The Hamilton Minute

The Hamilton Minute is a power packed 60 seconds where we tackle the issues of the day through the lens of God’s Word. You don’t want to miss a moment of it.

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Pilgrim's Progress
April 16, 2019

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”  Proverbs 28:1 (KJV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

For the first time in history, John Bunyan’s epic masterpiece, The Pilgrim’s Progress, hits the big screen!

Journey with Christian as he travels from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Experience the friends and foes he meets along the way and the ultimate choice he will have to make to reach the King.

The Pilgrim's Progress is the one movie you don’t want your children and grandchildren to miss.

It’s in theaters for two days only, April 18th and April 20th. Tickets are available at https://www.pilgrims.movie/.

ID: 25400
Bibi Wins
April 15, 2019

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! ‘May they be secure who love you!’” Psalm 122:6 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party won a hard-fought victory over Benny Gantz’ rival Blue and White Party after a bruising election.

In Israel, you don’t vote for individuals per se, but you vote for parties.

When the election dust settled, Netanyahu’s Likud Party, as well other parties on Israel’s political right, had the only path to a majority of the 120 available seats in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset.

This will be a record 5th term Netanyahu will serve as the Israeli Prime Minister, longer than any other Prime Minister in Israel’s history.

ID: 25398
Be Transformed
April 12, 2019

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Paul’s epistle to the Romans was written to believers. This verse highlights the fact that it’s possible for Christians to be conformed to the world’s ways.

The word “conformed” there means to be squeezed into the mold of another. Rather than to be squeezed into the world’s mold, the Lord requires us to be transformed by having our minds renewed by God’s Word.

Everything about us must be held up to the light of Scripture. And whenever there’s any discrepancy, we must be transformed.

ID: 14626
Inalienable Rights
April 10, 2019

“Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.”  Psalm 119:89

This is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The American Republic was founded on the principle that rights are given to us by God, not men.

As a result, men nor government can take them away.  That’s why our Declaration of Independence refers to them as “inalienable rights.”

Government’s role then is to protect the rights that God has given to us.

The first freedom listed in the Bill of Rights, which government is entrusted to protect is religious liberty.

The founders did this because they knew that free exercise of religion is the fulcrum for all liberty.

Wherever the flame of religious liberty is extinguished, all liberty is imperiled.

ID: 14926
An Ordinary Giant Slayer
April 09, 2019

David, the son of Jesse, was just an ordinary giant slayer.

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

David’s battle with Goliath is an epic drama where the little boy stands in God’s power to conquer the Philistine giant.

David didn’t awaken that morning expecting to slay a giant. He didn’t stroll in with an entourage after a rugged mountain range training camp like Rocky in Rocky IV. He was just a regular kid bringing his brothers’ lunch. But fully confident in God’s immeasurable power, though he saw Goliath, David never acknowledged him as a giant, saying, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who dares defy the Lord of hosts?”

When regular people are fully persuaded, fully confident in God’s power, giant’s fall.

ID: 17830
Bold Borowicz
April 05, 2019

“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”  Proverbs 28:1 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

State Representative Stephanie Borowicz offered an opening prayer in the Pennsylvania General Assembly where she invoked the name of Jesus 13 times, said “God” 6 times, and “LORD” 4 times.  She cried out “Jesus, you are our only hope,” and declared “every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is LORD.”

Unsurprisingly, she was excoriated soon after her prayer, with many detractors describing it as “mean-spirited,” “intolerant,” and “Islamophobic.”

Yet, Representative Borowicz remains unfazed.

May our LORD expand the ranks of our national servant leaders who boldly cry out to Him.

ID: 25215
Lie Foxx
April 04, 2019

“A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is his delight.”  Proverbs 11:1 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

After his staged hate crime hoax revelation, actor Jussie Smollett was indicted by a Cook County grand jury for 16 felony charges related to the false allegations.

The Chicago Police Department’s thorough investigation provided the evidence for Smollett’s criminality.

