Faith & Finance

Airing live at 9am CST on American Family Radio, Faith & Finance with Rob West, along with special guests and financial experts, aims to provide biblical wisdom on a variety of financial topics as well as answers to call-in questions. Originating in 1988, Larry Burkett, co-founder of Christian Financial Concepts and Crown Financial Ministries, started a question-and-answer radio program with co-host Steve Moore called “Money Matters”. After Larry’s passing and homegoing in 2003, Crown’s other co-founder, Howard Dayton, became the new host and in 2011, Money Matters was transformed into MoneyWise by Howard’s new organization, Compass Finances God’s Way. In 2017, Kingdom Advisors (another organization Larry Burkett co-founded) acquired the MoneyWise radio broadcast ministry and in January 2023 the ministry changed it's name to Faith & Finance. Today, under the leadership of radio host Rob West, Faith & Finance can be found on your favorite podcast platform and on the AFR website and mobile app.

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Episodes (588)
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Aligning and Igniting Your Generosity Passions
June 09, 2022

2 Corinthians 8:2 says, “For in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.” In that passage, the Apostle Paul is writing about the joyful giving by the impoverished Macedonian church for relief of the saints. It’s a message that should inspire us today. We’ll talk about that with Eric Most and then Rob West will answer listener questions.

ID: 71345
A Small Beginning To Investing
June 08, 2022

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.“ Zechariah 4:10. That passage refers to the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. The old wept, knowing it wouldn't have the grandeur of the old temple. Is there a lesson here about investing? Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about that and answer listener questions.

ID: 71295
The Problem With Possessions
June 07, 2022

Buying something we really want can be exciting in the moment, but the joy of material possessions has a very short life. Once obtained, the excitement begins to wane. Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about fleeting joy vs lasting fulfillment and take your calls.

ID: 71274
"Take My Yoke and Learn From Me"
June 06, 2022

In Matthew 11, Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me.” Many people don’t realize it, but Jesus talked a lot about money. He warned us about its dangers, and spoke about using it wisely. Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about that and take your calls. Then in the last segment of the program Bob Doll will join us to give his weekly investment analysis.

ID: 71245
The Love of Money
June 03, 2022

Mark 4:19 says, “The cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful.” Jesus’ warning in the Parable of the Sower teaches that the love of money makes us useless to the Kingdom of God. Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about that and take your calls.

ID: 71206
Workplace Changes Here To Stay
June 02, 2022

Many of the changes brought on by COVID were temporary but some are here to say. That’s especially true in the workplace. Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about those likely permanent changes and take your calls.

ID: 71184
The DNA of Saving?
June 01, 2022

Is there such a thing as a saving gene, a piece of DNA that makes a person put something aside for a rainy day? Truth be told, saving is probably not hereditary. Most savers will probably tell you it’s a habit they had to learn that took a few tries. Today on Moneywise on AFR, Rob West will talk about that and take your calls.

ID: 71164
Money: A Double-Edged Sword
May 31, 2022

English philosopher and statesman Francis Bacon wrote, ““Money is a great servant but a bad master.” Perhaps the greatest decision you’ll make about finances is … will money serve you or will you serve money? To put it another way: Will money be a blessing to you or a curse? Today on MoneyWise on AFR, Rob West will talk about that and take your calls.

ID: 71143
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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