Rev. Donald E. Wildmon is Founder and Chairman Emeritus of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR).
Rev. Donald E. Wildmon is Founder and Chairman Emeritus of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR).
Amazing! The Creator provided what only He could; the only remedy for sin, His Son, our Christ. Yet He entrusted the Gospel, His good news about the remedy, to mere men.
Every moment of every day is reason for thanksgiving, especially for the believer. Whether thankful for rescue from the jaws of disaster or for every breath, we have much for which we must be thankful.
Being rich is more than money. Rich is love, heritage, friends and loved ones and Christ in whom all true riches are found.
Having few of the goods of this world doesn’t equate to being poor. Lack of money is not what defines richness or poverty, for anyone can have all the “riches” ever needed in life when loved and appreciated by others.
How would we judge He who cannot be judged? Many questions come to mind but ultimately, we come to the realization that God alone is The Judge and man will always come up short and in debt.
A quality lacking today in most of us is persistence. To accomplish great things doesn’t take great riches or great brains or fame. It simply takes the ability to persevere, to persist.
When we move too fast, we attempt too many tasks at once, are good ways to ensure chaos and wrong results. Take your eyes off of yourself; keep them focused on Christ, especially when life gets difficult, and be surprised at how much will go right.
Life never lets up on us and we must take seriously it’s challenges. There is a standard, set by God, to be striven for. Keep aiming at the standard and avoid the easy path of selfishness.
Laws and rules should protect in spirit and in practice. God’s law is no different and is to be paramount in our daily life, lest we are destroyed by our own inattention.
Strength of character must take priority or we are left in very dangerous waters which more often than not, results in drowning.
Very often life’s circumstances bring temptations to do the easy thing even when we know we shouldn’t. We are called to be faithful, meaning the right thing is often very difficult.
We are created to function in certain ways, with proper nourishment being the key, not only in our physical bodies but also that of our spirits.
We begin the race with enthusiasm but a wrong turn along the course will up-end your destination.
How wonderful it is when the things in which we find delight we desire to share with those we care about. If then, we delight in Christ why is it we don’t share Him as readily?
One father’s offer to tr trade his life for that of his son illustrates our Heavenly Father’s gift to us.
Darkness can be terrifying. We need to remember that God is here with us and that the tunnel has light at both ends, so keep on traveling.
The road will get bumpy, it’s a fact of life. When it does we can resign, leave our post; become resigned to failing our task; or re-sign, putting a fresh signature on our commitment.
The most unhappy people in the world are those who pursue it the hardest. A “good time” and happiness are not at all the same things.
Sometimes it is so difficult to get back up after being knocked down that we are tempted to not even try it; but when we quit we guarantee that we will not succeed. So, hang in there and give it the best you have. Don’t quit!
Greatness of soul is not measured by genius, fame or fortune, but by the kindness that is sown in the those along our path.