Washington Watch

Washington Watch is a daily program hosted by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that covers the issues of faith, family and freedom. Tony is your leading source for what is really happening in our nation’s Capital.

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Episodes (1842)
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Rep. Trent Franks, Jamie Dean, George Barna
July 28, 2016

On Thursday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Member of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), joins Tony to break down the truth behind Hillary Clinton's supposed foreign policy expertise-a far cry from what President Obama touted during his speech to the DNC last night. National Editor for WORLD Magazine, Jamie Dean, is here to highlight her latest article titled: LGBT groups celebrate withering religious liberty in Philadelphia, where she explains the Left's true agenda behind their desire to do away with religious freedom. Also, Executive Director of the American Culture and Faith Institute and founder of the Barna Research Group, George Barna, joins Tony to discuss their new polling data showing just how important the SAGE voting demographic is. SAGE stands for, spiritually active, governance engaged.

ID: 3848
Rep. Ted Poe, Todd Starnes
July 27, 2016

On Wednesday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas), joins Tony with his reaction to the France terror attack and what we can do to protect religious freedom for not just Americans, but people of faith abroad as well. Also, Fox News' Todd Starnes joins Tony with the latest from the ground in Philadelphia on the Democratic National Convention.

ID: 3822
Rep. Mike Pompeo, David Brody
July 26, 2016

On Tuesday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), joins Tony with the latest news he has on the egregious terror attack in France, leaving Father Jacques Hamel dead. CBN News award-winning journalist, David Brody, is here with an update on what's taking place at the Democratic National Convention and what he expects tonight after what can only be described as an embarrassing opening to the convention yesterday.

ID: 3793
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Penny Starr
July 25, 2016

On Monday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who heads the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, joins Tony to discuss the leaked Democratic National Committee emails showing the Democratic leadership and media playing favorites in an effort to help Hillary Clinton become the Democratic nominee for president. Also, Senior Staff Writer for CNS News, Penny Starr, is here with her analysis on how the leaked DNC emails connect with the national effort by Democrats to take down HB2 in North Carolina. Penny also has a new article out discussing the NBA caving to the Left in their response to HB2 by moving the 2017 All-Star game out of North Carolina.

ID: 3791
Ken Blackwell, Joel Pollak
July 22, 2016

On Friday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Senior Counsel and Director of Strategic Affairs for First Liberty Institute and legal editor for Breitbart News, Ken Klukowski, guest hosts for Tony. FRC's Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance and former Undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Ken Blackwell, joins Ken as well as Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News, Joel Pollak, will give their overall analysis of this year's RNC Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio this week.

ID: 3700
Senator Jeff Sessions, Todd Starnes, Gov. Phil Bryant
July 20, 2016

On Wednesday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Tony hosts live from radio row at this year's GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), joins Tony with his analysis of this year's GOP convention and the decision facing the American people in who we will select as the next Commander in Chief. Also, Fox News' Todd Starnes is here to discuss the stories he's been covering during the week on the ground in Cleveland. Also, Mississippi Governor, Phil Bryant, joins Tony with his insight on the GOP convention and the event held by FRC Action today promoting the value of human life.

ID: 3627
Rep. Mark Meadows, Peter Hasson
July 19, 2016

On Tuesday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Tony hosts live from radio row at this year's GOP convention being held in Cleveland, Ohio. Rep. Mark Meadows, (R-N.C.) joins Tony with his analysis on how the GOP convention is going so far as well as the positive messages being relayed to the American people. Also, Reporter and Associate Editor for the Daily Caller, Peter Hasson, is here to break down the differences between the Republican platform and the Democratic platform. One of the main differences is the desire by the Democrats to fund abortions with federal tax dollars.

ID: 3579
Kris Kobach, Greg Phares
July 18, 2016

On Monday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Tony hosts live from radio row at this year's GOP convention being held in Cleveland, Ohio. Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, joins Tony to highlight the adoption of the GOP platform that both of them were a part of assembling last week. Another egregious attack on law enforcement, this time in Louisiana, leaving three officers dead and two seriously injured. Former Baton Rouge Police Chief, Greg Phares, joins Tony with his analysis and how we come together, moving forward to protect those serving on the front lines every day.

ID: 3572
General Boykin, Ken Blackwell, Len Munsil
July 15, 2016

On Friday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Senior Counsel and Director of Strategic Affairs for First Liberty Institute and legal editor for Breitbart News, Ken Klukowski, guest hosts for Tony. Another egregious terrorist attack, potentially carried out by a radical Islamist, this time in France. FRC's Senior Vice President and founding member of the Army's Delta Force, Lt. General (ret.) Jerry Boykin, along with FRC's Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance and former Undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Ken Blackwell, along with President of Arizona Christian University and Arizona delegate to the GOP convention, Len Munsil, all join Ken with their analysis.

ID: 3543
Tony Perkins, Ken Blackwell, Kelly Shackelford
July 14, 2016

On Thursday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Senior Counsel and Director of Strategic Affairs for First Liberty Institute and legal editor for Breitbart News, Ken Klukowski, guest hosts for Tony. The GOP Convention takes place next week, do we expect any fireworks? FRC President and Louisiana delegate, Tony Perkins, FRC's Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance and former Undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Ken Blackwell, and President and CEO of First Liberty Institute, Kelly Shackelford, join Ken with their analysis.