Initially, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx announced she “recused” herself from the case due to her close interactions with members of the Smollett family.

After his indictment, Foxx’s office dismissed all of the charges.

While defending the dismissals, Foxx said she never “formally recused” herself.

Chicago justice is a strange thing, isn’t it?

ID: 25211
April 03, 2019

“For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words…”  Luke 9:26(a) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Jannique Stewart, a pro-life speaker with Life Training Institute, was invited to speak at an abortion debate at Cornell University but she was disinvited when the organizers realized she believed in the Biblical teachings on sexuality and marriage.

After Cornell University extended the invitation and Jannique Stewart accepted, she later received a phone call from the university saying the were rescinding the invitation specifically because she was outspoken about: 1) sexual activity being reserved for marriage and 2) God defined natural marriage as the union between one man and one woman.

Her belief in the word of Christ got her disinvited.

ID: 25209
Criminal Coup
April 02, 2019

“Why will you continue to rebel? The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.”  Isaiah 1:5(b) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

In a September 2, 2016 text message exchange, Peter Strzok asked Lisa Page whether she prepared “talking points” for then FBI Director James Comey.

Page responded, “Yes, because POTUS wants to know everything we are doing.”

The POTUS in September 2016 was Barack Obama.  This message indicates that Obama was intimately involved with the “insurance policy” Russian collusion sham “investigation” that started with political opposition research paid for by the FBI, the DNC, and the Clinton campaign.

It looks like this criminal coup attempt reaches all the way to the 44th President of the United States.

ID: 25204
Down goes Dees
April 01, 2019

“So they hanged Haman on the gallows which he had prepared for Mordecai.”  Esther 7:10(a) (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
The top three people at the Southern Poverty Law Center are no longer employed there.  Its founder, Morris Dees, was ousted amid a staff revolt over the mistreatment of ethnic minorities and female staffers.
Dees is the target of multiple reports of sexual harassment and racial bias and that his behavior led to a culture of racism and sexual harassment at the SPLC.
They got rich accusing others of hate when in reality, the SPLC has been the hate group the whole time.
Whenever they announced a new hate list they were merely projecting their own image.

ID: 25186
Nigerian Cry
March 29, 2019

“Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered.”  Proverbs 21:13 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

In recent weeks much of the media attention has rightly focused on the horrific terrorist attack on two Muslim mosques in New Zealand.

Noticeably absent, however, was any reporting in the legacy media concerning the genocide of Christians that is currently taking place at the hands of Muslims in Nigeria.

Over 130 Christians have been killed by Muslims in Nigeria since February of this year.  Over 60,000 Christians have been killed by Muslims in Nigeria since 2001.

Why won’t the media report on this!?!?!?!?

By refusing to expose this evil, the media shows its complicity.

ID: 25116
$120 Billion
March 28, 2019

“Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it.”  Proverbs 21:20 (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

According to Central American banking data many illegal border crossers sent a record amount of money home in 2018, brining the total to $120 billion since 2009.

Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador report natives of those nations now in the United States sent over $17 billion home in 2018 alone.

These migrant “remittances” are a huge part of the economy for those three nations, reaching over 20% in El Salvador and Honduras.

Could that be why those countries don’t fight too hard to keep their citizens from entering America illegally?

By refusing to expose this evil, the media shows its complicity.

ID: 25114
March 27, 2019

“A false witness will not go unpunished.”  Proverbs 19:9(a) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

After she was busted for passing questions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign prior to a town hall debate, and being fired from CNN for doing so, Fox News has now hired former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile.

I have no problem with Fox hiring pundits with varying opinions and political backgrounds.  In fact, I think it’s healthy for them to do so.

But, hiring a proven liar and political hack that has publicly demonstrated a willingness to cheat, destroys Fox’s credibility as a network.

Brazile was deemed a pariah and unfit for CNN, but Fox seems to think she’s just right their network’s new direction.


