The Hamilton Minute is a power packed 60 seconds where we tackle the issues of the day through the lens of God’s Word. You don’t want to miss a moment of it.
And the second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
My Name is Abraham Hamilton III, and this is the Hamilton Minute.
When Queries by the pharisees concerning the greatest commandment, Jesus answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
He then said the second greatest commandment is, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
He didn't simply say love your neighbor. He said Christ followers must love our neighbors as ourselves.
Christian duty requires us to employ discernment and active empathy. We worship our Lord when we put ourselves in one another's shoes as we do live together and resolve misunderstandings.
"The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise.” Proverbs 15:31 (ESV).
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Psalm 46 is a popular Psalm as it includes the text, “Be still, and know that I am God.” This was the conclusion to a Psalm that previously observed,
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
This described what looked like the end of the world. Nevertheless, the Psalmist remained unshaken. He refused to allow present difficulty to cause him to forget God’s past faithfulness.
Virus or no virus, God is our refuge and strength.
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Matthew 19:5 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
With this statement Jesus affirmed what He’d already said in Genesis 1 and 2 and defined marriage for all time. Contrary to the protestations of the nouveau critical theorists, the nuclear family consisting of a married father and mother is not a western sociological prescription or construct.
Marriage did not originate in the west. It’s origin isn’t suburban America.
It started in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden. Marriage is God’s idea. Therefore, He alone defines it. If you don’t like it, your problem is with God… not me.
“He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
When my wife and I first started having children we discouraged our family members from speaking to them in baby talk… you know the gaga-googoo stuff.
The reason was simple. We wanted our children to speak English well. Baby talk would hinder that development.
The same principle applies to spiritual development.
If we want our children to be wise disciples of our LORD we should ask ourselves how much of their time is spent investing in spiritual maturity.
Protracted time in the company of spiritual baby-talkers will inevitably cause harm.
"So the chief Priests made plans to put Lazarus to death as well."
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
After Jesus resurrected Lazarus his and Lazarus’ fame spread. They already planned to kill Jesus. But now, because Lazarus was tangible evidence of Jesus’ resurrection power, the chief priests and Pharisees plotted to kill Lazarus too.
They never worried about Lazarus before. But now, because he is a walking billboard of Christ’s power, they want him dead too.
This, brothers and sisters, is why many come against you. It isn’t personal, but Satanic forces can’t stand your representation of God’s power to transform lives.
That’s why we rejoice when we’re slandered for His namesake. Christ’s power is on display.
"Rejoice with those who rejoice.” Romans 12:15(a).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Michael, a five-year-old boy, showed up at the courthouse in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for an adoption hearing with his foster parents, and he had a crowd of unusual supporters.
Michael's entire kindergarten class sat in the audience behind him waving big red hearts mounted on wooden sticks to show their support.
The kindergartners offered the most touching answers, standing up and telling the court, "I love Michael" or "Michael's my best friend.”
Michael's new father and mother have been married for nearly 10 years, and he'd been living with them as a foster child for more than year.
Adoption truly is at the heart of the Gospel.
"By mercy and truth iniquity is purged; and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.” Proverbs 16:6 (KJV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton III and this is the Hamilton Minute.
We live in a day when churches are filled with people ready to hear and receive God’s mercy. Unfortunately, however, it is often accompanied by a de-emphasis or concealment of the truth of God’s Word.
Paul, the salvation-by-grace-through-faith Apostle, was asked if salvation is solely a product of grace what benefit then does the law provide. Paul responded, “Without the law, I wouldn’t have known God’s righteous standard and how far away from it I was.”
Any presentation of God’s mercy absent of God’s truth is no Gospel at all.
Iniquity is purged by mercy and truth.
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
A friend of mine who pastors in Nigeria once said to me “ya know, America has sent more missionaries into the world than any other nation before it. But the nation that once sent missionaries has now become the mission field.”
As you consider the calling God has for you, I just want to remind you that just as other nations need missionaries we need missionaries in America too.
There are a lot of neighborhoods right here in our country that desperately need evangelism and discipleship. Let’s not forget them.
"Having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Today some professing Christians assert that Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Intersectionality are helpful tools for the Church. These people have an appearance of godliness, but their assertions deny the sufficiency of God’s Word to guide the Church in living out the reconciliation Jesus secured for us on the cross.
Make no mistake, as Paul told Timothy, the God-breathed Scripture is sufficient for teaching, for correction, for training in righteousness.
Those who have an appearance of godliness, but deny the power of God’s Word for doctrine and practice must be identified and avoided.
