The Hamilton Minute

The Hamilton Minute is a power packed 60 seconds where we tackle the issues of the day through the lens of God’s Word. You don’t want to miss a moment of it.

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Pray and Instruct
March 30, 2023

“Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way.” 1 Samuel 12:23 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

When the Israelites finally grasped the gravity of what they’d done in demanding a “king to judge us like all the nations,” they asked Samuel to pray for them that they “may not die” (1 Samuel 8:5; 12:19). Samuel agreed to both pray and instruct them in righteousness.

Christ-followers shouldn’t allow people to manipulate us into co-signing wickedness by saying, “just pray for me.”

We will certainly pray AND speak the truth in love.

ID: 76324
Ubiquitous Delusion
March 29, 2023

“They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, 'Peace, peace,' But there is no peace.” Jeremiah 6:14 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Tragedy struck The Covenant School in Nashville, TN when a woman, confused about her own identity, entered the school and murdered six people, three of whom were children.

Initial reports concealed the murderer’s confusion. Later reports identified the killer as transgendered, a woman who presented herself as a man. Then, almost immediately, the next comments were… “but there is no evidence of mental health issues…”

A woman says she’s a man… but everything’s fine.

Deviancy-idolatry requires truth be sacrificed, even in the face of tragedy.

May our LORD comfort the bereaved families in TN.

ID: 76319
Still Preach the Word
March 28, 2023

“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.”  2 Timothy 4:2 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

As Paul was incarcerated, facing imminent execution by Nero, he told Timothy perilous times were coming. Evil men and seducers would wax worse and worse.

But, he instructed Timothy to continue in what he knew to be true.

Then, he emphatically stated, “preach the word!”

As darkness mounts and wickedness increases, you and I must continue to cling the God’s Holy word and yield to the Lordship of Holy Spirit in our personal lives.

And, we absolutely must continue the preach the word!

We have our orders! Let’s magnify the King!

ID: 75952
Complimentary Genesis
March 28, 2023

“Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that is in you.”

Many who oppose Christianity target their hostility on our foundation, the Bible. They say it is unreliable because Genesis one and Genesis two are contradictory accounts of the creation story.

In actuality, the two chapters are complimentary and not contradictory.

When Jesus was asked about marriage, He quoted from both chapters one and two, saying that He made them both to be male and female in the beginning. "And for this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife."

Genesis one is an overview of the creation story and Genesis two is an up close examination of day six. If Jesus relies on them both, so can we.

ID: 76281
Government is not our God
March 27, 2023

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

My name is Abraham Hamilton III, and this is the Hamilton Minute.

What is the proper role of government?

Romans chapter 13 outlines government's function, and it is basically this: to restrain or punish wickedness and to reward righteousness.

Government was never intended to be our savior.  Government is our servant.

As we focus on our civil occupations and our civic engagement responsibilities, let us never forget that government is not our God.  We don't put our trust in it.  We put our trust in our Christ.

As a result, what we want is a government that stays out of our way and leaves room for our church to do our business of fulfilling the great commission.

ID: 76282
Fond-a Murder
March 24, 2023

“You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Jane Fonda made an appearance on that beacon of intellectual rigor, The View. During her appearance, Fonda decried the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Joy Behar then asked Fonda “besides marching and protesting” what else can be done to fight back against Roe’s reversal.

Fonda said, “well… murder.” Initially it seemed her response went somewhat un-noticed by the panel. But when asked to repeat her answer Fonda said simply, “Murder.”

It’s unsurprising that people who want to “fight” for the right to kill people inside of the womb, see killing people outside of the womb as an appropriate solution to advance their political cause.

ID: 76220
Capitol Illegality
March 23, 2023

“You shall build a house, but you will not live in it; you shall plant a vineyard, but you will not use its fruit.” Deuteronomy 28:30(b) (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The capital city of the United States of America has now joined jurisdictions in at least five states across the country in allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections.

Five states allow noncitizen voting in local elections for municipal offices or school board. Those states are California, Illinois, Maryland, New York and Vermont. Now, D.C. joins them.

When foreign nationals who have no stake in our nation’s future are allowed to vote, it undermines the importance of citizenship.

It’s almost as if that’s the true goal.

ID: 76219
$130,000 Per Day
March 22, 2023

“And he who earns, earns wages to put into a purse with holes.” Haggai 1:6(b)(NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The U.S. Army Core of Engineers has informed the Senate Armed Services Committee that the cancelation of former President Trump’s border wall contracts by the Biden Administration “left a variety of excess materials” and the “total costs to store, maintain, and secure all the materials across all sites is estimated to be approximately $130,000 per day.”

Yep, you heard that right. The Department of Defense is spending $130,000 a day on border wall materials that are sitting in storage.

Yet, the American people are forced to bear the brunt of this record high immigration invasion.

ID: 76217
Clueless Kamala
March 21, 2023

“Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Proverbs 1:22 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Current occupant of the Vice-President’s mansion, Kamala Harris, was invited onto Stephen Colbert’s floundering late night television show. I’m sure you weren’t one of the 12 people who saw it.

But, Colbert asked Ms. Harris what specifically her job was. After providing a word salad celebrating Joe Biden’s job performance… right… Colbert responded “… uh, the question was, what’s the job of the vice president…”

Harris’ 2nd non-answer follow up showed she seems to have no idea what her job duties really are.

For many, this is further evidence that she and Mr. Biden are merely frontmen… so who’s really running the country?

ID: 76215
The Source of America's Greatness
March 20, 2023

What is the source of America's greatness? Alexis de Tocqueville, a 19th century French political thinker and philosopher, had this exact same question.

