Washington Watch

Washington Watch is a daily program hosted by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that covers the issues of faith, family and freedom. Tony is your leading source for what is really happening in our nation’s Capital.

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Attorney General William Barr
November 28, 2019

On this special Thanksgiving Day edition of Washington Watch, we feature remarks delivered by U.S. Attorney General William Barr, which Tony considers "the strongest, most clearly articulated defense of religious freedom to come from a federal government figure in decades."

ID: 44601
Os Guinness
November 27, 2019

On this special Thanksgiving Eve edition of Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, Tony sits down for an in depth conversation with Dr. Os Guinness, author and social critic, to explore the state of freedom in America in a time of increased conflict, hostility, and incivility. Dr. Guinness shares how this divisive climate is rooted in competing understandings of freedom and how Americans must choose which freedom to follow.

ID: 44599
Liz Murrill, Adrian Zenz, Jim DeMint, Rachel Bovard
November 25, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Liz Murrill, Louisiana Solicitor General, on the state’s litigation to hold an abortion clinic responsible for their “criminal and professional misconduct.”
  • Adrian Zenz, Senior Fellow in China Studies at Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, on documents leaked from within the Chinese government that show their massive concentration camps are ruled by secrecy and spying.
  • Jim DeMint, Chairman of the Conservative Partnership Institute, and Rachel Bovard, Senior Director of Policy for the Conservative Partnership Institute, on their new book, “Conservative: Knowing What to Keep.”
ID: 44567
Madeleine Kearns, Kate Klunk, Jeremy Dys, Caleb Lyman
November 22, 2019

Today's show features:

  • Madeleine Kearns, William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism at the National Review Institute, on the growing trend of children being subjected to experimental, life-altering, and irreversible gender reassignment "treatments."
  • Pennsylvania State Rep. Kate Klunk, on her state's governor vetoing a bill that outlaws aborting unborn babies with Down Syndrome.
  • Jeremy Dys, Special Counsel for Litigation and Communications for First Liberty Institute, on Colorado parents who are upset a high school teacher assigned sexually explicit material without their consent.
  • Caleb Lyman, Director of Research at Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, on the Becket Fund's new Religious Freedom Index.
ID: 44543
Rep. Chris Smith, Dr. Albert Mohler, David Closson
November 21, 2019

Today's show features:

  • Chris Smith, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of New Jersey, on House passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act which sends the bill to the president's desk.
  • Dr. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, on Chick-fil-A's decision to drop donations to the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
  • David Closson, FRC's Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, on Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg's twisting of Scripture to advance a far-Left agenda.
ID: 44525
Dr. Ralph Abraham, Jerry Boykin, Ken Paxton, Scott Hurley
November 20, 2019

Today's show features:

