, reminds us of the power of praying for our students and leaders on campus.
Robert Laird's mom put him up for adoption when he was born. Decades later, Pastor Laird reunited with his biological mom. It's an amazing story of God's grace.
Pastor Joseph is joined by Ruth Coghill who shares stories of God's healing hand in the lives of those impacted by abortion.
Pastor Joseph visits with authors Peggy Joyce Ruth and Angie Schum about the book Psalm 91 for Mothers.