“She took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.” Genesis 3:6(b) (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Genesis 3 records for us the cataclysmic rebellion against God in the Garden of Eden. The entire episode, Eve’s entertainment of the sensual lies of the talking snake, the deceptive twisting of God’s word, all of it transpired with Adam standing right there.
Adam was the one to whom God entrusted his word to originally, Adam was the one God charged with cultivating and protecting the garden and his wife.
Yet he stood there silent.
Men, let us not repeat Adam’s sin of present absence.
Stand on God’s word and defend your gardens!
“The Lord hates a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil.” Proverbs 6:18 (NASB95).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Horrendous accounts of Hamas using rape of Israeli women as a war weapon are being reported along with corroborating video evidence of these barbaric terrorists committing these vile, evil acts. Could this be why Hamas ended the ceasefire?
U.S. State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said,
The fact that they continue to hold women hostages… it seems one of the reasons they don’t want to turn women over they’ve been holding hostage, and the reason this pause fell apart, is they don’t want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody.
“The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 2:2-3 (NASB95).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Just before his execution, Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy by the Spirit of God to seek out faithful men, who would be able to teach others, and pour into them all he’d received from the incarcerated Apostle. He then exhorted Timothy to anticipate times of hardship and to press forward with Jesus commission to make disciples nonetheless.
Jesus warned that hard times would come. We must press forward in obedience even while suffering hardship.
“For this reason a man shall leave his Father and Mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Matthew 19:5 (NASB95).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
It’s often repeated that 50% of marriages end in divorce. However, that statistic is not based on hard data and it doesn’t apply at all to committed Christians who marry.
Over 70% of married, Bible-believing Christians, who are active in their local churches have never divorced.
Though the rate of divorce is still too high, it isn’t nearly as high as the world would have you believe.
Simply put, marriages comprised of a husband and wife who place their faith in Christ Jesus for salvation individually usually remain in tact and thrive.
“Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14(b) (NASB95).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
A new rule in the Biden Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families would impose the idea that any lack of “affirmation” of a child’s professed sexual orientation or gender identity constitutes a form of child abuse to foster care placements.
If it takes root, child protective services agencies will likely apply the rule broadly.
This is the latest iteration of the Biden Administration doing everything in its power to force sexual rebellion and what the scriptures decry as abominable upon the American people.
It’s truly despicable.
“But bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4(b) (NASB95).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
According to the Washington Post, homeschooling is now America’s fastest growing educational form and it continues to explode in popularity long after pandemic-era remote learned has ended.
Its surging growth crosses every measurable line of politics, geography, and demographics. Data from 32 states and the District of Columbia represent more than 60% of school-age children.
WaPo’s analysis doesn’t include data from 11 states, including Texas, Michigan Connecticut, and Illinois, as families aren’t required to inform those state governments when they decide to homeschool.
Nevertheless, available data shows homeschooling is now a mainstay in American education. It’s an option families are choosing.
"I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” John 17:14 (NASB95).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Democratic strategist James Carville took a swipe at House Speaker Mike Johnson and in so doing revealed what he and others like him really believe about Christians. He said,
Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States. This is a bigger threat than al-Qaeda to this country… They don’t believe in the constitution… They’re funded. They’re relentless.
Carville and his ilk believe Christ-followers are a greater than threat than foreign terrorists whom murdered over 3,000 Americans…???
Loving your neighbor as yourself is threatening… I guess…
"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
A generation has been taught they descend from animals, that there is no God.
They’ve been taught they are nothing more than a cosmic accident, they have no purpose and life has no meaning.
Life’s meaninglessness has been punctuated for them by the 60 million children who’ve been slaughtered in the womb… and counting.
But society is shocked when they act out exactly as they’ve been taught… like animals with no conscience.
Respect for human life begins with respect for the Life-Giver.
America needs repentance!
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Buzz Aldrin is the famed astronaut who planted the American flag on the moon and explored it for some 21 hours.
What many don’t know, however, is what Mr. Aldrin did to commemorate the moon landing.
Aldrin, a committed Christian and Elder in his local church, marked the incredible occasion by celebrating Holy Communion. This first meal ever eaten on the moon was a celebration of the LORD’s table, a lunar declaration that Jesus Christ is our LORD, Savior, and soon coming King.
“Jesus answered him, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word.” 14:23(a) (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
We live an era currently where spirituality is en vogue. Christ following is not.
Some, even claim to love Jesus while simultaneously rebelling against His word and encouraging others to rebel similarly.
But, Jesus said it himself: “if you love me you will obey me. Whoever does not love me does not obey my words.”
Make no mistake about it, to love Jesus is to obey Him. You cannot love Jesus and disobey Him.
If you are living in rebellion against Jesus’ word, you are not following Jesus as He’s revealed Himself in scripture. You’re following a god you’ve created.