The Middle East Report

The Middle East Report

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Jew Hatred is Rising, a Nation In Free Fall
May 25, 2024

Jew Hatred is rising, we can not remain silent! We must stand with the Jewish people and Israel! We are a nation in Free Fall, but there is hope! Lamb and Lion Ministries invites you to 2024 June 14th-15th conference, A Nation in Free Fall. Speakers include Mike Huckaby, Jack Hibbs and many others.

ID: 81994
Middle East Report May 24th, 2024 Connect to Israel, Make a Difference!
May 24, 2024

You want to bless Jewish people in Israel, but what ministry can you trust? FIRM, the Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries will help you connect to over 60 ministries in Israel that you can trust.

ID: 81992
Middle East Report May 17th 2024 The War in Israel, What it Means for You
May 16, 2024

Seregy Brosov, a native Israeli discusses the War and its implications for the USA.

ID: 81877
Bidens Position; Support Hamas, Betray Israel
May 11, 2024

Israeli prime minister Benjamín Netanyahu was quoted as saying; if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone” .Brig. I spoke to General Amir Avivi, founder of the Israel Defense Security Forum. General Avivi has held senior roles in the IDF including deputy commander of the Gaza division.

ID: 81819
Israel Prime Minister; " If We Have to Stand Alone, We Will". Biden Betrays Israel!
May 11, 2024

Israeli prime minister Benjamín Netanyahu was quoted as saying; if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone” .Brig. I spoke to General Amir Avivi, founder of the Israel Defense Security Forum. General Avivi has held senior roles in the IDF including deputy commander of the Gaza division.

ID: 81820
Middle East Report: Biden Betrays Israel!
May 10, 2024

Israeli prime minister Benjamín Netanyahu was quoted as saying" if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone” and if necessary, we will fight with our finger nails” . Biden has betrayed Israel. I interviewed Brig. General Amir Avivi, founder of the Israel Defense Forum. General Avivi has held senior roles in the IDF including deputy commander of the Gaza division.

ID: 81818
Its Not Just the War in Gaza! Israel is at War in the North.
May 02, 2024

Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Zehavi is the founder of Alma, a research and education organization tracking security challenges, especially the Hezbollah terrorist army. Hezbollah has over 200 thousand rockets designed to destroy Israel!

ID: 81690
Hezbollah Has Plans to Take over Northern Israel. The War is Going on Now!
May 02, 2024

Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Zehavi is the founder of Alma, a research and education organization tracking security challenges, especially the Hezbollah terrorist army. Hezbollah has over 200 thousand rockets designed to destroy Israel. Hezbollah has one goal, to destroy all of Israel. Sarit says everyone needs to understand that Hezbollah is more then just a terrorist army, they fully engaged in the Lebanese government and society.

ID: 81691
Israel is at War with Iran in the North through Hezbollah. The War is not just in Gaza!
May 02, 2024

Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Zehavi who is the founder of Alma, a research and education organization tracking security challenges, especially the Hezbollah terrorist army. Iran had a unification a plan of destruction starting with the October 7th massacre in Israel.

ID: 81692
Middle East Report May 2nd 2024: Israel is at War with Hezbollah the North!
May 02, 2024

Hezbollah is firing dozens of rockets into northern Israel each week. Plus, over 200 thousand rockets are pointed at Israel.  Lieutenant Colonel Sarit Zehavi is founder of Alma, a research and education organization tracking security challenges, especially the Hezbollah terrorist army. Find out the truth of what's happening in Israel!

ID: 81693
Middle East Report: Israel the Miracle!
April 24, 2024

Israel the Miracle is a stunning book that celebrates the miracle of the Jewish people returning to the land of Israel. My personal story is in the book along with dozens of other leaders from across the nation and world.

ID: 81522
Israel the Miracle! Transport Yourself to Israel Now!
April 19, 2024

Israel the Miracle a stunning book that celebrates the miracle of the Jewish people returning to the land of Israel. The beautiful pictures and powerful essays from 75 Christian leaders across from the world will bring you closer to the Jewish people and the land Israel.

ID: 81423
Special Report: Iran Attacks Israel, What Happens Next?
April 19, 2024

The Iranian attack was the largest single attack using missiles and drones on a country at one time in history. Over 320 missiles and Drones fired at Israel containing thousands of pounds of explosives, meant to kill innocent people and destroy to destroy the Jewish state.

ID: 81521
Israel the Miracle is a Brand New Book. Read My Personal Story in the Book!
April 17, 2024

Israel the Miracle is a stunning book that celebrates the miracle of the Jewish people returning to the land of Israel. My personal story is in the book along with dozens of other leaders from across the nation and world.

ID: 81424
Iranians are Risking Their Lives for the Gospel! The Church is Alive in Iran.
April 13, 2024

Transform Iran is preaching the gospel, planting churches, discipling believers, developing leaders and transforming a nation through the Gospel. Miracle Stories from Iran.

ID: 81422
Iranians are Surrendering to Jesus, the Church is Alive in Iran!
April 12, 2024

Iran is one of the world’s most hostile countries to the gospel – yet the church grows rapidly. Transform Iran reaches the lost, disciples converts and develops nation-transforming leaders.

ID: 81421
Force Israel Into a Two State Solution. This is the Only Solution Right?
April 11, 2024

Everyone knows it sin the best interest of Israel to create two states in Israel. This will bring peace, right? The Israel Guys give you the facts. Don't Miss the Israel Summit, May 20-22 in Nashville, TN.

ID: 81297
Peace in Israel Only Comes By Giving Away More Land, Right?
April 11, 2024

The Israel guys are encouraging everyone to stand with Israel during one of the most challenging times in the history of the Jewish people. They are inviting you to be a part of the Israel Summit In Nashville TN May 20-22.

ID: 81298
Middle East Report April 12th, 2024
April 11, 2024

Find out out how Transform Iran is bringing the love and power of Christ to Iran – and beyond! Muslims seeing visions and surrendering hearts to Jesus.

ID: 81420
Middle East Report April 4th, 2024
April 04, 2024

I spoke to Josh Waller, one of the Israel Guys. He lives in Israel with his Family. We spoke about the current War and a huge Israel Summit May 20-22. Don't miss this summit!

ID: 81274
MAY 20, 2022
AFR Public Files
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