ID: 3542
David Barton, Tommy Valentine, Ken Klukowski
July 13, 2016

On Wednesday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" historian, founder of Wall Builders and platform delegate from Texas, David Barton, joins Tony to discuss the effort by a portion of the platform committee, who are in line with the Left's LGBT agenda, trying to hijack the committee's work using deceptive tactics. The youngest member of this year's GOP platform committee, Virginia delegate, Tommy Valentine, is here to discuss how he worked to make sure the platform remains pro-life and pro-natural marriage. Also, Senior Counsel and Director of Strategic Affairs for First Liberty Institute and legal editor for Breitbart News, Ken Klukowski, joins Tony to discuss just how strong the language is in this year's final agreed platform.

ID: 3435
Ken Klukowski
July 12, 2016

On Tuesday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Senior Counsel and Director of Strategic Affairs for First Liberty Institute and legal editor for Breitbart News, Ken Klukowski, guest hosts for Tony live from the GOP platform committee meeting in Cleveland.

ID: 3410
David Christensen
July 11, 2016

On Monday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" Senior Counsel and Director of Strategic Affairs for First Liberty Institute and legal editor for Breitbart News, Ken Klukowski, guest hosts for Tony. With the GOP platform committee meeting this week to rule on the future of the GOP, several decisions on life and marriage will be debated. FRC's Vice President of Government Affairs, David Christensen, is here with the latest discussions.

ID: 3380
Mark Walters, Chris Farrell, Peter Sprigg, Dr. Ronnie Floyd
July 08, 2016

On Friday's edition of "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins" host of Janet Mefferd Today, Janet Mefferd, guest hosts for Tony. Host of Daily Defense with Mark Walters, Mark Walters, joins Janet with his analysis on the Dallas shooting that took the lives of 5 police officers. Director of Research and Investigations for Judicial Watch, Chris Farrell, is here to discuss how Judicial Watch plans to move forward in its ongoing probe into the alleged crimes of Hillary Clinton. FRC's Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, Peter Sprigg, joins our guest host to break down the progressive agenda regarding sexuality that goes beyond U.S. borders. Also, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and current Senior Pastor of Cross Church in Springdale Arkansas, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, is here to discuss racial reconciliation in America how the church can be out front in restoring unity.

ID: 3356
Cheif of Staff and Counsel for First Liberty Institute Chelsea Youman, Senior Editor-at-large at Breitbart News Joel Pollack
July 07, 2016

On Thursday’s edition of “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” Senior Counsel and Director of Strategic Affairs for First Liberty Institute and legal editor for Breitbart News, Ken Klukowski, guest hosts for Tony. Chief of Staff and Counsel for First Liberty Institute, Chelsea Youman, joins Ken to discuss the latest threat to religious liberty in Iowa where some churches may be forced to comply with transgender bathroom laws. Also, Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News, Joel Pollack, is here with the latest on FBI Director Jim Comey’s testimony before Congress today regarding his decision to not suggest Hillary Clinton be indicted for using multiple personal email servers while with the State Department. 

ID: 3294
Ken Blackwell, Joel Pollack, Rep. Jim Jordan
July 06, 2016

Ken Klukowski guest host for Tony. He talks with Ken Blackwell on FBI director James Comey and Hilary Clinton emails. He also talks with Joel Pollack on Clinton email and then Rep. Jim Jordan on FBI Director James Comey appearing before Congress to explain the Clinton email probe.

ID: 3230
Kristen Waggoner
July 05, 2016

Janet Mefferd, guest hosts for Tony. Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, Kristen Waggoner, joins Janet to discuss last week's Supreme Court decision that forces the owners of a Washington state pharmacy to violate their conscience by selling drugs that can destroy a human embryo.

ID: 3228
Michele Bachmann, Dr. Tony Evans, Anne Graham Lotz
July 01, 2016

Former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and Senior Pastor of Cross Church in Arkansas, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, guest hosts for Tony. Former Minnesota Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann, joins Dr. Floyd to discuss how Congress can better protect the U.S. Constitution against a relentless progressive agenda. Author and Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Tony Evans, is here to talk about the important role pastors play in taking back our country both morally and spiritually. Also, National Chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer, Anne Graham Lotz, joins Dr. Floyd to discuss her latest book, The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations.

ID: 3226
Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Jack Graham, Bill Simon
June 30, 2016

Former president of the Southern Baptist Convention and Senior Pastor of Cross Church in Arkansas, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, guest hosts for Tony. Renowned neurosurgeon and former GOP presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, joins our guest host to discuss several high profile news items this week. Senior Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dr. Jack Graham, is here with his analysis of the spiritual state of America and how important it is for Christians to be involved in the political process. Also, former Secretary of the Department of Management Services, appointed by Governor Jeb Bush, Bill Simon, joins Dr. Floyd with his U.S. economic outlook and the important role the 2016 presidential election will play in the effort to reboot our economy.

ID: 3223
Ken Paxton, Ken Cuccinelli, David and Jason Benham
June 29, 2016

Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, joins Tony to discuss the latest effort in his state by the Left to override parental rights surrounding transgender bathroom policies in Fort Worth public schools. Former Virginia Attorney General and current president of the Senate Conservatives Fund, Ken Cuccinelli, is here with his analysis on what free speech implications would be considered if Idaho U.S. Attorney, Wendy Olsen had her way regarding what she considers inflammatory speech. Also, real estate entrepreneurs and culture warriors, Jason and David Benham, are here to highlight their latest book, Living Among Lions, How to Thrive Like Daniel in Today's Babylon.

ID: 3221

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