The Awakening deals with the pressing issues confronting Americans today - cultural, economic, political and national security. Your host, Bishop E.W. Jackson, founder and president of S.T.A.N.D (Staying True to America’s National Destiny), is on a mission to awaken the body of Christ and all Americans to the fundamental threat to the spiritual and moral foundations of our Constitutional Republic. Instead of mere rhetoric, he offers real solutions to the problems America faces, such as inner city poverty, crime and violence.
Fred Jackson joins Bishop for the first day of Spring Sharathon.
The FDA is not "following the science." They are following the pharmaceutical industry.
Pierre Kory is an American critical care physician who gained attention during the COVID-19 pandemic for advocating widespread off-label use of certain drugs as treatments for COVID-19, as president and co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Due to Good Friday Bishop opens the phone lines a day early to hear from you, the listeners.
America will continue to decline until we once again value families and biblical teaching.
New York's strict gun control laws only make their citizens defenseless.
Clear evidence against the Biden crime family.
Open phone lines!
First as a public defender and then continued to do so in private practice.
Daniel gives us some insight on today's energy situation.
Discussion of the upcoming Marriage, Family and Life Conference.
This is the fundamental belief that our nation is built on.
Open Phone Lines!
The ruling applies to the Navy but should extend to all branches.
Over 200,000 encounters in just the last week.
I think we are.
Some "conservative" justices sided with the liberals.
Open phone lines!!
This woman shouldn't be anywhere near a courtroom.
Mrs. McFarland gives us great insight on Putin and the Ukraine.