Washington Watch

Washington Watch is a daily program hosted by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that covers the issues of faith, family and freedom. Tony is your leading source for what is really happening in our nation’s Capital.

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Pete Ricketts, Liz Murrill, Chris Smith
April 30, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Pete Ricketts, U.S. Senator for Nebraska, discusses the latest news regarding Israel’s war against Hamas, responds to threats from the Chinese Communist Party following U.S. military aid to Taiwan, and sets the record straight regarding the Biden administration’s electric vehicle mandate.
  • Liz Murrill, Louisiana Attorney General, explains why Louisiana has joined the growing list of states suing the U.S. Department of Education for their revision of Title IX rules, which include “gender identity” as a protected category.
  • Chris Smith, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of New Jersey, reacts to House Democrats’ decision to support House Speaker Mike Johnson and sheds light on efforts to stop the World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Preparedness Agreement.
ID: 81678
Victoria Marshall, Tim Walberg, Caroline Glick, Kathy Branzell, Mike Davis
April 29, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Victoria Marshall, Washington Watch Correspondent, reports on the damage caused by severe weather throughout many U.S. states.
  • Tim Walberg, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of Michigan, responds to the continuing anti-Semitic protests on college campuses and discusses Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Middle East trip.
  • Caroline Glick, Senior Contributing Editor of Jewish News Syndicate, reacts to reports that the International Criminal Court is preparing arrest warrants for top Israeli officials.
  • Kathy BranzellPresident of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, highlights the upcoming National Day of Prayer.
  • Mike Davis, Founder of the Article III Project, provides an update on the lawfare effort by the Left against former President Trump.
ID: 81660
Ben Cline, Steve Marshall, Arielle Del Turco, Owen Strachan
April 26, 2024

On today’s program, hosted by Jody Hice:

  • Ben Cline, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Virginia, responds to the continuing anti-Semitic protests on college campuses and discusses the need for earmark reform.
  • Steve Marshall, Alabama Attorney General, highlights the lawsuit his state joined against the Biden administration for hijacking a federal law to facilitate abortions.
  • Arielle Del Turco, FRC’s Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, shares how Planned Parenthood uses U.S. tax dollars to promote abortion internationally.
  • Owen Strachan, FRC’s Senior Fellow at the Center for Biblical Worldview, offers a biblical worldview for how Christians should respond to anti-Semitism in light of the ongoing campus protests.
ID: 81659
Victoria Marshall, Raul Labrador, David Friedman, Cade Brumley, Gary Hamrick
April 25, 2024

On today’s program:

ID: 81622
Michele Bachmann, Kris Kobach, Ben Toma, Jim Roguski
April 24, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Michele Bachmann, Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University and FRC board chair, discusses House Speaker Mike Johnson’s trip to Columbia University in light of the increased anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses, and reacts to Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s comments to an Irish television network about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • Kris Kobach, Kansas Attorney General, shares about his effort to stop Bank of America from discriminating against Christian and conservative organizations.
  • Ben Toma, Speaker of the House in the Arizona state legislature, provides an update on the battle to protect life in his state.
  • Jim Roguski, author and researcher, sheds light on efforts to stop the World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Preparedness Agreement.
ID: 81610
Ron Estes, Ben Johnson, Jonathan Zachreson, Kim Russell
April 23, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Ron Estes, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of Kansas, reacts to the continued anti-Semitic violence and demonstrations taking place on U.S. college campuses and unpacks the Biden administration’s latest student loan bailout scheme.
  • Ben Johnson, Washington Stand Senior Reporter and Editor, discusses the PR crisis embroiling NPR.
  • Jonathan Zachreson, Executive Team Member for Protect Kids California, outlines his organization’s effort to protect children and sets the record straight regarding a California judge’s recent decision.
  • Kim Russell, Independent Women’s Forum Ambassador, applauds the courage of the middle school athletes in West Virginia who took a stand for girls’ sports.
ID: 81589
Glenn Grothman, Yaakov Menken, Christina Bobb, Walt Heyer
April 22, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Glenn Grothman, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Wisconsin, discusses the foreign aid and national security legislation passed by the House of Representatives.
  • Rabbi Yaakov Menken, Managing Director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, reacts to the continued anti-Semitic violence and demonstrations taking place on U.S. college campuses.
  • Christina Bobb, Senior Counsel for Election Integrity at the Republican National Committee, shares the RNC’s plan to deploy 100,000 election integrity experts to battleground states for the 2024 presidential election.
  • Walt Heyer, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Family Studies and publisher of sexchangeregret.com, provides analysis of the Left’s reaction to the Cass Review, a scathing report of the National Health Service of England’s gender treatments for children and young people, and  corrects the record regarding the harmful effect of gender procedures on minors.
ID: 81574
Victoria Marshall, Chris Mitchell, Eric Burlison, Meg Kilgannon, David Closson
April 19, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Victoria Marshall, Washington Watch News Reporter, provides an update from Capitol Hill, as the House of Representatives advances foreign aid legislation.
  • Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News, reports from Jerusalem following Israel’s limited counterattack against Iran.
  • Eric Burlison, U.S. Representative for the 7th District of Missouri, reacts to Israel’s strike against Iran and discusses the foreign aid legislation pending before Congress.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Education Studies, unpacks the revised Title IX rules released by the Biden administration, which includes “gender identity” as a protected category.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, brings a worldview approach to considering “Why Republican Parents Raise Democratic Daughters.”
ID: 81573
Mike Waltz, Roger Marshall, Victoria Marshall, Ralph Norman, Ron Johnson, Peter Schweizer
April 18, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Mike Waltz, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Florida, discusses the foreign aid and national security legislation pending before Congress and explains why he opposes the motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson.
  • Dr. Roger Marshall, U.S. Senator from Kansas, reacts to the dismissal of the articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas by Senate Democrats.
  • Victoria Marshall, Washington Watch News Reporter, reports the results of the U.N. Security Council’s vote to admit Palestine to the United Nations.
  • Ralph Norman, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of South Carolina, provides an update on the World Health Organization’s effort to undermine national sovereignty, free speech, and human dignity with its proposed Pandemic Preparedness Agreement.
  • Ron Johnson, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, furthers the conversation regarding the World Health Organization and reacts to the result of the U.N. Security Council’s vote to admit Palestine to the United Nations.
  • Peter Schweizer, President of the Government Accountability Institute and author of Blood Money, highlights the Chinese Communist Party’s effort to lobby Congress on behalf of TikTok.
ID: 81539
Clay Higgins, Gary Palmer, Victoria Marshall, Valarie Hodges, Pavlo Unguryan
April 17, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Clay Higgins, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of Louisiana, discusses the articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
  • Gary Palmer, U.S. Representative from the 6th district of Alabama, provides an update on the foreign aid legislation pending before Congress and explains why he opposes the motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson.
  • Victoria Marshall, Washington Watch News Reporter, reports on the U.N. Security Council’s expected vote this week to admit Palestine to the United Nations.
  • Valarie Hodges, Louisiana State Senator, shares an overview of her resolution before the Louisiana Senate urging the U.S. Congress to support Israel.
  • Pavlo Unguryan, former Member of Ukraine’s Parliament, joins Tony in studio to shed light on the persecution of Christians in Ukraine by the Russian army and encourages Christians to pray for the church in Ukraine.
ID: 81527
Lindsey Graham, Ohad Tal, Andrew Bailey, Victoria Marshall, Greg Murphy
April 16, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Lindsey Graham, U.S. Senator from South Carolina, responds to Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel and discusses the foreign aid legislation Congress will consider in response.
  • Ohad Tal, Member of the Israeli Knesset, reacts to Iran’s attack on Israel and discusses the Biden administration’s weak support for his country.
  • Andrew Bailey, Missouri Attorney General, responds to a court decision requiring Planned Parenthood to turn over documents relevant to his investigation into their alleged gender treatment procedures on minors.
  • Victoria Marshall, Washington Watch News Reporter, provides an update on the articles of impeachment sent to the U.S. Senate against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
  • Dr. Greg Murphy, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of North Carolina, shares the details of the foreign aid funding bills for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan coming before the House of Representatives this week.
ID: 81504
Chris Mitchell, Mark Alford, Bob Maginnis, Tony Perkins
April 15, 2024

On today’s program, hosted by Jody Hice:

  • Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News, reports on the aftermath of Iran’s unprecedented attack against Israel.
  • Mark Alford, U.S. Representative from the 4th district of Missouri, shares his reaction to President Biden’s insistence that the U.S. will not support an Israeli response to Iran. He also offers an update on the Israeli aid package coming before the House this week.
  • Lt. Col. (Ret.) Bob Maginnis, FRC's Senior Fellow for National Security, answers key questions about Iran’s attack on Israel.
  • Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, reacts to Iran’s attack on Israel and shares about a new opportunity to pray and stand with Israel on Sunday, May 19.
ID: 81494
Andy Harris, Cleta Mitchell, Scott Perry, David Closson
April 12, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Dr. Andy Harris, U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Maryland, discusses the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) passing in the House of Representatives and outlines how Republicans must message on protecting life in opposition to the extreme position of the Democrats.
  • Cleta Mitchell, Senior Legal Fellow at Conservative Partnership Group, offers analysis of election integrity legislation championed by former President Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson to prevent non-citizens from voting and shares her story of Left’s targeting her and other conservatives for their work to safeguard elections.
  • Scott Perry, U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania’s 10th District, provides further commentary on the need for election integrity legislation and explains why House Republicans should unify against a motion to vacate the Speaker of the House.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, brings a worldview approach to considering recent issues in the news cycle involving the sanctity of life.
ID: 81493
Chris Smith, Rich McCormick, Matthew Faraci, Jill Simons, Meg Kilgannon
April 11, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Chris Smith, U.S. Representative for the 4th District of New Jersey, offers guidance for the Republican response to the Left’s pro-abortion propaganda.
  • Dr. Rich McCormick, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Georgia, addresses the growing cybersecurity threat from the Chinese Communist Party and explains why he opposes the motion to vacate the speakership for House Speaker Mike Johnson.
  • Matthew Faraci, Gideon300 President, discusses the Biden administration’s abandonment of Israel and the effect this could have on American Jewish voters.
  • Dr. Jill Simons, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, provides analysis of the Cass Review, a scathing report of the National Health Service of England’s gender treatments for children and young people.
  • Meg Kilgannon, FRC’s Senior Fellow for Education Studies, furthers the discussion of the Cass Review and unpacks the Vatican’s “Dignitas Infinita,” which proclaims the Catholic Church’s position on issues of human dignity.
ID: 81456
Marsha Blackburn, Randy Weber, Jake Warner, Mike Pompeo
April 10, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Senator from Tennessee, reacts to reports that President Biden plans to sign an executive order to reduce the flow of migrants into the country and discusses her recent trip to the border.
  • Randy Weber, U.S. Representative for the 14th District of Texas, provides an update on Israel’s war against Hamas following his recent trip to Israel and sets the record straight regarding a motion to vacate the speakership for House Speaker Mike Johnson.
  • Jake Warner, Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel, shares the details of the Arizona Supreme Court’s pro-life decision.
  • Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Secretary of State, describes the global threats to the United States and provides analysis of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act discussions in Congress.
ID: 81439
Ben Johnson, Mike Waltz, Lindsey Graham, Kamal Saleem, Albert Mohler
April 09, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Ben Johnson, Washington Stand Senior Reporter and Editor, reports on a Dutch study showing two out of three children who experience gender dysphoria will eventually embrace their biological sex by adulthood.
  • Mike Waltz, U.S. Representative for the 6th District of Florida, provides an update on issues facing Congress and discusses why he does not support a motion to vacate the speakership for House Speaker Mike Johnson.
  • Lindsey Graham, U.S. Senator from South Carolina, responds to former President Trump’s comments regarding abortion and shares his continued support for Israel in its war against Hamas.  
  • Kamal Saleem, Koome Ministries President, reacts to a Michigan city rally where crowds chanted “Death to America” and warns of rising calls for jihad within the United States.
  • Dr. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, unpacks the document released by the Vatican proclaiming the Catholic Church’s position on issues of human dignity and responds to remarks by atheist Richard Dawkins on how “truly dreadful” it would be if Christianity were replaced with another religion.
ID: 81419
James Lankford, Jody Hice, Phil Hotsenpiller, Caroline Glick
April 08, 2024

On today’s program:

  • James Lankford, U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, discusses his recent trip to Israel and responds to former President Donald Trump’s statement on life.
  • Jody Hice, FRC Senior Vice President and former congressman, comments on the shortsighted effort to push a vote to terminate House Speaker Mike Johnson’s speakership.
  • Phil Hotsenpiller, Senior Pastor of Influence Church in Anaheim Hills, California, shares about his new bookIt’s Midnight in America, which encourages Christians to confront fear and embrace courage.
  • Caroline Glick, Senior Contributing Editor of Jewish News Syndicate, provides an update on Israel’s war against Hamas as the Biden administration undermines Israeli efforts.
ID: 81401
Chris Mitchell, Andrew Clyde, Victoria Marshall, William Federer
April 05, 2024

On today’s program, hosted by Jody Hice:

  • Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News, reports from Israel following remarks from the Biden administration that undermine Israel’s war against Hamas.
  • Andrew Clyde, U.S. Representative for the 9th District of Georgia, discusses efforts in Georgia to strengthen election integrity and the Left’s distorted view of election subversion.
  • Victoria Marshall, Washington Watch News Reporter, provides an update on the Left’s continued attacks on women’s sports.
  • William Federer, President of Amerisearch and host of American Minute, responds to recent remarks by atheist Richard Dawkins on living in a “culturally Christian country” and shares how America’s rich Christian tradition has blessed the nation.    
ID: 81400
Gordon Chang, Samuel Rodriguez, Jenny Beth Martin, Andy Biggs
April 04, 2024

On today’s program, hosted by Jody Hice:

  • Gordon Chang, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, reacts to the NATO summit in Belgium, where Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that Ukraine will eventually join the U.S.-led alliance.
  • Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, provides analysis following reports that Hispanic voters increasingly identify as Protestant evangelicals.
  • Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder, discusses election integrity efforts taking place throughout the country.
  • Andy Biggs, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of Arizona, responds to recent polling that indicates voters consider immigration as the single biggest issue facing the country.
ID: 81375
Buddy Carter, Ralph Norman, Mark Harris, David Closson
April 03, 2024

On today’s program, hosted by Jody Hice:

  • Buddy Carter, U.S. Representative for the 1st District of Georgia, discusses the Biden administration’s misguided approach to health care and provides an update on issues facing Congress when they return from recess next week.
  • Ralph Norman, U.S. Representative for the 5th District of South Carolina, highlights the need to stand for life in the face of attacks from the Left.
  • Dr. Mark Harris, Senior Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in North Carolina, unpacks the importance of election integrity initiatives.
  • David Closson, FRC’s Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview, responds to the Left’s colonizing the calendar for LGBTQ+ matters and provides a biblical worldview analysis of life issues on the ballot this November.
ID: 81341
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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