  • Dr. Ralph Abraham, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of Louisiana, with reaction to the impeachment hearings and reports that ISIS is rebuilding in Syria.
  • Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, FRC's Executive Vice President and former commander of the U.S. Army's Delta Force, on Iran's plan to seek new fighter jets and tanks as the UN embargo expires.
  • Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas, on the abortion litmus test set by the Democratic Attorneys General Association.
  • Scott Hurley, FRC's Vice President for Development, and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, responding to ACLU's claim that "there's no one way to be a man" and also discussing FRC's Stand Courageous men's conferences.
ID: 44503
Jody Hice, Gordon Chang, Mike Huckabee
November 19, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Jody Hice, U.S. Representative for the 10th District of Georgia, on the real issues which impeachment fever is distracting Congress from tackling.
  • Gordon Chang, foreign affairs reporter with a special focus on China, to discuss the near end of China’s siege of a college campus in Hong Kong.
  • Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, on Chick-fil-A ending all donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
ID: 44479
Ted Yoho, Caroline Glick, Tim Graham, Louisa Greve
November 18, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Ted Yoho, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of Florida, on the growing unrest in Iran, Hong Kong, Venezuela, and other countries with repressive regimes.
  • Caroline Glick, Columnist at Israel Hayom, on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement reversing the Obama administration’s anti-settlement policy in Israel.
  • Tim Graham, Executive Editor at News Busters, on FedEx CEO Fred Smith challenging the publisher of The New York Times to a debate on tax policy following Sunday’s front page article that FedEx believes to be a deliberate distortion of FedEx’s actions before and after tax reform.
  • Louisa Greve, Director of Global Advocacy for the Uyghur Human Rights Project, on a rare cache of files leaked from the Chinese government exposing the mass detention of Uyghurs.
ID: 44463
Andi Buerger, Michael New, Adam Guillette
November 15, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Andi Buerger, sex trafficking survivor and CEO of Beulah’s Place, on her amazing testimony and mission to help at-risk homeless teens.
  • Michael New, Associate Scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute, on his testimony against Planned Parenthood’s abortion statistics in David Daleiden’s trial and why their clinic in St. Louis lost its license.
  • Adam Guillette, President of Accuracy in Media, on the mainstream media’s anti-Trump bias in their coverage of the impeachment proceedings.
ID: 44445
Josh Hawley, Gus Bilirakis, David Closson, Meg Kilgannon
November 14, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Josh Hawley, U.S. Senator from Missouri, on intensifying violence in Hong Kong and China’s theft of American companies’ intellectual property.
  • Gus Bilirakis, U.S. Representative for the 12th District of Florida, to discuss Turkish leader Erdogan’s meeting with President Trump.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, on the Wisconsin legislature approving a “Bible Week” and an Ohio bill to allow religious expression in public schools.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC’s Education Associate, on sex-ed materials saturating Virginia school libraries.
ID: 44432
Mike Johnson, Patrina Mosley, Connor Semelsberger, Alex Swoyer, Hogan Gidley
November 13, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of Louisiana, on today’s House Judiciary Committee markup of a resolution which would remove the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). This comes as Democrats in Virginia wish to ratify the ERA when they take control in the next legislative session.
  • Patrina Mosley, FRC’s Director of Life, Culture, and Women’s Advocacy, and Connor Semelsberger, FRC’s Legislative Assistant, to explain the harms of the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • Alex Swoyer, Legal Affairs Reporter for the Washington Times, and Hogan Gidley, Deputy Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy Press Secretary, on today’s impeachment hearing in the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
ID: 44407
Michele Bachmann, Ken Blackwell, Brent Keilen, Jerry Boykin
November 11, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Michele Bachmann, former U.S. Representative, and Ken Blackwell, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, on the US response to Turkey’s abuses of human rights and religious freedom.
  • Brent Keilen, FRC Action’s Vice President, to discuss last week’s election results and the upcoming election in Louisiana.
  • Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, FRC’s Executive Vice President, for a special Veteran’s Day tribute.
ID: 44369
Thomas Massie, Jodey Arrington, Brent Keilen, Chris Mitchell
November 05, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Thomas Massie, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of Kentucky, to discuss the impact that pro-life issues will have on Kentucky’s elections.
  • Jodey Arrington, U.S. Representative for the 19th District of Texas, on President Trump beginning to formally withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accord, and the resolution he introduced in support of the president’s decision.
  • Brent Keilen, Vice President of FRC Action, to discuss today’s elections in Kentucky, Virginia, and other areas around the country.
  • Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News, to discuss the latest on the situation in Syria and the Israeli elections.
ID: 44301
Ted Yoho, Mike Kelly, Jim Campbell, David Closson
November 04, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Ted Yoho, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of Florida, on upheaval in the Middle East that may point to a second Arab Spring.
  • Mike Kelly, U.S. Representative for the 16th District of Pennsylvania, to discuss a new Trump administration rule that protects faith-based adoption providers who believe in the reality that children do best in a home with a married mom and dad.
  • Jim Campbell, Senior Counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, on the Kentucky Supreme Court ruling in favor of a Christian t-shirt printer who declined to print pro-LGBT messages.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, on Biblical Principles for Political Engagement in tomorrow’s state and local elections.
ID: 44286
Josh Youssef, Badr Rhomri, Travis Weber, Bassam Ishak
November 01, 2019

