Faith & Finance

Airing live at 9am CST on American Family Radio, Faith & Finance with Rob West, along with special guests and financial experts, aims to provide biblical wisdom on a variety of financial topics as well as answers to call-in questions. Originating in 1988, Larry Burkett, co-founder of Christian Financial Concepts and Crown Financial Ministries, started a question-and-answer radio program with co-host Steve Moore called “Money Matters”. After Larry’s passing and homegoing in 2003, Crown’s other co-founder, Howard Dayton, became the new host and in 2011, Money Matters was transformed into MoneyWise by Howard’s new organization, Compass Finances God’s Way. In 2017, Kingdom Advisors (another organization Larry Burkett co-founded) acquired the MoneyWise radio broadcast ministry and in January 2023 the ministry changed it's name to Faith & Finance. Today, under the leadership of radio host Rob West, Faith & Finance can be found on your favorite podcast platform and on the AFR website and mobile app.

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Episodes (582)
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Escape The Auto Debt Trap
September 21, 2022

Often, taking the easy way out when we’re making a major purchase, can trap us into hopeless debt situations, especially when it involves car loans. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Howard Dayton about the auto debt trap and how to avoid it. Then Rob will answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 72745
How Your Spending May Save Your Retirement
September 20, 2022

If you read enough of what the so-called financial experts are saying in the retirement headlines, you might get the impression that you’ll never be able to retire. But you really need to take what they’re saying with a huge grain of salt. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will talk with investing expert Mark Biller about a more hopeful future for your retirement savings. Then Rob will answer your calls and financial questions.

ID: 72703
Money Savers for Seniors
September 19, 2022

If you’re a senior citizen who’s found that your golden years of retirement aren’t so golden—take heart. There are plenty of things you can do to make the money you have go even further. On the next MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will share some money saving tips for seniors. Then he’ll answer your calls on any financial topic.

ID: 72682
Successful Investing in Volatile Markets
September 16, 2022

The financial markets are always headed up or down. But which way will they head on any given day? No one knows. So, you must plan for either direction. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk with Rachel McDonough about successful investing in volatile markets. Then Rob will answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 72623
3 Questions for a Values-Based Legacy
September 15, 2022

Jesus taught that we won’t be judged by what we had in this world, but by what we were willing to give away to others. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Jeanne McMains about how you can leave a legacy of generosity that impacts the world. Then Rob will answer your calls and questions on any financial topic.

ID: 72617
The Backlash Against ESG
September 14, 2022

In recent years, a tiny but very vocal minority has sought to bully financial institutions into adopting their views on culture and politics. Their agenda is based on environmental, social and governance criteria—or “ESG” for short. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will talk with economist Jerry Bowyer about the rising backlash against ESG. Then Rob will answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 72578
The Cost of Raising a Child
September 13, 2022

God’s Word tells believers to “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” But these days it seems economics is making that ever more difficult to do. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will talk with Chad Clark about the rising cost of raising a child. Then Rob will answer your calls and financial questions.

ID: 72575
Living in the Future
September 12, 2022

“Living within your means” not only involves taking care of the expenses you incur today — but also preparing for expenses you’re likely to incur down the road. On today's MoneyWise On AFR, Rob West will share some ways you can strategize and set aside enough money for your future expenses. Then he’ll answer your calls on any financial topic.

ID: 72528
A Mortgage Update
September 09, 2022

The Federal Reserve’s ongoing effort to curb inflation by raising interest rates is having a ripple effect throughout the economy, especially in the housing market. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will get a mortgage update from Dale Vermillion. Then Rob will answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 72510
Avoid High Investing Fees
September 08, 2022

If you have money in a 401k, IRA or a regular brokerage account, do you know what that costs you in fees and commissions? On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will pull back the curtain on investing’s hidden costs. Then he’ll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics.

ID: 72495
Maximize Social Security Benefits
September 07, 2022

You pay into the Social Security system your whole working life, but are you taking steps now to boost the benefits you’ll be receiving in the future? On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will share some ways you can maximize your social security benefits. Then he’ll answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 72478
Investing for the Long Haul
September 06, 2022

There’s no question that after one of the longest bull markets in history, investors are having quite an emotional time now that the bears are running loose on Wall Street. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will have some advice about dealing with a bear market and investing for the long haul. Then Rob will answer your calls and financial questions.

ID: 72466
How To Support Your Missionaries
September 05, 2022

The Great Commission Jesus gave to His disciples in Matthew 28 should be a constant reminder for us to support mission work, especially if we’re not the ones going. On today's MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about some ways you can support the missionaries you know. Then he’ll answer your questions on various financial topics.

ID: 72462
Credit To Avoid
September 02, 2022

The Bible doesn’t speak of debt as a sin … only that we should avoid it. While some types of credit are better than others, some should be avoided like the plague. Rob West will talk about that with Howard Dayton and then answer listener questions today on MoneyWise on AFR.  Also, our friend Jerry Bowyer joins us to discuss the markets and the economy.

ID: 72452
What "God Provides" Really Means
September 01, 2022

The verse in the book of Philippians that explains God will supply our every need has assured countless believers of God’s unfailing love. But what does that verse really mean? On today's MoneyWise on AFR, host Rob West will explain what the phrase, “God provides” really means and how it can be easily misunderstood. Then he’ll answer your calls and questions on various financial topics.

ID: 72424
Disability: The Overlooked Insurance
August 31, 2022

Did you know that most employers offer disability insurance plans, but most employees don’t sign up for them? On today's MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about the possible reasons why many employees overlook this potentially critical form of insurance. Then he’ll answer your calls on various financial topics.

ID: 72405
Why Christians Don't Give More
August 30, 2022

If you ask Christians if they’d like to give more, the answer is always yes. So what’s holding us back? Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about giving with Ron Blue.

ID: 72386
The Debt Effect of Inflation
August 29, 2022

Inflation is bad enough for folks living on a budget with some money to spare, but it’s devastating for those relying on credit cards. Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about that and the best solution to the problem with Neile Simon. Also, Bob Doll will join us today with his weekly take on markets and the economy.

ID: 72365
Happy Job Hunting!
August 26, 2022

If you’re ready to look for a job, there are some things you need to consider to make your job hunt a happy experience. Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about those and take your calls.

ID: 72348
Buy or Lease Your Next Car?
August 25, 2022

The days of record low interest rates and barely noticeable inflation are behind us, so the decision of leasing versus buying isn’t so clear-cut. Maybe it’s time to go over the pros and cons again. Rob West will do that today on MoneyWise on AFR.

ID: 72325
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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