The Hamilton Minute

The Hamilton Minute is a power packed 60 seconds where we tackle the issues of the day through the lens of God’s Word. You don’t want to miss a moment of it.

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Still Preach the Word
July 26, 2024

“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.”  2 Timothy 4:2 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

As Paul was incarcerated, facing imminent execution by Nero, he told Timothy perilous times were coming. Evil men and seducers would wax worse and worse.

But, he instructed Timothy to continue in what he knew to be true.

Then, he emphatically stated, “preach the word!”

As darkness mounts and wickedness increases, you and I must continue to cling the God’s Holy word and yield to the Lordship of Holy Spirit in our personal lives.

And, we absolutely must continue the preach the word!

We have our orders! Let’s magnify the King!

ID: 82802
Inexhaustible Grace
July 25, 2024

“I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because He judged me faithful, appointing me to His service.”  1 Timothy 1:12 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he expressed his awe, wonder and amazement at the inexhaustible grace and mercy of God in that He saw fit not only to regenerate Paul, but to also find him worthy for appointment to Gospel ministry.

Paul knows his history as a blasphemer and a terrorist who sought to destroy The Way of Christ following.

He stands as a witness to the fact, that no one—and I mean no one— is beyond the grace of God.

Keep praying for your unsaved loved ones!

ID: 82769
It's Them
July 24, 2024

“And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid.”  Mark 5:15 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Mark described the Gadarean demoniac, who said “My name is Legion, for we are many” as living among the tombs, breaking free from shackles and chains, howling in the night and cutting himself with stones.

But Jesus cast the demons out of him. And when the townspeople saw him with Jesus, free, clothed in his right mind… that is when they were afraid.

If you’ve recently been freed by Jesus don’t be surprised if it makes your old friends uncomfortable. It’s not you. It’s them.

ID: 82768
The Father's Love
July 23, 2024

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him."  Luke 15:20 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

When the the Prodigal Son parable is discussed the focus is usually placed on the young son who squandered his inheritance, yet returned home when “he came to himself.” But, if you look closely at the biblical text you will see it actually reveals the inexhaustible love of The Father.

Jesus’ story-telling reveals that this was no usual earthly father. When the young  son squandered all, brought shame upon himself and his family, The Father sees him from a distance, runs to him and restores him. That’s our heavenly Father.

ID: 82767
One Necessary Thing
July 22, 2024

"Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but [only] one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."  Luke 10:41(b)-42 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

After Jesus resurrected their brother, Lazarus, Martha and Mary, hosted a dinner party in their Bethany home. You can imagine the excitement and the buzz that swirled through the town and the number of people who came because the Rabbi had returned.

Martha busied herself with preparations. Mary sat at Jesus’s feet, basking in his teaching.

Life’s demands can easily consume our focus, but one thing is necessary: that we remain at Jesus’ feet, anchored in His word!

ID: 82566
July 19, 2024

“And having sent into Macedonia two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, he himself stayed in Asia for a while.”  Acts 19:22 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

As Apostle Paul navigated torrential ministerial waters in Ephesus, he sent Timothy and Erastus ahead of him as an advance team to Macedonia. Paul also includes Erastus as one who greeted the church at Rome in Romans 16:23 in which Paul described Erastus’ job as the City Treasurer in Corinth.

In 1929, archeologists in Corinth discovered a mid-1st century latin inscription that read “Erastus in return for his aedileship laid the pavement at his own expense.” The modern equivalent of a 1st century aedile would be a City Manager.

The Bible is trustworthy!

ID: 82565
Stay Peculiar
July 18, 2024

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people.”  1 Peter 2:9(a) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

When the the Spirit of God penned those words through Apostle Peter he meant every bit of them. Christ-following is distinct from the world. Christ-followers must look different from the world.

We shouldn’t be surprised then, when the world does not understand us and demonizes our faith. Jesus said, the student is not above the teacher. The world hated Jesus. We mustn’t be surprised when the world hates us.

We are called to be peculiar. Understand it. Embrace it. Get comfortable with it. Get used to it.

We are in the world, but not of the world.

Stay peculiar my friends.

ID: 82564
Preach the Word
July 17, 2024

“The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin, to whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.”  Jeremiah 1:1-2 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Jeremiah descended from a priestly lineage in Judah. He grew up in Anathoth, about 2-4 miles northeast of Jerusalem, where the temple was located. He began ministering prophetically about 627 B.C., during the 13th year of King Josiah’s reign. This is about 5 years before Josiah began Judah’s spiritual reformation.

It is very likely that Josiah’s reformation was influenced by Jeremiah’s preaching.

ID: 82563
Walk With Wise Men
July 16, 2024

“He who walks with wise [men] will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.”  Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The American Enterprise Institute conducted an empirical study to understand the decline of religious faith in America. They concluded,

The data seem to show the main driver of secularization in the United States is government spending on education and control over the curricular content taught in schools.

Why? Because,

Children learn more at school than reading, writing, and arithmetic. They imbibe a whole set of implied assumptions about what’s important in life. Faith in God becomes a sort of optional weekend hobby akin to playing tennis or video games.

And our taxes dollars pay for it.

ID: 82562
Protect Children
July 15, 2024

“Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female.” Matthew 19:4 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The state of Tennessee passed a law to protect its minors from chemical castration and mutilating surgeries in the name of “progress.” The Biden administration sought to prevent the law from taking effect.

Tennessee prevailed over the Biden administration in the lower courts so now the United States Government has appealed the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to fight for the right to irreversibly damage children in its support of transgenderism.

SCOTUS has agreed to take the case and will ultimately decide whether a state can protect it’s children from ideologically driven adults.

ID: 82556
Unscientific American
July 12, 2024

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The editors at Scientific American penned an article calling for more government control and regulation of homeschooling.