ID: 25112
Trump Vindicated
March 26, 2019

“You will know the truth.”  John 8:32(a) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

After 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and other professional staff, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 230 orders for communication records, 50 orders for pen registers, 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, interviewing 500 witnesses and spending $25.2 million, Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s investigation is finally over.

The conclusion: no collusion.  And the Department of Justice also concluded that there is no evidence of obstruction of justice on the part of the President.

The Russian collusion hoax witch-hunt is over.

ID: 25110
Triumphant Tani
March 25, 2019

“To give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”  Isaiah 61:3(a) (KJV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

An eight year old Nigerian refugee is now the New York State chess champion for his age bracket.

Tanitoluwa Adewumi, who goes by Tani, placed first in the New York State Scholastic Championships, beating out competitors from elite private schools.

Incredibly, Tani only began learning chess about a year ago after his family fled northern Nigeria to escape Islamic attacks on Christians.

His instructors saw Tani was a once in a generation talent and wants to be the youngest grandmaster.


ID: 25077
Aunt Becky Lies
March 22, 2019

“Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.”  Psalm34:13(b) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Actresses Felicity Huffman, best known for her role on “Desperate Housewives,” and Lori Loughlin, Aunt Becky from “Full House,” are among 50 people charged in a scam to secure their children’s admission into elite universities through bribery and other forms of fraud.

The scheme included wealthy people donating millions of dollars to a sham non-profit organization that bribed officials, falsified standardized tests, and even created false athletic profiles with photoshopped images to ensure admission to some of America’s top schools.

These people had no qualms about using their money and influence to teach their children to cheat.

ID: 24020
Judicial Intentions
March 21, 2019

“For he knows the secrets of the heart.”  Psalm 44:21(b) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

In an opinion where the inclusion of a question about “citizenship” on the 2020 census was deemed unconstitutional, District Court Judge Richard Seeborg admitted his true concern.

He said the citizenship question on the census, which literally seeks accurate information about citizenship, would “cause a significant undercount of immigrants and Latinos that could distort the distribution of congressional seats.”

He admitted it.  The U.S. census is used to determine an accurate number of congressional seats and electoral votes.  States with large numbers of illegal aliens risk losing congressional representation and influence on presidential elections if the illegal aliens are not included in the census.

ID: 24017
Omar's Triumph
March 20, 2019

“They not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”  Romans 1:32(b) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Newly elected Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has repeatedly uttered anti-Semitic tropes.

The House of Representatives initially considered condemning her anti-Semitism publicly.  But, ended up passing a worthless broad rebuke of hatred in all forms that failed to mention Omar by name.

During the Obama presidency, the talking snake media protected him from rightly being described as a Marxist by cloaking him in the protective shield of “racism.”

Today, the media is doing the same thing for Omar, protecting her from rightly being described as an anti-Semite by cloaking her in the Islamophobia shield.

ID: 24023
Crazy Cali
March 19, 2019

“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”  2 Timothy 3:13 (KJV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

California state assemblyman Jesse Gabriel has proposed a bill that would force every public or private school to place the phone number of a Planned Parenthood or similar place on student I.D.’s.

AB 624 would take effect July 1, 2020 and require that schools place on every I.D. for grades 7-12 a sexual assault hotline, a domestic violence hotline, and a “sexual or reproductive health” hotline.

“Reproductive health” is the phrase baby murder proponents use to cloak the barbarism.

Why is California so committed to forcing its citizens to become spokespersons for abortion?

ID: 24014
12 Objectors
March 18, 2019

“And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”  Matthew 15:14(b) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

12 Republican Senators joined the Democrat caucus to vote against President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the southern border in an effort to fulfill his promise to build a wall.

Interestingly, the 12 GOP Senators all employed some form of argument that suggested that the emergency declaration somehow violated the constitutional separation of powers principle.

But, the President’s declaration squares with the National Emergencies Act of 1976… which was passed by Congress.

That’s why arguments about the constitutionality of the actions are disingenuous.  If Congress doesn’t like the actions it has the power to repeal the law.

ID: 23997
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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