Washington Watch

Washington Watch is a daily program hosted by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that covers the issues of faith, family and freedom. Tony is your leading source for what is really happening in our nation’s Capital.

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Episodes (1848)
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Steve Scalise, Robert Cahaly, Kevin Brady, Marsha Blackburn
July 28, 2021

On today's show:

  • Steve Scalise, U.S. Representative for the 1st district of Louisiana and House Republican Whip, details what happened during the first hearing of the January 6th House Select Committee.
  • Robert Cahaly, senior strategist and chief pollster at the Trafalgar Group, shares his findings on how Americans view COVID vaccine mandates and critical race theory in public school curriculum.
  • Kevin Brady, U.S. Representative for the 8th District of Texas and ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee, reports on President Joe Biden’s first six months in office.
  • Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Senator from Tennessee and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, discusses the Coca-Cola executive testifying before the Congressional Executive Commission on China, her introduction of the "United Nations Transparency and Accountability Act," and a new survey showing only 20% of Americans support allowing men who identify as transgender to play in women’s sports.
ID: 67248
Roger Marshall, Kristina Wong, August Pfluger, Mark Green
July 27, 2021

On today's show:

  • Roger Marshall, U.S. Senator from Kansas and member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, shares why it would be disastrous to close down the economy or impose vaccine and mask mandates, and talks about the letter he signed along with 8 other U.S. Senators to President Biden on the government’s assault on freedom of speech.
  • Kristina Wong, reporter for Breitbart News, details what happened during the first hearing of the January 6th House Select Committee.
  • August Pfluger, U.S. Representative for Texas's 11th District and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, questions why President Biden is rejecting Cuban refugees while leaving the southern border wide open, and discusses his bill reimbursing ranchers and farmers who have incurred costs related to illegal immigration.
  • Mark Green, U.S. Representative for the 7th district of Tennessee and decorated combat veteran, critiques the National Defense Authorization Act provision that forces women to register for the draft, and warns of the House Democrats' agenda to eliminate the Hyde Amendment, which currently protects taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions.
ID: 67223
Lindsey Graham, Andy Biggs, Steve Marshall, Joyce Burges, Meg Kilgannon
July 26, 2021

On today's show:

  • Lindsey Graham, U.S. Senator from South Carolina and member of the Senate Budget, Appropriations, and Judiciary Committees, unpacks the $3.5 trillion reconciliation spending bill before the Senate and talks about how the Biden administration has handled the protests in Iran and Cuba.
  • Andy Biggs, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of Arizona and chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, discusses the House Freedom Caucus’s letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calling for the removal of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.
  • Steve Marshall, Attorney General of Alabama, praises 17 state attorneys general for backing an Arkansas law that protects children from experimental transgender procedures and medication.
  • Joyce Burges, co-founder and program director of National Black Home Educators, discusses the surge in parents choosing to homeschool and shares helpful resources for homeschooling families.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC’s senior fellow for education studies, discusses the rise in education alternatives for parents who are concerned about the curriculum taught and the restrictions being imposed on their children in public schools.
ID: 67210
Chip Roy, Matthew Spalding, Bob Gibson, Meg Kilgannon
July 23, 2021

On today's show:

  • Chip Roy, U.S. Representative for Texas's 21st District, calls out Dr. Fauci for spreading misinformation, and discusses President Biden’s CNN townhall meeting and the Protecting Life on College Campus Act of 2021.
  • Matthew Spalding, associate vice president and dean of the Van Andel Graduate School of Government for Hillsdale College in Washington, D.C., talks about new advancements in history education, including Hillsdale College’s new 1776 curriculum and the Department of Education withdrawing the 1619 project grant program.
  • Bob Gibson, Russell County School Board member, shares his school board unanimously rejected Virginia’s transgender school policy even after the Virginia Department of Education threatened consequences.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC’s senior fellow for education studies, discusses Virginia’s transgender school policies and the pushback from school districts in Virginia and around the country, the possible return of mask mandates in schools, and Hillsdale’s 1776 curriculum and Department of Education withdrawing its 1619 project grant program.
ID: 67189
Jim Banks, Marty Makary, Louis Gurvich, Gordon Chang
July 22, 2021

On today's show:

  • Jim Banks, U.S. Representative for the 3rd district of Indiana and Chairman of the House Republican Study Committee, discusses House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy withdrawing Republicans from the committee created to investigating the January 6th breach of the Capitol after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow several Republican nominees onto the committee.
  • Dr. Marty Makary, Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine & School of Public Health, shares the findings of his study on the mortality rate of COVID-19 for children under 18.
  • Louis Gurvich, chairman of the Louisiana Republican Party, decries the Louisiana House Democrats abandoning their support of the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.
  • Gordon Chang, author of The Coming Collapse of China and The Great U.S.-China Tech War, shares what the Associated Press found after China granted them unprecedented access to its Uyghur concentration camps.
ID: 67181
Steve Daines, Mary Miller, Quena Gonzalez, George Barna
July 21, 2021