They’re “concerned” because the government is losing its monopoly on the minds of other people’s children, as homeschooling explodes all over America. Parents have realized they can do a much better job training their children for a fraction of the cost using only a fraction of the time.

They’ve awakened to the fact that they don’t need to co-parent with the government and that has the totalitarians shaking in their boots.

Homeschoolers aren’t the problem. Government is.

ID: 82555
Interior Language Guide
July 11, 2024

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” Isaiah 5:20(a) (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The United States Department of the Interior published a guide to “inclusive language” that tells bureaucrats to avoid sex specific terms like “husband,” “wife, “son,” and “daughter.”

The 24-page document, called the U.S. Department of the Interior Inclusive Language Guide, published “for official use only,” details the terms bureaucrats should use or avoid.

The guide includes a list of 104 different terms that the Interior recommends replacing with alternate, approved words.

The guide even instructs bureaucrats to refrain from using the term “preferred pronouns” because it implies that “gender identity” is a choice.

Our tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen.

ID: 82554
Columbia Trained
July 10, 2024

“A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:40 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Several Columbia University administrators were caught mocking a panel on antisemitism in a group text-message chat.

The Washington Free Beacon obtained photographs of the text messages showing the administrators,

Responded with mockery and vitriol, dismissing claims of antisemitism and suggesting the Jewish figures on campus were exploiting the moment for ‘fundraising potential.’

It’s not surprising that Columbia University is one of the schools overwhelmed by anti-Israel demonstrations and bigotry. It seems, at a minimum, some of their leaders share similar sentiments. No wonder they weren’t in a hurry to quell the “protests.”

ID: 82553
Shadow Presidency
July 09, 2024

“And I will make boys their princes, and infants shall rule over them.” Isaiah 3:4 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The fall out from the disastrous June 27th debate for Joe Biden has led Democrat elected officials and party loyalists to call for Mr. Biden to exit the presidential race.

The reality, however, is that the American people have now been publicly confronted with the fact that we’ve been subjected to a shadow presidency. The people running the Whitehouse currently were not elected to do so by the American people.

This is has been perpetrated by the entire Democrat party apparatus: the Obamas, The Clintons, Susan Rice, Ron Klein, Anthony Blinken and more.

Changing presidential candidates will not change the corruption.

ID: 82552
Man Pleasing
July 08, 2024

“For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

In this epistle to the gentile Believers in Galatia, Paul presents two notions that are fundamentally incompatible: man-pleasing or living to please the LORD. There is no middle ground.

We will either live to please men and consequently live tossed to an fro, unstable in all of our ways. Or, we will live a lifestyle of worship unto the audience of One and our Christ-centered devotion will be evident in every aspect of our lives.

Choose wisely. Live wisely.

ID: 82481
Ethan Heim
July 05, 2024

“Yes, truth is lacking; And he who turns aside from evil makes himself a prey.” Isaiah 59:15(a) (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Dr. Ethan Haim is a surgeon who worked at the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. While there, he learned that his hospital secretly conducted transgender surgeries and treatments on minors in violation of the law.

He anonymously leaked evidence of the child “sex-change” procedures as the Texas state law criminalized them as child abuse.

Now, Dr. Haim has been indicted by the Department of Justice on four false felony counts. His life saving courage has been decried by the Biden Administration DOJ.

When truth has been rejected, evil is called good, and good is called evil.

ID: 82480
Reserve Currency
July 04, 2024

“The heaven which is over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you, iron.” Psalm 136:1 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Thanks to Biden, Saudi Arabia has announced they will no longer require oil sales to be transacted in U.S. dollars. This arrangement was previously described as the petrodollar agreement.

Utilization of the petrodollar was a major impetus for nations to use U.S. dollars as the world’s reserve currency. Considering the ubiquitous need for oil around the world, it forced nations to purchase significant amounts of U.S. dollars to transact business internationally.

The petrodollar agreement also required the Saudis to purchase U.S. treasuries.

The end of the petrodollar agreement weakens America’s dominance on the world stage.

ID: 82478
Chevron Deferred
July 03, 2024

“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.” Psalm 136:1 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

In 1984, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) adopted a rule that said federal agencies had the authority to determine the law where a congressional statute was “ambiguous.” Courts were required to defer to federal agencies’ construal of the law.

This is what gave unelected, bureaucrat run alphabet agencies expansive power to dictate the law to the American people.

It was always unlawful as our constitution gives the sole authority to make federal law to our Congress. Nevertheless, Chevron deference persisted for 40 years.

But, no more. SCOTUS has now overturned Chevron, striking a massive blow to the administrative state.

ID: 82477
Appalled in Deceit
July 02, 2024

“And I will make boys their princes, and infants shall rule over them.” Isaiah 3:4 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Following Mr. Biden’s disastrous debate performance, scores of Democrat Party operatives and their representatives in the media all seemed to turn on cue to:

  1. Appear shocked, and
  2. Call for Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race.

Many of the same people told us previously that Joe Biden was the best he’s ever been.

They lied. They knew.

The real questions the American people should be asking, however, are:

Who’s been running the White House on a day-by-day basis?

Our enemies around the world saw what every American saw. Who’s our commander in chief right now?

ID: 82476
Appointed Time
July 01, 2024

“And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.”  Acts 17:26 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The scripture teaches that God has sovereignly “determined the boundaries” of our habitation and the “appointed” the times in which we would live.

That means the fact that you live right now in the United States of America, in the 21st Century, following the November 2020 elections is not a mere coincidence. It is the time and place that God has appointed for you. This isn’t a time to shrink back. It’s our moment to contend! May the Remnant arise to meet our moment.

In Jesus’ name.

ID: 82412
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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