The Awakening deals with the pressing issues confronting Americans today - cultural, economic, political and national security. Your host, Bishop E.W. Jackson, founder and president of S.T.A.N.D (Staying True to America’s National Destiny), is on a mission to awaken the body of Christ and all Americans to the fundamental threat to the spiritual and moral foundations of our Constitutional Republic. Instead of mere rhetoric, he offers real solutions to the problems America faces, such as inner city poverty, crime and violence.
The left loves to redefine words and terms. We must not let them.
Dr. Risch takes calls from our listeners.
Conservatives must stop compromising with the left because whatever you give they take a then demand more.
It's evil, antiquated and should not be followed.
Alex and Susan discuss Christian worldviews and public education.
Patti and Alex discuss the dangers of CRT.
Guest host Fred Jackson discusses the Wyoming election and the state of the Republican party.
Alex and attorney Richard Harris discuss the Trump raid and the future of our country.
Ephesians Chapter 1
We must get engaged!
Planted evidence is a concern.
Biden is acting like the leader of a third world banana republic.
Reaching unsaved teens with Truth For Youth Bibles. Find out how you can help.
Grants of up to $500,000.
We are on God's side!
Congressman Good joins us today to discuss Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan and current pending legislation.
China and Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.