On this special edition of Washington Watch to observe the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, we highlight persecution in several regions of the world and tell the stories of persecuted believers. Over 245 million Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution. In just the last year, over 4,000 Christians have been killed for their faith. What are we to do? For Christians it begins with a call to prayer on behalf of those who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Our guests include:

  • Josh Youssef, President and CEO of Help the Persecuted, and Badr Rhomri, a convert to Christianity from a Muslim background, to discuss how anti-conversion laws are antithetical to true religious freedom. Badr shares how American Christians can pray for the persecuted around the globe.
  • Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs and Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, on the increasing persecution Christians face around the world, particularly in China.
  • Bassam Ishak, Co-Chair of the Syrian Democratic Council, to discuss the risk to religious minorities in Northeast Syria following Turkey’s invasion.
ID: 44268
Greg Murphy, Mike Davis, Janet Boynes, Travis Weber
October 30, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Greg Murphy, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of North Carolina, to give a preview of the Democrats’ next steps on impeachment.
  • Mike Davis, Founder and President of the Article III Project, on the American Bar Association’s misguided criticism of Lawrence VanDyke, a Trump appointment to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • Janet Boynes, Founder of Janet Boynes Ministries, a former lesbian who met with members of Congress today to discuss the harms of the Equality Act.
  • Travis Weber, FRC’s Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, to discuss the latest news from Capitol Hill, including the dangerous Equality Act and a bipartisan resolution to recognize the Armenian genocide and impose sanctions on Turkey.
ID: 44209
Andy Harris, Gary Palmer, Jennifer Kratky, Michele Bachmann
October 29, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Andy Harris, U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Maryland, on House Speaker Pelosi caving to Republican demands for transparency and due process in the impeachment inquiry.
  • Gary Palmer, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Alabama, on his resolution (H. Res. 640) condemning the global persecution of Christians.
  • Jennifer Kratky, mother of a fifth grade and a first grader in Austin, Texas, who has been fighting against a radical new sex education curriculum that the school district adopted against parents’ wishes.
  • Michele Bachmann, former U.S. Representative, to offer her thoughts on impeachment proceedings and the death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi.
ID: 44168
Jerry Boykin, Ethan Gutmann, Matt Krause, Jared Bridges, David Closson
October 28, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, FRC’s Executive Vice President and former commander of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force, on the US strike that killed the ISIS leader al-Baghdadi, the world’s most wanted terrorist.
  • Ethan Gutmann, investigative reporter and author of “The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem,” to discuss state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China.
  • Matt Krause, State Representative for the 93rd District of Texas, to discuss a storm brewing over transgender issues in the next Texas legislative session.
  • Jared Bridges, FRC’s Vice President of Brand Advancement, and David Closson, FRC’s Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, to provide analysis of Kanye West’s new album, “Jesus Is King.”
ID: 44169
Mike Johnson, Ben Carson, David Fowler, David Closson
October 24, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Mike Johnson, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of Louisiana and Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, on the RSC’s plan for personalized, affordable healthcare.
  • Ben Carson, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, on the threat that political correctness poses to our nation.
  • David Fowler, President of Family Action Council of Tennessee, on how marriage is given by God, not government.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of Christian Ethics and Biblical Worldview, on a UK judge ruling that the “Biblical view of male and female” violates “human dignity.”
ID: 44109
Mike Pompeo, Russ Fulcher, Connor Semelsberger, Jerry Boykin
October 23, 2019

Today’s show features:

  • Mike Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of State, on the importance of the principles of inalienable rights to U.S. foreign policy.
  • Russ Fulcher, U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Idaho, on what yesterday’s congressional hearing reveals about the Left’s obsession to impeach President Trump.
  • Connor Semelsberger, FRC’s Legislative Assistant for Pro-Life Issues, to discuss a report showing nearly 900 clinics have given up federal Title X funding rather than give up abortion after a Trump administration rule separated the two.
  • Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, FRC’s Executive Vice President, on FRC’s new Stand Courageous conference series designed to rekindle biblical masculinity.
ID: 44096
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