On today's show:

  • Steve Daines, U.S. Senator from Montana and chairman of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus, gives an overview of President Biden’s infrastructure bill as it moves towards a vote in the U.S. Senate and the recently introduced Protecting Life on College Campus Act of 2021.
  • Mary Miller, U.S. Representative for the 15th District of Illinois, discusses how the Protecting Life on College Campus Act of 2021 will protect women and children.
  • Quena Gonzalez, FRC’s Senior Director of Government Affairs, shares an update on recent pro-family state legislation.
  • George Barna, FRC’s Senior Research Fellow for the Center for Biblical Worldview and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University, comments on a recent survey that claims to show a "rapid decline of white evangelical America."
ID: 67163
Vicky Hartzler, Dave Brat, Owen Strachan, Tom Cotton
July 20, 2021

On today's show:

ID: 67153
Michael Waltz, Jatniel Peréz, Beth Mizell, J. Christian Adams
July 19, 2021

On today's show:

  • Michael Waltz, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Florida and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, discusses the protests in Cuba, the resolutions introduced in Congress expressing solidarity with the Cuban people in their demand for freedom, and reports that Afghanistan is disintegrating even before the United States military completes its withdrawal.
  • Jatniel Peréz, director of William Carey Biblical Seminary and pastor at Centro Bíblico Crecer (Growing Bible Center) in Velasco, Cuba, gives an inside look at what’s really going on inside Cuba.
  • Beth Mizell, Louisiana State Senator, urges the Louisiana legislature to override the governor’s veto of the Louisiana Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.
  • J. Christian Adams, president and general counsel of Public Interest Legal Foundation, shares the status of election reform efforts at the state level.
ID: 67138
Mary Holland, Sharon Slater, Travis Weber
July 16, 2021

On today's show, co-hosted with Meg Kilgannon:

  • Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children’s Health Defense, warns of the dangers of removing parental protections from children's medical decisions.
  • Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International, cautions parents as schools adopt a new radical sex education.
  • Travis Weber, FRC’s vice president for policy & government affairs, tells viewers how they can take action on top legislative issues.
ID: 67118
Andy Harris, David Curry, Grace Gao
July 15, 2021

On today's show:

  • Andy Harris, U.S. Representative for the 1st district of Maryland, member of the House Committee on Appropriations, and co-chair of the GOP Doctors Caucus, discusses the elimination of the Hyde Amendment from this year’s Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations Bill, the situation in Cuba, and the Surgeon General’s advisory warning the American public about the threat of COVID health misinformation.
  • David Curry, President and CEO of Open Doors USA, shares Open Doors’ recent report on India detailing the urgent threat for religious minorities there.
  • Grace Gao, Daughter of Gao Zhisheng, shares her story of the Chinese government targeting her father, a human rights lawyer whose exact whereabouts have been unknown for the past four years.
  • Andrew Brunson, FRC's Special Advisor for International Religious Freedom, shares highlights from this week’s IRF Summit 2021.
ID: 67116
James Lankford, Sam Brownback, Bob Fu, Nadine Maenza, Travis Weber
July 14, 2021

On today's show:

  • James Lankford, U.S. Senator from Oklahoma and member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance and the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, unpacks hidden agendas in President Biden’s $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill and Biden’s speech this week on voting rights.
  • Sam Brownback, former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom and co-chair of the International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit 2021 Steering Committee, shares highlights from this week’s IRF Summit.
  • Bob Fu, founder and president of China Aid Association and FRC’s Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom, talks about his testimony during the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing on the state of international religious freedom.
  • Nadine Maenza, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, provides an overview of the current state of religious freedom around the globe.
  • Travis Weber, FRC’s vice president for policy & government affairs and director of the Center for Religious Liberty, shares why FRC advocates for religious freedom at home and abroad.
ID: 67090
Tyler O'Neil, Leslie Rutledge, Justin Butterfield, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya,
July 13, 2021

On today's show:

  • Tyler O’Neil, Senior Editor of PJ Media, reports on President Biden’s speech pushing back on the view that the 2020 election exposed ballot fraud issues.
  • Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas Attorney General, shares the contents of a letter from 21 state attorneys general to President Biden concerning his new guidance on education and employment, and reaffirms the necessity of the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act as the Department of Justice works to overturn the Act.
  • Justin Butterfield, Deputy General Counsel at First Liberty Institute, commends the Fifth Circuit for issuing a stay to allow a judge to have chaplains pray at the start of his court sessions.
  • Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, discusses COVID mask mandates and the vaccination crusade.
ID: 67073
Craig L. Parshall, Mo Brooks, Meg Kilgannon
July 12, 2021

On today's show:

  • Craig L. Parshall, attorney and special counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice and senior advisor of legal policy & civil liberty for the American Principles Project, discusses President Biden’s executive order on Big Tech.
  • Mo Brooks, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of Alabama, talks about the implications of a mandatory COVID vaccine for the U.S. military.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC’s senior fellow for education studies, gives an update on Chicago Public Schools’ new sex education policy.
ID: 67055
Rob Schwarzwalder, Mark Hancock
July 09, 2021

On today's show:

  • Rob Schwarzwalder, senior lecturer and director of the Center for Christian Thought and Action at Regent University, gives the history of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and laments how the organization has strayed from its founding ideals and adopted radical ideologies.
  • Mark Hancock, CEO of Trail Life USA, shares the mission of Trail Life USA, a church-based, Christ-focused mentorship and discipleship organization that seeks to encourage and equip boys to carry out the mission for which they were created.
ID: 67039
Greg Steube, Lea Patterson, Dan Bishop
July 08, 2021

On today's show:

  • Greg Steube, U.S. Representative for the 17th District of Florida and member of the House Judiciary Committee, discusses attempts to break up Big Tech and hold the companies accountable, the White House’s fraudulent claims that Republicans are defunding the police, and the latest ransomware attacks targeting American businesses.
  • Sam Brownback, former Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, previews next week’s International Religious Freedom Summit.
  • Lea Patterson, Counsel with First Liberty Institute, applauds the IRS for reversing its decision to deny a religious organization tax-exempt status because their “Bible teachings” are “affiliated with the Republican party.”
  • Dan Bishop, U.S. Representative for the 9th District of North Carolina, urges parents to fight back against the push to include critical race theory in school curriculum.
ID: 67023
Ralph Norman, Pete Ricketts, Stanley Kurtz, Ken Blackwell
July 07, 2021

On today's show:

  • Ralph Norman, U.S. Representative the 5th District of South Carolina, talks about President Biden’s door-to-door vaccination campaign and efforts in Congress to end the mask mandate on public transportation.
  • Pete Ricketts, Governor of Nebraska, declares July “Victims of Communism Remembrance Month.”
  • Stanley Kurtz, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, shares why efforts to stop indoctrination in school curriculum is both necessary and justified.
  • Ken Blackwell, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance and former Ohio Secretary of State, discusses the surge in crime in major U.S. cities.
ID: 67015
Lisa McClain, Kristen Waggoner, John Bursch, Meg Kilgannon
July 06, 2021

On today's show:

  • Lisa McClain, U.S. Representative for the 10th District of Michigan and member of the House Armed Services Committee, calls out President Biden for refusing to take responsibility after he pulled U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, and U.S. athlete Gwen Berry for disrespecting the flag and anthem of the country she represented during the Olympic Games.
  • Kristen Waggoner, general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, laments the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to review the Washington Supreme Court decision against floral artist Barronelle Stutzman, who politely declined to violate her religious beliefs by creating a floral arrangement for a same-sex wedding.
  • John Bursch, senior counsel and vice president of appellate advocacy with Alliance Defending Freedom and attorney representing Thomas More Law Center, celebrates the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of protecting the privacy of donors to nonprofits.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC’s senior fellow for education studies, discusses over 5,000 teachers pledging to push Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their classrooms “regardless of the law” and the largest U.S. teachers union vowing to “fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric.”
ID: 66990
Mike Gonzalez, Dr. Ben Carson
July 05, 2021

On today’s Independence Day edition of Washington Watch, Mike Gonzalez, senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Allison Center for Foreign Policy, and Dr. Ben Carson, Founder and Chairman of the American Cornerstone Institute, join Tony Perkins to discuss the necessity of a correct understanding of American history. They compare two very different movements that are battling one another for a spot in our classrooms. The 1776 Commission shares America’s story as an imperfect nation moving towards a more perfect union, built on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The 1619 project catapults on radical ideologies, like Critical Race Theory, in an attempt to reframe history, replacing America’s story with one of division.

ID: 66974
Daniel Dreisbach, Dean Nelson, Ryan Bangert
July 02, 2021

On today's show, hosted by Joseph Backholm:

  • Daniel Dreisbach, professor of legal studies at American University, sets the record straight on American history.
  • Dean Nelson, FRC’s senior fellow for African American affairs and the executive director of Human Coalition Action, remembers Frederick Douglass’ Fourth of July speech in context.
  • Ryan Bangert, senior counsel and vice president for legal strategy at Alliance Defending Freedom, provides an update on the Jack Phillip’s Masterpiece Cakeshop case and the College of the Ozarks’ fight to keep separate dorms for men and women.
ID: 66972
Brian Kemp, Mark Waltz, Brent Keilen
July 01, 2021

On today's show:

  • Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia, talks about the letter he signed to President Biden opposing the expansion of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Georgia’s election integrity law.
  • Michael Waltz, U.S. Representative for the 6th district of Florida, discusses the threats from Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the Chinese Communist Party’s 100th anniversary.
  • Brent Keilen, Vice President of FRC Action, shares the status of election reform efforts at the state level.
ID: 66948
MAY 20, 2022
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