This is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

On the heels of the French Revolution, he came to America in 1831 to investigate America's ascendency. In doing so, he found that America's greatness did not lie in her economic system. It did not lie in her banking system. Nor did it lie in her educational system.

He found that America's pulpits, aflamed with righteousness, was the source of America's greatness. He opined that America is great because she is good, but when America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.

Let us pray for restoration of the flame of righteousness in our pulpits.

ID: 76156
Principles Matter
March 17, 2023

What would it take for you to compromise your principles?

My name is Abraham Hamilton III and this is the Hamilton Minute.

Recently I heard a statement that went like this, “I don’t think principles matter if you can’t get elected.”

Principles form the core of who you are.  Principles form the foundation of a civil society.

George Washington in his farewell address identified religion and morality as indispensable supports.

“In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness,” George Washington said.

It makes me think of a scripture.  “What would it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul?”

What would it profit a man to gain an election yet lose his principles?

ID: 76155
Mayflower Angela
March 16, 2023

“But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.” Hebrews 11:6(a) (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Angela Davis, self-avowed Marxist feminist and former Vice-presidential candidate as a member of the Communist Party USA, was visibly shocked when she learned that she was a descendant of pilgrims on the Mayflower.

Davis appeared as a guest on the PBS series “Finding Your Roots,” hosted by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Davis also learned that she’s also a descendant of a slave owner.

These revelations are worldview crushing for a person who’s made a career of segmenting the American population into oppressed and oppressor categories… when she hails from both.

ID: 76079
Proper Announcement
March 15, 2023

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him.” Hebrews 11:6(a) (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

After receiving letters from more than 20 Republican attorneys general threatening legal action, Walgreens, the second largest pharmaceutical chain in America, has announced that it will not dispense abortion inducing drugs either by mail or in their physical stores in 21 states.

Those states are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.

Hopefully, Walgreens’ announcement will stir CVS, Walmart, Costco and others to follow suit. With Roe’s reversal, the battle ground to protect the unborn has largely moved to the pharmacy.

ID: 76077
Chemical Era
March 14, 2023

"You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13 (NASB95).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, the majority of babies killed in the womb have been murdered by chemical abortions since 2020. Most advocates for the sanctity of human life are familiar with surgical abortions performed by doctors in murder mills. But, since 2020, most abortions are carried out by pregnant mothers ingesting lethal drugs like mifepristone and misoprostol.

Populace education played a pivotal role in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey being overturned. It also played a huge role in moving people to embrace the sanctity of human life. In this post-Roe environment its important for people to understand we’ve entered the chemical abortion era.

ID: 76076
Groomers' Goal
March 13, 2023

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Gallup has released an extensive social survey showing the ultimate sexual perversion groomers’ goal. According to the survey, Gen Z adults, those born between 1997 and 2004, have embraced alternative lifestyles more readily than any other demographic — double the rate of Millennials and seven times more than the Baby Boomer generation.

That, is not merely a casual occurrence. It’s the objective. This is the aim of Drag queen story hours and sexualizing children at schools.

ID: 76043
Fictional Saraswati
March 10, 2023

“Perhaps my father will feel me, then I will be as a deceiver in his sight, and I will bring upon myself a curse and not a blessing.” Genesis 27:12 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

The American Friends Service Committee thought they’d landed a gem of a hire for their regressive social justice program when they landed the queer, Muslim, Latina Raquel Evita Saraswati as their new chief equity, inclusion, and culture officer.

There’s only one problem… her name is actually Rachel Elizabeth Seidel. Her mother, Carol Perone, said

I call her Rachel. I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing… She’s chosen to live a lie, and I find that very, very sad.

Rachel Seidel is British, German and Italian.

ID: 76041
McCullough Vindicated
March 09, 2023

“Do not fret because of evildoers.” Psalm 37:1(a) (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

A Texas district court judge vindicated Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and outspoken Schmovid injection critic, by dismissing a lawsuit filed against him by the Baylor Scott and White Health System that formerly employed him.

The health system sued Dr. McCullough, dubbed a “prominent purveyor of misinformation by his detractors, for allegedly violating a separation agreement and bringing the Baylor Scott and White Health name into the media in a negative light due largely to bold criticism of the mRNA injections. They accused Dr. McCullough of causing them “reputational harm.”

Well, Dr. McCullough got the last laugh as the judge through this frivolous suit out of court.

ID: 76040
Guidance in Judgement
March 08, 2023

"Now these are the words of the letter which Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the rest of the elders of the exile, the priests, the prophets and all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon.” Jeremiah 29:1 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the most quoted verses in scripture, albeit usually out of context and misunderstood.

Something that is often missed is that it is one sentence from an entire letter God sent to exiled Jews in Babylon. What should be noted here is that even in the midst of judgment, God still provided guidance and instruction to His people ,anticipating their return to Him.

ID: 76039
World Government Summit
March 07, 2023

"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders.” Isaiah 9:6(a) (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Elon Musk was invited to give an address at the World Government Summit hosted in Dubai. Musk did so via remote signal and in so-doing protested against the formation a single government for the entire world.

He explained that civilizations have risen and fallen throughout history, but that has never “meant the doom of humanity as a whole because there’ve been all these separate civilizations that were separated by great distances.”

The only global government Christians should looked to is Christ’s reign when he returns.

ID: 75959
March 06, 2023

“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Alicia Messing, an Arizona teacher, testified before the Arizona Senate Education Committee to protest SB 1700 which would amend the state’s existing education laws to give parents the right to review and remove inappropriate books from libraries and classrooms.

During her testimony Messing said,

I have a Master’s degree. What do parents have? … We must remember that the purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want their children to be taught; it is to teach them what society needs them to be taught.

According to Messing, teachers trump parents.

ID: 75957
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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