The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
Pastor Joseph reflects on Jesus as our Passover Lamb. He encourages listeners to spend time reading the passion accounts in the four gospels where Jesus gives his own life so that we might live. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all have their own unique perspectives in telling about Jesus' crucifixion, death, and resurrection, and all four can help build faith in Jesus.
Today's reading: Luke 22-24 (NKJV)
[email protected] | Christ Our Passover Lamb | Matthew 26-28 | Mark 14-16 | Luke 22-24 | John 17-21 | Four Gospels & Four Resurrection Stories
Join Pastor Joseph Parker, co-host Jade Hollifield, and guest Phillip Buttram on The Hour of Intercession.
Phillip encourages believers to step out boldly and gently, following scripture and the Holy Spirit in evangelism. Get practical tools to grow in your walk with Jesus, to share the testimony of Jesus, and to walk with heaven on your mind.
Deborah Tilden joins to share about her journey through abortion, God's power to heal, and about ministries working to stop abortions and walk with men and women through healing. Deborah shares about the upcoming documentary Unthinkable. She also encourages those hurt by abortion to go through an abortion recovery program and to find support as can be found at,, and at Deborah has a more comprehensive post abortion resource list at
[email protected] | Sex Trafficking and the Abortion Industry: Evil Twins - on
Pastor Joseph encourages families and individuals to spend time reading all four passion accounts. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all have their own unique perspectives in telling about Jesus' crucifixion, death, and resurrection, and all four can help build faith in Jesus.
Today's reading: Matthew 26:47-28 (NLT) | Mark 16:1-20 (NLT) | Psalm 22 (NLT)
[email protected] | Matthew 26-28 | Mark 14-16 | Luke 23-24 | John 17-21 | Four Gospels & Four Resurrection Stories
Despite the overturning of Roe v Wade, abortion rates have not gone down. Shaylene and Jennifer join to share about the abortion crisis that even affects states that have outlawed surgical abortions. Shaylene, Jennifer, and Pastor Joseph plead for churches to become Houses of Refuge to help support mothers with unexpected pregnancies and to help those affected by abortion find healing.
[email protected] | Is Your Church a 'House of Refuge'? | | | [email protected]
Segment 1 & 2 - Pastor Keith Neds joins to share about the work of his ministry, Calligraphy for Christ.
Segment 3 - Gi Gi reads through Genesis 1 and Phoenicia prays for the church to grow in discipling youth.
Catherine Davis joins to breakdown some of the oppression and damages done by the abortion industry. Davis continues to help listeners understand just how big the battle for life is. Pastor Joseph and Davis pray for God to help the church navigate the culture war.
[email protected] | Courageous Servants, Cowards, and the Church |
Steve and Tina Bradford join to share about Legacy Coalition, a ministry that helps equip grandparents to disciple their grandchildren.
[email protected] | A Grandparent's Christmas Discipleship Project |
Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 1 Kings and in 2 Corinthians.
[email protected] | 1 Kings 7:27-9:9 (NLT) | 2 Cor. 11-12:18 (NLT)
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Brent Barker joins to share some awesome insight into Zephaniah's prophetic writings. Pastor Joseph reads the book of Zephaniah, which warns readers about the coming day of judgement, but promises restoration for those who repent and trust in the name of the Lord. Pastor Barker encourages listeners and the church to obey God, to be humble and receive God's correction, to trust in the Lord, and to draw near to the Lord.
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Yolanda Ysquierdo joins to share about the National H3Helpline. Yolanda struggled for years after facing an abortion. After finding hope and forgiveness, she now works to walk alongside and encourage men and women facing unexpected pregnancies or who have had abortions.
[email protected] | H3Helpline - (866) 721-7881 - call or text |
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Students from TCPS join to host today's Reading Through the Word of God as they read from Ephesians and Psalms.
[email protected] | Children Who Read the Word of God | The Child Warrior
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, evangelist Herticine Goree joins to share about her journey listening to God. This peace filled episode can help encourage and equip us for a lifestyle of prayer.
[email protected] | Jesus, Prayer, and Dr. George Washington Carver | Morning Bird Songs: Daily Words From Heaven!
Join Pastor Joseph on The Hour of Intercession. Today, listen to Reading Through the Word of God as Pastor Joseph picks up in 1 Kings and in 2 Corinthians.
[email protected] | 1 Kings 4:20-7:33 (NKJV) | 2 Corinthians 8:8-10:18 (NKJV)
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Serena Dyksen shares her testimony. Serena was given an abortion at 13 years old and faced many more trials and difficulties. But, through the grace of God, she found healing and now works to help other women and men find healing through abortion recovery.
[email protected] | |
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Students from TCPS join to host today's Reading Through the Word of God as they read from Philippians and through Psalm 1 and 2. Pastor Joseph spends time highlighting how important it is for the church to encourage and disciple children.
[email protected] | Philippians | Psalm 1-2 | Children Who Read the Word of God | The Intercession Chronicles | The Cat From Heaven
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Phillip Buttram joins us once again to help encourage believers to be bold yet gentle in sharing the gospel. Phillip really highlights the power of evangelism by sharing some amazing testimonies of people finding Jesus.
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Wayne Vandiver joins to talk about the Baptist Student Union (BSU). BSU is a college ministry with ministers placed on numerous college campuses. Wayne shares some wonderful testimonies from his time in ministry.
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 1 Kings and in 2 Corinthians.
[email protected] | 1 Kings 2:36-4:32 (NLT) | 2 Corinthians 6-8:16 (NLT) | Meditate On God's Word
Join Pastor Joseph Parker on The Hour of Intercession. Today, Pastor Joseph continues with Reading Through the Word of God as he picks up in 1 Kings and in 2 Corinthians.
[email protected] | 1 Kings 1:28-2:39 (NKJV) | 2 Corinthians 3-5 (NKJV) | The Bible: The Book That Is Alive!